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Similarity & Review


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Compared to VS. Not a review!

Similarity Scale

Percentage of possible points earned scored -1 to 1 in tenths in 60 categories

Genre Controls Modes Progress Builds Stages Content Aesthetic Vibe

929 Search Results

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Halls of Torment

EA Free Available

An action RPG inspired survivors-like commonly recommended if you like things a little more slower and challenging or just isometric with a Diablo 1 vibe. Feels more like VS when you enable Auto-Aim and Auto-Attack, but you might enjoy more control. The quick toggle option is appreciated. Crazy amount going on for Early Access. Darker vibe may appeal to you. This is one of the most popular and highly regarded titles on the list and I agree with that prestige.

Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Content Rich Dungeon Crawler Enemy Hell Hack and Slash Horde Survival Mowing Game Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Shooter Wave Survival
9.3 Combined Ranking Score
2/72 Ranking Position
1526/1600 Total Points
9.6 Final Review
96% Steam
9.8 Scale
9.3 Vibes
16395 Steam Reviews
387/400 Review Points
9.0 Similarity Score
95% Diagnosis:
1139/1200 Comparison Points
98% Genre 7.7/8 genre
94% Simple Controls 6.2/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
90% Buildcrafting Depth 4/5 build
93% Stage Features 6/7 stage
94% Content Breadth 8/9 stuff
94% Aesthetics 5.3/6 style
99% Gameplay Vibe Check 9.7/10 vibe vibe

Halls of Torment Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 11.3

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/23/2023

imp-from_halls-of-torment.gifAn excellent choice to scratch your Vampire Survivors itch. This one is very inspired by oldschool Diablo 1 feel from graphics to enemy types and attacks. Great enemy patterns/AI, kind of beautiful sometimes to watch them move. Has options for Auto Aim and Auto Attack. Quick Toggle available at all times means it still gets high scores in those columns.

archer-from_halls-of-torment.gifThere is a prelude so you can try it out and see if you like the more downtempo vibe. I can see how some people complain about the graphics, but it's pure nostalgia for me! It's a great game, but I'm personally often looking for something a little more over the top and upbeat in this genre, which explains my lower playtime vs. some others.

skeleton-from_halls-of-torment.gifI should write more on this at some point, it's one of the better games on the list, but I imagine it being up so far and already popular most people already know that. Like a few other games the detail of notes suffers because I played most of my time in it before I was making notes and they are already on my list to play a lot more of. That's generally a good sign, but I intend to revise the notes later.

Halls of Torment Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

9.0 Similarity Score
95% Diagnosis:
1139/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.9/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.8/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.8/1
Move Only 0.8/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 0.8/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 0.8/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 0.5/1
Fun Writing 0.8/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 0.7/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 1/1

Halls of Torment Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.6 Final Review
96% Positive Steam Reviews
16395 Steam Reviews
9.3 Pure Vibes
9.8 Review Scale
387/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 0.9/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 0.9/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


- Converted 10 Point Score
- Number of Critic Reviews


8.4 User Review Average
19 Number of User Reviews


8.4 Direct Average
8.4 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: No

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 252
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: YouTube

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Slay hordes of terrifying monsters in this horde survival roguelite. Descend into the Halls of Torment where the lords of the underworld await you. Treasures, magic trinkets, and a growing cast of heroes will grant you the power to vanquish the horrors from beyond. How long can you survive?"

Control Style Notes

- +

Technically a twin stick shooter, but with auto aim and auto fire quickly available to toggle via a controller press without having to enter a menu. It felt, in my playthrough, like auto aim always was valid enough as a strategy and sometimes I would want to manually aim. Pretty comfortable play style.

Auto Aim generally targets nearest enemy, with some melee ranged attacks and upgrade paths make it a good mowing game.

Enemies form satisfying maze like patterns.

Automated Features


Toggle in menu or via button in play, default's to manual aim. With auto-aim on, you can still press the right stick to aim when needed and simply release to return to auto-aim.

Supported Controls

  • Controller: Full
  • Controller Move Only: Yes
  • Controller One Handed: Yes
  • Mouse Only: Yes
  • Keyboard Only: Yes
  • Keyboard One Handed: Yes

Accessibility & Tutorial

- +

Accessibility Notes

Very accessible about of the box control-wise due to easy enable of auto-aim and fire, though menus are a little bit more complicated to navigate.

Menu FX Toggle: Damage Flash Intensity

Visibility Options: Cursor Size, Ability Effect Opacity, Aiming Line, Disable Damage Numbers

Tutorial Notes

Input hints on start is toggleable in the menu.

Shows inputs on screen before fading away at start of run, if toggled.

Tooltips help show information about abilities on hover.

Game Modes

- +

Timed / Boss Ended

"Agony" Modes
(Difficulty Increase)

(Main Menu
/Hub Zone)

Game Mode Notes

The game challenges you to survive out a timer and the boss that shows up. Defeating the boss ends the run.

After completing a certain point at regular level, a harder mode called "Agony" becomes selectable.

The main menu navigation is through a hub zone called "Camp" where you control an avatar directly and interact with other characters to switch to them, and to a couple interactable objects and NPCs to increase your power and pick your equipment.

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes

At the end of the round the boss shows up and must be defeated. It's a fairly standard countdown timer.

Speed Settings


Player Power Progression

- +

Detailed notes on progression systems.

In Run Progression

Much like Vampire survivors, you avoid enemies while picking up XP drops and gold. One difference is you have to find abilities around the map, instead of being able to get them by leveling. Leveling up powers up traits for your current abilities.

Equipment is also another difference, see also meta notes.

There are a couple powerups and a magnet ability.

When you "run out" of traits to pick in a run you can pick health or gold.

Meta Progression

Through progression players unlock characters and features in the hub zone. Players can find equipment and then purchase it from the wellkeeper NPC hubworld to equip at the stash.

Incremental upgrades can be purchased for in game currency between runs. Players can brew potions with the cupbearer NPC allowing temporary options like rerolls in the next run."

It's possible to reset and restore backups of progress in player profiles.

Content By The Numbers

- +

9 Characters ("Heroes") each with 3 Class Traits
16 Abilities each with trait upgrade options.
15 Base Traits
10 Elevated Traits
500+ trait options total that upgrade characters and abilities
22 Visible Player Stats

2 NPCs
4 Stages / "Dhapters"
30+ Unique Monsters
12+ Bosses
2 Difficulty Options (Normal, Agony)
250 Quests (Challenges) Total, split between chapter related and character related.

1 XP pickup item, 4 Healing Drops
1 Gold meta progression currency
4 Temporary Powerups (inc XP magnet)
50+ Equipment Items

18 Meta Upgrades ("Blessings")
6 Potions, brewed with 15 ingredients drops
9 Equippable Buffs ("Marks")

In Game Lore & Extras

2 rescuable hub zone NPCs with light voice acted dialog.

UI Walkthrough: Main Menus

- +

Any other accessibility or menu options not mentioned already in the game modes. Instead of deciding what to list here, I'm going to just list it all. This should make for a pretty interesting UI study, actually, but probably won't be needed by most players. These are all likely missing late game unlock options! Please comment in corrections! From top left, back or close buttons are assumed. Spoiler Warning! Menu unlocks often happen later in play. See also meta unlock menu walkthrough.

Main Menu

- Character Select (Left Stick)
-> Avatar Control / "Camp" Hub Zone
-> Menu (Start, also option during hub world)

Camp (Hubzone, Walk, button to interact)
- Wellkeeper (Merchant NPC, buy found items)
- Item Stash (Equip)
- Change Character
- Shrine of Blessings
(Currency Meta Powerups)
--> Register of Halls / Door (Choose Stage)
- Quests (Tab through challenges,
see unlock rewards)
- Cupbearer (Potion Crafting NPC)

Menu (LB - RB to tab)
- Settings Tab (Display, Input, Audio, Interface)
- Profile Tab
- Quit Tab (Yes/No Confirmation)

Display & Sound

On the settings tab of the main menu

Display and Window Toggles
- Fullscreen, Performance Mode,
Pause when Focus Lost

Audio Sliders
- Master Volume, Music Volume,
SFX Volume, Voice Volume

-Cursor Select
- Sliders: Cursor Size, Damage Flash Intensity,
Ability Effect Opacity
- Toggles: Aiming Line, Damage Numbers,
Show Input Hints on Start

Gameplay / Input / Other Options

On the settings tab of the main menu

Input Method Toggles
- Auto Aim, Auto Attack, Mouse Only Mode,
Mouse Only On Hold

Keyboard Bindings
- Move Up, Move Left, Move Down, Move Right, Attack Up,
Attack Left, Attack Down, Attack Right,
Tab Left, Tab Right, Confirm / Interact

UI Walkthrough: Player HUD & Pause

- +

From top left of the screen, persistent UI during play (aka Heads Up Display) and other menus during your run.

Player HUD / Gameplay UI

Play area is in center with persistent sidebars on left and right.

Left Sidebar
- Player Level, XP Meter,
XP Gained / Required Number,
Health/Max, Health Orb.

Right Sidebar
- Menu/Pause Button, Ability Cooldown Icons,
Powerups, Gold Count, Enemies Slain Count,
Time Remaining

On Run Start (optionally) displays controls in bottom left corner of play area. Optional damage numbers. Arrows on edge direct players to objectives.

Pause Menus

On "start" or Menu click, both left and right sidebars persist while center is replaced with menu.

Tab Menus
- Character, Traits and Abilities,
Settings, Quit

- View and equip items, view stats.

Traits and Abilities
- View Traits and Ability Stats

- (Same as Main Menu Settings)

- Return to Camp, Quit Game

UI Walkthrough: Leveling & Progression

- +

Listing UI display as well. "In run" applies to "round end" UI in games with rounds. May use in game terms for complicated concepts. See also metaprogression system notes in the game mode notes.

Level / Power Up / Treasure: In Run and End Menus

XP drops as gems. Gold and health drop from enemies and breakables. Items sit on map. Enemies drop chests. Sidebars persist in all views.

On XP Gain Event
- Pick from 4 "Traits"
- 4 Level Options in vertical bordered list
- Potions: Reroll, Banish, Memorize, Double

On "Scroll of Mastery" pickup
- Pick from 3 "Abilities"
- Discard for 50% Level XP

"Dried Up Well" interactable
- Drop found equipment into the well
to retrieve it at camp

End Run Displays Results
- View stats and completed quests
-> Return to camp

Meta Unlock Menus

Various features for the hub world unlock through play.

Players can find equipment and then purchase it from the wellkeeper NPC hubworld to equip at the stash.

Item Stash: 7 slots, 4 loadouts, sorted tabs. Equip items found for bonuses during the next run.

Shrine of Blessings: Purchase upgrades for Health Capacity, Health Regeneration, Defense, Movement Speed, Pickup Range, Damage, Attack Speed, Area / Projectile Size, Attack Range. Can be refunded individually or all at once.

Players can brew potions with the cupbearer NPC allowing temporary options like rerolls in the next run.


Shape Shifter: Formations


A game that applies all of the survivors-like lessons to a classic abstract arena shooter format, so far seems to be very good at both. Vibes of Geometry Wars or the vintage vector shooters both are based on. I've been playing mostly with auto aim / auto shoot which I think works pretty well and makes it feel a lot more survivors-like in a way my sore hands enjoy. Build depth is pretty good for a more arcade-style title and while there isn't much setting/stage variety I don't spend much time thinking about it. I admit I'd love if there was at least an unlockable boss-free mode, since it feels full on bullet hell with them. Great vibe overall, looking forward to more content.

Arcade Arena Shooter Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Bullet Hell Enemy Hell Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Shooter
7.9 Combined Ranking Score
26/72 Ranking Position
1357/1600 Total Points
9.6 Final Review
100% Steam
9.5 Scale
9.2 Vibes
62 Steam Reviews
387/400 Review Points
6.2 Similarity Score
81% Diagnosis:
970/1200 Comparison Points
95% Genre 7.2/8 genre
72% Simple Controls 3.1/7 move
83% Survival Modes 2.6/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
69% Buildcrafting Depth 1.9/5 build
50% Stage Features 0/7 stage
78% Content Breadth 5.1/9 stuff
83% Aesthetics 4/6 style
93% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.6/10 vibe vibe

Shape Shifter: Formations Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 3.5

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/14/2023

First impressions on this Early Access arcade style arena shooter are very positive. Honestly I'm super thankful for this resurgence of arcade style games so I can get stuff like this.

It's a top down shooter in a small arena, with "shape" enemies more complicated than you might see in some retro shooters but very much giving the abstract vibe. While the aesthetics are quite good in my opinion, the general direction of them is that you should concentrate entirely on the play and the play so far is worth concentrating on. I absolutely don't mind when an arcade style game doesn't have plot/setting trappings, it can still get a full score for on the review scale categories from me if it feels like the 'world' is still crafted for the experience the player is supposed to have. You know, Tron without all that talking.

I haven't yet encountered what I would really call multiple maps or stages, though the arena changes at different stages through the run. After beating a run once (referred to as "the game" in the guide accessible in the main menu), you unlock difficulty modifiers.

Has both goal based and currency based unlocks. The goal based ones are pretty solid for giving you something to do in a run, as in the best of these games (get a new ship!) and I enjoy how the refundable currency upgrades also include different play or build styles, like deciding to prioritize burn for the burn ship. Some of these games don't really understand that meta unlocks can be like offering the player interesting new puzzles and not just ways to make the game easier. The skill tree luckily isn't too baroque and easy access to it at the death screen made it easy to loop into another run.

Speaking of ease it certainly feels harder at first but I think this is partially the classic arcade style format. I'm not sure how much content actually exists here yet with early access, but in many of the games in this lineage you're not really expected to be beating all the bosses on your first run or very quickly. At least, I tried to tell myself this as I got used to actually dodging boss bullets again.

There is a special move button and dash. It's in no way bloated, but does include some fun stuff like stats. No bestiary, but then again not a lot of enemy variety yet either. I'd love to be able to unlock an endless mode without bosses so I could truly zone out.

It's definitely not a mowing game, with very projectile based attacks. The auto-aim/auto-fire is sometimes off in a way that feels a little bugged, but for the most part does work pretty satisfyingly. I found myself doing up close strafing more than I would in a classic arcade shooter, partially because I'm trying to collect the XP drops as well. In that way, while in an aesthetic wrapping of an older wave shooter, the gameplay can feel very much like a modern survivors-like. You move towards some things and away from others, getting into a fairly zen state interrupted only by quickly selecting from a simple selection of upgrades and eventually only sorely interrupted by the arrival of an often run ending boss.

I'm a big fan of older arcade style shooters (my favorite perhaps being Super Stardust HD) and while this one is a little slower to get started because it has the metaprogression aspect I found it very much tickled that old enjoyment. The music seems to keep on the same theme and the visuals are a very satisfying mix of retro aesthetics and fairly active and busy scenery in implementation. Overall I had a lot of fun with it so far and am eager to see it get more content through Early Access.

Shape Shifter: Formations Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.2 Similarity Score
81% Diagnosis:
970/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.8/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.9/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.5/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.5/1
Move Only 0/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger 0.8/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming 0.8/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode Planned/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.6/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.5/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -0.5/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0.1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.9/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.1/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.8/1
Over the Top 0.8/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.5/1

Shape Shifter: Formations Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.6 Final Review
100% Positive Steam Reviews
62 Steam Reviews
9.2 Pure Vibes
9.5 Review Scale
387/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 0.9/1
Not Janky 0.9/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 0.8/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 0.9/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Shape Shifter: Formations Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCEA

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeArena ShooterAuto-ShooterBullet HeavenBullet HellEnemy HellRogueliteSingle Stick ShooterSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave Shooter

Aesthetic Tags

3DGeometricNeonRaveRetroVector InspiredVivid

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Castec Studios

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: Co-Op
  • Online: Co-Op (Remote Play)
  • Player Count: 2
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 86
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Shape Shifter: Formations is an action twin-stick shooter with rogue-lite elements, where you must destroy hordes of geometric enemies alone or with a friend. Select your ship and combine a large variety of weapons, abilities and infinitely stacking upgrades to craft your own unique build."

"Choose from a wide variety of ships each with their own unique active and passive abilities, ranging from protective barriers or invisibility, to shocking tesla towers and a burning laser. Pick the ship the suits your play style and outfit it with a weapon of your choice. Spend cores gained each run on the skill tree to provide powerful permanent upgrades."

Co-op notes: "So each player can select their own ship/weapon and receives their own choice of upgrades when levelling up. Players earn currency in each run together, but they get their own pool to spend at the shop separately. The only thing that's shared, is progression on the skill tree, but this is offset by the fact you progress through this a little quicker in co-op"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Dead Cells

DLC Released

Very Different. Metroidvania Sidescroller Rouge-lite with Souls inspired combat, it shares some elements with other Rogue-lites. Perhaps you want to jump and slash and don't like currency based meta power creep, preferring to develop your skills and find in-game discoveries to progress. Very Hard! Want it to feel more like Vampire Survivors? Get the Castlevania crossover DLC. That kind of makes it worth including.

Content Rich Dungeon Crawler Hack and Slash Metroidvania Roguelite Roguevania Sidescroller
6.8 Combined Ranking Score
45/72 Ranking Position
1223/1600 Total Points
9.6 Final Review
97% Steam
10.0 Scale
9.1 Vibes
119571 Steam Reviews
388/400 Review Points
3.9 Similarity Score
70% Diagnosis:
Very Different
835/1200 Comparison Points
66% Genre 2.6/8 genre
11% Simple Controls -5.5/7 move
26% Survival Modes -1.9/4 modes
50% Power Progression 0/4 level
71% Buildcrafting Depth 2.1/5 build
93% Stage Features 6/7 stage
96% Content Breadth 8.2/9 stuff
100% Aesthetics 6/6 style
85% Gameplay Vibe Check 6.9/10 vibe vibe

Dead Cells Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 8.0

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/23/2023

Played a fair amount on Switch as well. Very skill based sidescrolling Rogue-lite. Deep combat system inspired by Dark Souls but with a lot of mechanics of its own. It's another great game I'm not very good at. You may love the One More Run pull of it, but if you aren't good at jumping and juggling a lot of buttons, it won't be able to draw you past that. Gameplay wise it feels very different, but it shares some genre conventions with Vampire Survivors.

Many buttons to keep track of and high challenge from smaller amounts of enemies. Currency drops during runs to be used during runs, there's only goal/find based meta-unlocks (and stuff passed to your next run.)

This was be an interesting one to rate. I was inspired to pull it onto this sheet by the Castlevania DLC which not only includes some characters and weapons but a whole fucking castle and soundtrack, so it does have some neo-castlevania vibes which obviously also heavily influenced VS.

A lot of people say it's their "favorite game like vampire survivors" in reddit threads from a while ago, and at that time they just meant.. an action game with meta progression.

Dead Cells Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

3.9 Similarity Score
70% Diagnosis:
835/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric -1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 0.9/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.7/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming 0/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty -0.5/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival -1/1
Endless Mode -1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.4/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.2/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.2/1
Over the Top 0.3/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.6/1
Fun Ramp 0.8/1
Low Price 0/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.1/1

Dead Cells Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.6 Final Review
97% Positive Steam Reviews
119571 Steam Reviews
9.1 Pure Vibes
10.0 Review Scale
388/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.9 Converted 10 Point Score
35 Number of Critic Reviews


8.2 User Review Average
742 Number of User Reviews


8.6 Direct Average
8.2 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Dead Cells Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

AndroidEpiciOSitch.ioLinuxMacPS4PS5Steam DeckSwitchWindows PCXboxDLCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Content RichDungeon CrawlerHack and SlashMetroidvaniaRogueliteRoguevaniaSidescroller

Aesthetic Tags

2DPixel Art

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags

Find Based Metaprogression30m

Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Trading CardsSteam Workshop


Motion Twin

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: Yes
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: Yes
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: Yes
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam YouTube Bandcamp Spotify

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Dead Cells is a rogue-lite, metroidvania inspired, action-platformer. You'll explore a sprawling, ever-changing castle... assuming you're able to fight your way past its keepers in 2D souls-lite combat. No checkpoints. Kill, die, learn, repeat. Regular free content updates!"

"RogueVania: The progressive exploration of an interconnected world, with the replayability of a rogue-lite and the adrenaline pumping threat of permadeath."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Loop Hero

Free Available Released

Extremely Different. It's hard to have a better pick if you want a rogue-lite auto-battler with really unique map-building non-direct control of the main character. But chances are you didn't know you were looking for that. Included to test the scale but also because it's a great game that might scratch your itch if it's about exploring a new system with great progression and interesting synergies, along with tense action that's not reflex based even if it doesn't have stick movement focus. It's above 5.0 so it might be recommended to appeal to VS fans, but only with major disclaimers about differences.

Auto-Battler Content Rich Deckbuilding Roguelite Story Rich Strategy
6.3 Combined Ranking Score
49/72 Ranking Position
1168/1600 Total Points
9.6 Final Review
93% Steam
9.4 Scale
10.0 Vibes
29569 Steam Reviews
387/400 Review Points
3.0 Similarity Score
65% Diagnosis:
Extremely Different
781/1200 Comparison Points
59% Genre 1.5/8 genre
21% Simple Controls -4/7 move
44% Survival Modes -0.5/4 modes
65% Power Progression 1.2/4 level
73% Buildcrafting Depth 2.3/5 build
31% Stage Features -2.6/7 stage
91% Content Breadth 7.3/9 stuff
100% Aesthetics 6/6 style
95% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.9/10 vibe vibe

Loop Hero Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 80.0

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/17/2023

nospawn/litch-from_loop-hero.gifA map-making rogue-lite auto battler. You have a character that goes around a loop fighting enemies during your run, but you can only help him by placing map parts and changing gear - no direct control. There's so much to talk about with this one, but it's pretty different from most of the games on our scale. What it shares is really satisfying metaprogression and some autobattle elements.

Put in about 44.6 hours on Steam and then another 40+ hours on Switch when it released there. Amazing game, totally unique, interesting to compare to VS in terms of mechanics. The game is a strategy game played in menus and by putting down tiles, but we'll call the real time use of a click button a 'trigger' press.

One of the best games ever imho, but it's pretty different so no need to really discuss in detail here.

Loop Hero Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

3.0 Similarity Score
65% Diagnosis:
781/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.8/1
Real Time 0.6/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar -0.7/1
Arcade Style 0.8/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) -1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty -1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves -1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) -0.5/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0.2/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) -1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map 0.2/1
BIG Maps 0.2/1
XP on Ground -1/1
Health on Ground -1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground -1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.6/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0.7/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 0.4/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 0.5/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS -1/1

Loop Hero Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.6 Final Review
93% Positive Steam Reviews
29569 Steam Reviews
10.0 Pure Vibes
9.4 Review Scale
387/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 0.4/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.2 Converted 10 Point Score
63 Number of Critic Reviews


7.9 User Review Average
194 Number of User Reviews


8.1 Direct Average
8.0 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Loop Hero Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

EpicGOGitch.ioLinuxMacSteam DeckSwitchWindows PCXboxFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories

Extremely Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Auto-BattlerContent RichDeckbuildingRogueliteStory RichStrategy

Aesthetic Tags

2DArtyPixel Art

Setting / Story Tags

Alternate RealityApocalypseFantasyTime Loop

Control Styles

ControllerMouse Only

Game Mode Tags

Boss ModeDifficulty ModifiersEndless ModeHub ZoneSpeed UpWave Survival30m

Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Trading Cards


Devolver DigitalFour Quarters

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 50
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Alpha on
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam YouTube GOG Devolver Digital (LP)

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"The Lich has thrown the world into a timeless loop and plunged its inhabitants into never ending chaos. Wield an expanding deck of mystical cards to place enemies, buildings, and terrain along each unique expedition loop for the brave hero."

"Infinite Adventure: Select from unlockable character classes and deck cards before setting out on each expedition along a randomly generated loop path." "Strategically place building, terrain, and enemy cards along each loop."

Game Modes

- +

Endless Survival /
Boss Challenge

"Chapter" Difficulty Modifiers and Rewards

Game Mode Notes

There is only one run type, with metaprogression between runs. There are four "chapters", each with a specific difficulty change, rewards and bosses. Until you beat the earlier chapters, the bosses for later ones will not show up in your run. The first three chapters each have one boss and the 4 requires beating them all. You can select earlier chapters to play again.

You can pick what tiles are available to you in the next run.

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes

Each run finds the player starting with a blank map and loop of road, which they then place map pieces around as a timer counts towards a boss event. Early runs are guaranteed to be ended by the first boss, and players eventually work towards "endless" runs. There's no time based goal to complete, you simply decide to head back to camp or risk losing the run. The goal is to survive while gathering as much as possible before dying.

Average run time is probably more accurately 10m - 60m, but it also depends on the player selected speed / pause usage.

Speed Settings

The game can be paused or sped up by player toggle. While paused, the player can still manipulate the game field and inventory, then unpause or move to high speed to see how it plays out.


Cult of the Lamb

DLC Released

Very Different. An action controls hash and slash game more similar to Hades than Vampire Survivors, with additional town building element between runs. It's isometric and rogue-lite, a great game, but likely can't get very zen. If you want more Hades, there's Cult of the Lamb. But I'm sure diehards will have a giant chart to tell me why those are very different some day.

Action Roguelike Colony Sim Dungeon Crawler Hack and Slash Roguelite Story Rich Top Down or Isometric
6.2 Combined Ranking Score
53/72 Ranking Position
1156/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
94% Steam
10.0 Scale
9.0 Vibes
51985 Steam Reviews
384/400 Review Points
2.9 Similarity Score
64% Diagnosis:
Very Different
772/1200 Comparison Points
66% Genre 2.5/8 genre
14% Simple Controls -5/7 move
29% Survival Modes -1.7/4 modes
88% Power Progression 3/4 level
66% Buildcrafting Depth 1.6/5 build
68% Stage Features 2.5/7 stage
82% Content Breadth 5.8/9 stuff
79% Aesthetics 3.5/6 style
83% Gameplay Vibe Check 6.5/10 vibe vibe

Cult of the Lamb Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 29.3

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/17/2023

An excellent Hades-like combined with a lightweight town building and citizen management feature. It's got hack & slash rogue-lite runs that take a short amount of time, but besides that it likely won't meet the requirements for a zen-like state or long term addiction.

Art style turned me off at first but really won me over - it's a beautiful little game. I can't imagine how I ever thought it looked bad. Many good things, not as replayable as Hades.

At the end of the day it's not Vampire Survivors.

Cult of the Lamb Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

2.9 Similarity Score
64% Diagnosis:
772/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.8/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 0.2/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) -0.7/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.2/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming 0/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival -1/1
Endless Mode -1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0.1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.2/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.5/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.5/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map 0.5/1
BIG Maps 0/1
XP on Ground 0/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.8/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0/1
Many Challenges 0.5/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.5/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0.3/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm 0.2/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0/1
Over the Top 0.1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.7/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.7/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 0/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS -0.5/1

Cult of the Lamb Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
51985 Steam Reviews
9.0 Pure Vibes
10.0 Review Scale
384/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.2 Converted 10 Point Score
92 Number of Critic Reviews


7.8 User Review Average
229 Number of User Reviews


8.0 Direct Average
7.9 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Cult of the Lamb Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

GOGMacPS4PS5Steam DeckSwitchWindows PCXboxDLCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Action RoguelikeColony SimDungeon CrawlerHack and SlashRogueliteStory RichTop Down or Isometric

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags

CozyDemonsDungeonsFantasyFurryHorrorHorror ThemedNecromancerUnderworld

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Trading Cards


Devolver DigitalMassive Monster

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 42
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: Yes
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam Bandcamp YouTube Spotify Amazon Apple Devolver Digital (LP)

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Start your own cult in a land of false prophets, venturing out into diverse and mysterious regions to build a loyal community of woodland Followers and spread your Word to become the one true cult."

"Explore a sprawling, randomly generated world, fight off hordes of enemies and defeat rival cult leaders in order to absorb their power and assert your cult's dominance."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 10m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings




Free Available Released

A Little Different. Twin stick arcade style arena shooter roguelite perhaps a little bit like Brotato meets Nova Drift - notably not auto-fire or auto-aim. Unlocks seem to be for ships, but not currency power progression so it still heavily favors hands on action. Very unique stacking attack and reload mechanic. I'm not very good at it, but working to progress a bit to evaluate. Note: Feature comparison score reported based on dev submitted scorecard. (Currently Tweaking)

Arcade Arena Shooter Brotato-style Bullet Heaven Deckbuilding Roguelite Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Shooter Wave Survival
6.7 Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
1221/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
100% Steam
9.6 Scale
8.9 Vibes
6 Steam Reviews
385/400 Review Points
3.9 Similarity Score
70% Diagnosis:
A Little Different
836/1200 Comparison Points
90% Genre 6.4/8 genre
34% Simple Controls -2.2/7 move
58% Survival Modes 0.6/4 modes
75% Power Progression 2/4 level
72% Buildcrafting Depth 2.2/5 build
36% Stage Features -2/7 stage
72% Content Breadth 4/9 stuff
91% Aesthetics 4.9/6 style
87% Gameplay Vibe Check 7.4/10 vibe vibe

GunDeck(100) Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 1.0

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/3/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

It's hard to know where to scale the interesting reload mechanic where each of your weapons fires in turn. For now I'm calling the reload a special move button and bumping the trigger and aim mechanics down to full -1 for how important it feels to the gameplay. Technically, I don't think there's a movement penalty but I keep playing like there is one.

It seems like a very simple game but there is a good amount of content and depth here actually, in my review scale score I'm giving it full points for fulfilling what I want from it.

First impressions are VERY strong. I like the simple arcade vibe, the music is great, choices like being able to move though the upgrades to select the "card" are fresh and fun feeling.

I respect the difficulty but do find myself wishing for auto-aim/auto-fire under accessibility options and don't think it would actually make things easier, just different. I also could personally benefit from some currency based metaprogressoin like rerolls/extra heart but am glad it's not bogged down with them also. I appreciate the stripped down straight to the fun philosophy and so far it's pretty addictive and exciting.

GunDeck(100) Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

3.9 Similarity Score
70% Diagnosis:
836/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.4/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -0.5/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -0.5/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0.8/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0.5/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.8/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.9/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 0/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 0/1
Multiple Stages 0/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets ?/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.5/1
Subtle Humor 0.4/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.5/1
Over the Top 0.5/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.3/1
Fun Ramp 0.7/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.7/1

GunDeck(100) Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
100% Positive Steam Reviews
6 Steam Reviews
8.9 Pure Vibes
9.6 Review Scale
385/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 0.8/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 0.8/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

GunDeck(100) Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

LinuxMacSteam DeckWindows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories

A Little Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeArena ShooterBrotato-styleBullet HeavenDeckbuildingRogueliteTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags

2DCuteGeometricPixel ArtRetroVector Inspired

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Dos Jamones

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 11
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"GunDeck is a lightning-fast twin-stick shooter where you'll build your arsenal from randomly-dealt cards. Weapons fire in a rainbow of elements with unique effects. Dart and dodge to survive the fireworks unleashed against you, and retaliate with your own display! Can YOU survive to wave 100?"

From discord: "We've been told it's like brotato in space". Dev notes: "If I feel I have a winning run, chances are I'm just about to lose."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Zombie Admin


Pretty Different. Top down shooter door to door room clearing zombie survival roguelite. Note: Feature comparison score reported based on dev submitted scorecard.

Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Roguelite Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Survival
6.1 Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
45 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
2.6 Similarity Score
63% Diagnosis:
Pretty Different
758/1200 Comparison Points
81% Genre 4.9/8 genre
36% Simple Controls -1.9/7 move
79% Survival Modes 2.3/4 modes
63% Power Progression 1/4 level
30% Buildcrafting Depth -2/5 build
69% Stage Features 2.6/7 stage
62% Content Breadth 2.2/9 stuff
61% Aesthetics 1.3/6 style
80% Gameplay Vibe Check 5.9/10 vibe vibe

Zombie Admin Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/3/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Zombie Admin Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

2.6 Similarity Score
63% Diagnosis:
758/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.5/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.8/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.6/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -0.5/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty -0.4/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0/1
Endless Mode 0.3/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Build Crafting -1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -1/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 0.3/1
XP on Ground 0/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.3/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.4/1
Bosses / Elites 0/1
Many Interesting Characters 0/1
Many Challenges 0.4/1
Multiple Stages 0.4/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.3/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 0.5/1
Secrets 0.2/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 0.4/1
Fun Writing 0.4/1
Subtle Humor 0.5/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.6/1
Over the Top 0.3/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.5/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.3/1
Fun Ramp 0.1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 0.9/1
Fun Check 0.7/1
Feels like VS 0/1

Zombie Admin Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
45 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Zombie Admin Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

LinuxSteam DeckWindows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Pretty Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Bullet HeavenHorde SurvivalRogueliteTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Hastily Assembled

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: Co-Op
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 2
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 16
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"It's the zombie apocalypse, but you can't miss a work day! Scavenge for weapons, survive... and don't forget to restock the toner cartridges over at accounting. This humorous top-down shooter has you working your way up the corporate ladder, all the way to the rescue helicopter on the rooftop."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 60m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
3929 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

SNKRX Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

SNKRX Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
3929 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

SNKRX Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





Very Different. Over the Top FPS Arena Shooter

Arena Shooter First Person Shooter
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
1868 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

HYPER DEMON Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

HYPER DEMON Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
1868 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1


- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterFirst Person Shooter

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





Very Different. A first person arena shooter about fighting a "record-breaking swarm" of enemies.

Arena Shooter Bullet Heaven Enemy Hell First Person Shooter Horde Survival Score Attack
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
1626 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Swarmlake Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 12/26/2023

No notes available yet!

Swarmlake Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
1626 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Swarmlake Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterBullet HeavenEnemy HellFirst Person ShooterHorde SurvivalScore Attack

Aesthetic Tags

3DGeometricLow PolyRetroVector Inspired

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





Pretty Different.

- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
1427 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Pretty Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Waves Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Waves Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
1427 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Waves Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Pretty Different

Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





Very Different. FPS Arena Shooter Roguelite

Arena Shooter First Person Shooter Rogue-lite
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
299 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Impaler Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Impaler Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
299 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Impaler Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterFirst Person ShooterRogue-lite

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Alien Hominid: Invasion


Very Different. The new run and gun shmup sequel to the classic also has "permadeath" and buildcrafting features?? We'll check it out and see how close it gets!

- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
89 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Alien Hominid: Invasion Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Alien Hominid: Invasion Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
89 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Alien Hominid: Invasion Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
63 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Project Starship X Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Project Starship X Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
63 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Project Starship X Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings




Free Available Released

Very Different. A rogue-lite "dodge em up"

Dodge Em Up
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
61 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Swordship Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Swordship Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
61 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Swordship Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Dodge Em Up

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





Very Different. Rogue-lite vertical scrolling shmup

- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
61 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Broodstar Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Broodstar Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
61 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Broodstar Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
24 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Bacon Rebellion Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Bacon Rebellion Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
24 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Bacon Rebellion Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Catlike Magic


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
24 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Catlike Magic Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Catlike Magic Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
24 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Catlike Magic Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
23 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Void Survivors Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Void Survivors Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
23 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Void Survivors Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Bloody Heaven


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
21 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Bloody Heaven Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Bloody Heaven Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
21 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Bloody Heaven Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings
