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Similarity & Review


Multiple Sources


Compared to VS. Not a review!

Similarity Scale

Percentage of possible points earned scored -1 to 1 in tenths in 60 categories

Genre Controls Modes Progress Builds Stages Content Aesthetic Vibe

Nova Drift


Different. A great pick if you you want to pull the trigger in space. Despite not sharing all the features, it can really scratch the "over the top" survivors-like itch with beautiful neon screenwipes. More asteroids influenced than "twin stick" influenced. I personally find the drift physics quite engaging once I've gotten going. Really fun game.

Arena Shooter Asteroids-like Bullet Heaven Bullet Hell Content Rich Mowing Game Roguelite Top Down or Isometric Wave Shooter Wave Survival
8.2 Combined Ranking Score
21/72 Ranking Position
1386/1600 Total Points
9.8 Final Review
96% Steam
9.7 Scale
10.0 Vibes
9217 Steam Reviews
393/400 Review Points
6.6 Similarity Score
83% Diagnosis:
993/1200 Comparison Points
88% Genre 6.1/8 genre
54% Simple Controls 0.5/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
88% Power Progression 3/4 level
100% Buildcrafting Depth 5/5 build
57% Stage Features 1/7 stage
91% Content Breadth 7.3/9 stuff
88% Aesthetics 4.5/6 style
91% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.2/10 vibe vibe

Nova Drift Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 20.1

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/13/2023

This one came out before VS but has been refined throughout the boom. An excellent space shooter (the creator says they're not space ships but biomechanical life) which is themed with leveling like VS and over the top combos, but also does rely on trigger and propulsion and a blink ability which we'll call a dodge in the VS-like rating. The cargo trains essentially fill the treasure chest role. We'll call the ship gears selected on starting the run a "character" select.

So it may satisfy build crafters, but not zen one handed players (though it really got me into its own zone). Not exactly a twin stick shooter - it's a "drift" style game in the vein of Asteroids. Still in early access somehow, will apparently have a campaign too on release. Don't take my lack of notes as a lack of enthusiasm, I don't have many complaints. Try this one!

This is one of my favorite games on the list and unfortunately just doesn't have full review notes because I put in most of my time before it was "research." I fully intend to come back and shove 100 hours into this title, though, so I will make more notes.

I can't believe it's still in Early Access lol but let's let him cook.

Nova Drift Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.6 Similarity Score
83% Diagnosis:
993/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0/1
Move Only -0.5/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger -0.8/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming 0.8/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival EA/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0.3/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.5/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 0.2/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.7/1

Nova Drift Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.8 Final Review
96% Positive Steam Reviews
9217 Steam Reviews
10.0 Pure Vibes
9.7 Review Scale
393/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 0.8/1
Good Theme 0.9/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.0 Converted 10 Point Score
1 Number of Critic Reviews


- User Review Average
- Number of User Reviews


8.0 Direct Average
8.0 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Nova Drift Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Directitch.ioMacSteam DeckWindows PCEA

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterAsteroids-likeBullet HeavenBullet HellContent RichMowing GameRogueliteTop Down or IsometricWave ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags

2DArtyGeometricNeonRaveRetroVector InspiredVivid

Setting / Story Tags

AbstractShip (Air/Space)Space

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Leaderboards



Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 40
  • Steam Leaderboards: Yes
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam Bandcamp SoundCloud

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Nova Drift distills the mechanical depth and strategy of an ARPG into classic arcade space combat. Control an endlessly evolving bio-mechanical ship, face legions of strange and deadly foes, and ride the wake of a dying star across the void."

"Nova Drift is a 'rogue-lite' space shooter that melds a classic arcade experience with modern action-RPG elements like theory-crafting and deep player choice." "Cunning and creativity are rewarded as you chain upgrade modules for powerful synergies, reminiscent of deck-building games."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 20m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Shape Shifter: Formations


A game that applies all of the survivors-like lessons to a classic abstract arena shooter format, so far seems to be very good at both. Vibes of Geometry Wars or the vintage vector shooters both are based on. I've been playing mostly with auto aim / auto shoot which I think works pretty well and makes it feel a lot more survivors-like in a way my sore hands enjoy. Build depth is pretty good for a more arcade-style title and while there isn't much setting/stage variety I don't spend much time thinking about it. I admit I'd love if there was at least an unlockable boss-free mode, since it feels full on bullet hell with them. Great vibe overall, looking forward to more content.

Arcade Arena Shooter Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Bullet Hell Enemy Hell Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Shooter
7.9 Combined Ranking Score
26/72 Ranking Position
1357/1600 Total Points
9.6 Final Review
100% Steam
9.5 Scale
9.2 Vibes
62 Steam Reviews
387/400 Review Points
6.2 Similarity Score
81% Diagnosis:
970/1200 Comparison Points
95% Genre 7.2/8 genre
72% Simple Controls 3.1/7 move
83% Survival Modes 2.6/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
69% Buildcrafting Depth 1.9/5 build
50% Stage Features 0/7 stage
78% Content Breadth 5.1/9 stuff
83% Aesthetics 4/6 style
93% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.6/10 vibe vibe

Shape Shifter: Formations Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 3.5

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/14/2023

First impressions on this Early Access arcade style arena shooter are very positive. Honestly I'm super thankful for this resurgence of arcade style games so I can get stuff like this.

It's a top down shooter in a small arena, with "shape" enemies more complicated than you might see in some retro shooters but very much giving the abstract vibe. While the aesthetics are quite good in my opinion, the general direction of them is that you should concentrate entirely on the play and the play so far is worth concentrating on. I absolutely don't mind when an arcade style game doesn't have plot/setting trappings, it can still get a full score for on the review scale categories from me if it feels like the 'world' is still crafted for the experience the player is supposed to have. You know, Tron without all that talking.

I haven't yet encountered what I would really call multiple maps or stages, though the arena changes at different stages through the run. After beating a run once (referred to as "the game" in the guide accessible in the main menu), you unlock difficulty modifiers.

Has both goal based and currency based unlocks. The goal based ones are pretty solid for giving you something to do in a run, as in the best of these games (get a new ship!) and I enjoy how the refundable currency upgrades also include different play or build styles, like deciding to prioritize burn for the burn ship. Some of these games don't really understand that meta unlocks can be like offering the player interesting new puzzles and not just ways to make the game easier. The skill tree luckily isn't too baroque and easy access to it at the death screen made it easy to loop into another run.

Speaking of ease it certainly feels harder at first but I think this is partially the classic arcade style format. I'm not sure how much content actually exists here yet with early access, but in many of the games in this lineage you're not really expected to be beating all the bosses on your first run or very quickly. At least, I tried to tell myself this as I got used to actually dodging boss bullets again.

There is a special move button and dash. It's in no way bloated, but does include some fun stuff like stats. No bestiary, but then again not a lot of enemy variety yet either. I'd love to be able to unlock an endless mode without bosses so I could truly zone out.

It's definitely not a mowing game, with very projectile based attacks. The auto-aim/auto-fire is sometimes off in a way that feels a little bugged, but for the most part does work pretty satisfyingly. I found myself doing up close strafing more than I would in a classic arcade shooter, partially because I'm trying to collect the XP drops as well. In that way, while in an aesthetic wrapping of an older wave shooter, the gameplay can feel very much like a modern survivors-like. You move towards some things and away from others, getting into a fairly zen state interrupted only by quickly selecting from a simple selection of upgrades and eventually only sorely interrupted by the arrival of an often run ending boss.

I'm a big fan of older arcade style shooters (my favorite perhaps being Super Stardust HD) and while this one is a little slower to get started because it has the metaprogression aspect I found it very much tickled that old enjoyment. The music seems to keep on the same theme and the visuals are a very satisfying mix of retro aesthetics and fairly active and busy scenery in implementation. Overall I had a lot of fun with it so far and am eager to see it get more content through Early Access.

Shape Shifter: Formations Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.2 Similarity Score
81% Diagnosis:
970/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.8/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.9/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.5/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.5/1
Move Only 0/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger 0.8/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming 0.8/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode Planned/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.6/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.5/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -0.5/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0.1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.9/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.1/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.8/1
Over the Top 0.8/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.5/1

Shape Shifter: Formations Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.6 Final Review
100% Positive Steam Reviews
62 Steam Reviews
9.2 Pure Vibes
9.5 Review Scale
387/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 0.9/1
Not Janky 0.9/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 0.8/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 0.9/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Shape Shifter: Formations Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCEA

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeArena ShooterAuto-ShooterBullet HeavenBullet HellEnemy HellRogueliteSingle Stick ShooterSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave Shooter

Aesthetic Tags

3DGeometricNeonRaveRetroVector InspiredVivid

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Castec Studios

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: Co-Op
  • Online: Co-Op (Remote Play)
  • Player Count: 2
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 86
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Shape Shifter: Formations is an action twin-stick shooter with rogue-lite elements, where you must destroy hordes of geometric enemies alone or with a friend. Select your ship and combine a large variety of weapons, abilities and infinitely stacking upgrades to craft your own unique build."

"Choose from a wide variety of ships each with their own unique active and passive abilities, ranging from protective barriers or invisibility, to shocking tesla towers and a burning laser. Pick the ship the suits your play style and outfit it with a weapon of your choice. Spend cores gained each run on the skill tree to provide powerful permanent upgrades."

Co-op notes: "So each player can select their own ship/weapon and receives their own choice of upgrades when levelling up. Players earn currency in each run together, but they get their own pool to spend at the shop separately. The only thing that's shared, is progression on the skill tree, but this is offset by the fact you progress through this a little quicker in co-op"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Whisker Squadron: Survivor


Very Different. An excellent pick if you want to mix it up with a rogue-lite Star Fox style rail shooter survival with leveling mechanics. Has a ton of control differences but sometimes the differences from most survivors-likes makes a game your next favorite. Main complaint is there just isn't enough content. I want more varied pilots, weapons, maps, more bullet heaven aspects. I hope they bring a lot more during Early Access. Needs more for the price and a greater breadth and depth would skyrocket it up this list. Hate the energy meter firing delay.

On-Rails Shooter Roguelite Survivors-like
6.5 Combined Ranking Score
46/72 Ranking Position
1219/1600 Total Points
8.7 Final Review
92% Steam
8.4 Scale
8.4 Vibes
180 Steam Reviews
360/400 Review Points
4.3 Similarity Score
72% Diagnosis:
Very Different
859/1200 Comparison Points
71% Genre 3.4/8 genre
29% Simple Controls -3/7 move
85% Survival Modes 2.8/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
60% Buildcrafting Depth 1/5 build
60% Stage Features 1.4/7 stage
75% Content Breadth 4.5/9 stuff
88% Aesthetics 4.6/6 style
82% Gameplay Vibe Check 6.4/10 vibe vibe

Whisker Squadron: Survivor Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 3.8

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/20/2023

It's rogue-lite wave survival wrapped around a star fox controls style rail shooter that looks like an HD neon remaster of a 1990s vector graphic shooter. That's awesome. Add a couple cute cats, and you've got yourself a nice little package. I had a lot of fun with this one and will probably try to at least unlock all the ships and levels. Lots of buttons/triggers, no auto, not like Vampire Survivors there. Fun music. The only real shame is there isn't a ton of content or build variety. Would be great to see more. There is both a boost and a roll so it gets a full -1 in that category.

More unique characters, ships, maps, and enemies. Character abilities are a little underwhelming and haven't gotten any over the top bullet heaven combos, but still fun. Would also be cool if characters got star fox style wah wah unique to them, not just the dot for the text. They could also use more personality. Don't love the energy meter. I customized controls to fire with trigger. Colors/levels could pulse/warp procedurally to give feel of endless variety, like some older games do. Quibbles quibbles. I worry because devs announced a next similar game while this could use more content for 14.99.

This has the bones to be one of the best games on this list and one of the best games I've played in a while, but it's just the bones right now. It needs to go over the top and it needs to go hard, and bringing in a writer with some humor and further developing some diversity in the style and color palette would help too.

Whisker Squadron: Survivor Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

4.3 Similarity Score
72% Diagnosis:
859/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 0/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.4/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only 0/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.8/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.4/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.4/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.1/1
Bosses / Elites 0.5/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.3/1
Many Challenges 0.6/1
Multiple Stages 0.6/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0.4/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.6/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.5/1
Over the Top 0.6/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.8/1
Fun Ramp 0.7/1
Low Price 0.1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 0.9/1
Fun Check 0.8/1
Feels like VS 0.8/1

Whisker Squadron: Survivor Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

8.7 Final Review
92% Positive Steam Reviews
180 Steam Reviews
8.4 Pure Vibes
8.4 Review Scale
360/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 0.7/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 0.3/1
Good Theme 0.4/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Whisker Squadron: Survivor Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

LinuxMacSteam DeckWindows PCEA

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

On-Rails ShooterRogueliteSurvivors-like

Aesthetic Tags

3DNeonRetroVector Inspired

Setting / Story Tags

AbstractFurryRobotsSci-fiShip (Air/Space)

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags

Currency MetaprogressionDropped Powerups30m

Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Trading Cards


Flippfly LLC

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 22
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam Bandcamp YouTube

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"A cosmic roguelite on-rails shooter with wild 30-minute runs that will take your feline flight crew to thrilling new heights with each randomized adventure. Your plan is simple: wreak vengeance on the Swarm and try to survive."

"Embark on an ever-changing adventure across neon-laced roguelike levels featuring on-rails shooter runs that change with every 20-30 minute playthrough" "Design a fighter ship using randomized upgrades that can be built using scraps dropped throughout each level and Victory Points earned through play."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



City of Beats


Very Different. A dungeon crawl style twin stick shooter with each run consisting of branching paths, the noteworthy mechanic here is that your shots are notes to the beat and overall it's just very plugged in to the music. In a great way! The action takes place on cloudy cyberpunk rooftops and not in dank cellars, but it may remind you of games like Hades. While we're reviewing it due to being in the Steam Bullet Heaven Fest, it's not a survivors-like and not sure it's a bullet heaven either. Seems like a classic twin stick shooter! Since it's not on topic, I probably won't put as many hours into this one, but will attempt some review. More difficult in a hands on way than most survivors-like fans may be looking for.

Dungeon Crawler Roguelite Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter
6.0 Combined Ranking Score
54/72 Ranking Position
1158/1600 Total Points
8.7 Final Review
94% Steam
8.8 Scale
8.0 Vibes
39 Steam Reviews
362/400 Review Points
3.3 Similarity Score
66% Diagnosis:
Very Different
796/1200 Comparison Points
75% Genre 4/8 genre
14% Simple Controls -5/7 move
29% Survival Modes -1.7/4 modes
88% Power Progression 3/4 level
64% Buildcrafting Depth 1.4/5 build
76% Stage Features 3.7/7 stage
76% Content Breadth 4.7/9 stuff
88% Aesthetics 4.5/6 style
83% Gameplay Vibe Check 6.5/10 vibe vibe

City of Beats Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 1.2

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/5/2023

This twin stick shooter room by room roguelite has a pretty nice cloudy cyber vibe and syncs pretty well to the music. It's very much a "dungeon crawl" and not a survival game, though there are small waves of a few enemies in each room. Overall the balance there feels a lot like Hades if you want a similar game.

The sound aspect is deeper than it seems at first with it synced to your attacks, when explosives go off and so on. This is a nice contrast to another game on this list, Beat Hazard 3, where the gameplay itself doesn't feel synced enough and it's mostly just loud flashes. This game is also more subdued than Beat Hazard but I found that much more pleasing to my eyes and less straining. No way to bring in my own music but I don't really want to.

But sometimes it feels like it's just really off from the music when my gameplay is off and that's odd feeling too.

You get your upgrades and items on "room end" like most "dungeon crawlers", but there are several things to collect from drops during play even if there's no XP. These can be used in run or for meta progression. "UI" is in world for the hub, but it's simple and quick to get into the run which I like. Shield on ground we'll call health.

I think there's just one character without much fleshing out and no personal special ability or build impact, hence the partially negative score in many characters. There also isn't a lot of variety for weapons it seems to have available and the upgrades aren't always super interesting.

It doesn't seem like there is a ton of content here for the price tag compared to other roguelites, though it did get an update in June so maybe they intend to add a little more. I can see it getting a little old after a bit if the music and weapons are not that varied, but it could also be comfort food to some.

I wish I could play games like this for longer periods, but the aiming and firing (at the same time) for an entire run really destroys my hands with pain due to the EDS. If I'm going to be holding it down the whole time anyway, adding in auto-fire would be nice. Or you could just make it fire on the stick direction since you need to do both anyway, that way I wouldn't have to do the "claw" for an entire run. In games where I have to I'm often dying at the end there just due to exhaustion and pain making me let go of the controller for just a second and no idea if I'd be any good otherwise. (Button mashing the entire time is easier on me than holding something down). I get it's fun to control it for the musical notes but maybe there's a middle ground.

In any case, it's ok because it's not really a survivors-like so besides showing the data to conclude that I don't feel a need to do a super in depth review. I think it might be a good game though. If anyone has played more and wants to offer corrections please do!

City of Beats Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

3.3 Similarity Score
66% Diagnosis:
796/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.5/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -0.5/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival -1/1
Endless Mode -1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0.3/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.5/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.5/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map 0.2/1
BIG Maps -0.5/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.6/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters -0.5/1
Many Challenges 0.4/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0.2/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.5/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.8/1
Over the Top 0.2/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.7/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.4/1
Fun Ramp 0.6/1
Low Price 0/1
Technical Check 0.8/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS -0.5/1

City of Beats Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

8.7 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
39 Steam Reviews
8.0 Pure Vibes
8.8 Review Scale
362/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 0.4/1
Good Theme 0.8/1
Good Graphics and Sound 0.9/1
Fun Feel 0.9/1
Unique Twists 0.9/1
Vibe Check 0.9/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


7.9 Converted 10 Point Score
3 Number of Critic Reviews


- User Review Average
- Number of User Reviews


7.9 Direct Average
7.9 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

City of Beats Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

EpicSteam DeckSwitchWindows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Dungeon CrawlerRogueliteTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick Shooter

Aesthetic Tags

3DGeometricNeonRaveVector Inspired

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Leaderboards


Freedom GamesTorched Hill

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 19
  • Steam Leaderboards: Yes
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Shoot. Groove. Loot. Repeat. Cross an ever-changing city skyline, flowing through encounters in tune with the cityscape beat. From the weapons you fire, to the enemies you shoot, to the zen-like flow, the only way to win is to become one with the beat"

"Embark on endless expeditions across procedurally generated maps. No two playthroughs are the same, meaning different enemies, encounters, and upgrades each and every time. Experiment with different builds during each run."

Dev notes from interview:

Difficulty Modifiers & Rewards: There are Challenge Expeditions that not only increase general difficulty, but also add new mechanics & reward additional meta currencies & unlocks

Panic & Zen: I think is a big part of the game, especially getting into a zen-like flow-state through the music & rhythm

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 40m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


Dev Scores Submitted via Score Card (Reviewing in Progress)

This section includes mostly upcoming games where devs themselves submitted a score card or filled the web form. Tags sugggested by devs.

They'll be moved up top after I've checked it all over and adjusted the feature scores to be in line with how other games are scored.



Free Available Released

A Little Different. Twin stick arcade style arena shooter roguelite perhaps a little bit like Brotato meets Nova Drift - notably not auto-fire or auto-aim. Unlocks seem to be for ships, but not currency power progression so it still heavily favors hands on action. Very unique stacking attack and reload mechanic. I'm not very good at it, but working to progress a bit to evaluate. Note: Feature comparison score reported based on dev submitted scorecard. (Currently Tweaking)

Arcade Arena Shooter Brotato-style Bullet Heaven Deckbuilding Roguelite Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Shooter Wave Survival
6.7 Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
1221/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
100% Steam
9.6 Scale
8.9 Vibes
6 Steam Reviews
385/400 Review Points
3.9 Similarity Score
70% Diagnosis:
A Little Different
836/1200 Comparison Points
90% Genre 6.4/8 genre
34% Simple Controls -2.2/7 move
58% Survival Modes 0.6/4 modes
75% Power Progression 2/4 level
72% Buildcrafting Depth 2.2/5 build
36% Stage Features -2/7 stage
72% Content Breadth 4/9 stuff
91% Aesthetics 4.9/6 style
87% Gameplay Vibe Check 7.4/10 vibe vibe

GunDeck(100) Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 1.0

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/3/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

It's hard to know where to scale the interesting reload mechanic where each of your weapons fires in turn. For now I'm calling the reload a special move button and bumping the trigger and aim mechanics down to full -1 for how important it feels to the gameplay. Technically, I don't think there's a movement penalty but I keep playing like there is one.

It seems like a very simple game but there is a good amount of content and depth here actually, in my review scale score I'm giving it full points for fulfilling what I want from it.

First impressions are VERY strong. I like the simple arcade vibe, the music is great, choices like being able to move though the upgrades to select the "card" are fresh and fun feeling.

I respect the difficulty but do find myself wishing for auto-aim/auto-fire under accessibility options and don't think it would actually make things easier, just different. I also could personally benefit from some currency based metaprogressoin like rerolls/extra heart but am glad it's not bogged down with them also. I appreciate the stripped down straight to the fun philosophy and so far it's pretty addictive and exciting.

GunDeck(100) Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

3.9 Similarity Score
70% Diagnosis:
836/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.4/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -0.5/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -0.5/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0.8/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0.5/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.8/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.9/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 0/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 0/1
Multiple Stages 0/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets ?/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.5/1
Subtle Humor 0.4/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.5/1
Over the Top 0.5/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.3/1
Fun Ramp 0.7/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.7/1

GunDeck(100) Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
100% Positive Steam Reviews
6 Steam Reviews
8.9 Pure Vibes
9.6 Review Scale
385/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 0.8/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 0.8/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

GunDeck(100) Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

LinuxMacSteam DeckWindows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories

A Little Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeArena ShooterBrotato-styleBullet HeavenDeckbuildingRogueliteTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags

2DCuteGeometricPixel ArtRetroVector Inspired

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Dos Jamones

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 11
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"GunDeck is a lightning-fast twin-stick shooter where you'll build your arsenal from randomly-dealt cards. Weapons fire in a rainbow of elements with unique effects. Dart and dodge to survive the fireworks unleashed against you, and retaliate with your own display! Can YOU survive to wave 100?"

From discord: "We've been told it's like brotato in space". Dev notes: "If I feel I have a winning run, chances are I'm just about to lose."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings
