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Similarity & Review


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Compared to VS. Not a review!

Similarity Scale

Percentage of possible points earned scored -1 to 1 in tenths in 60 categories

Genre Controls Modes Progress Builds Stages Content Aesthetic Vibe

929 Search Results


Battle Shapers


Very Different. FPS Rogue-lite

First Person Shooter Rogue-lite
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
8.8 Final Review
88% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
136 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Battle Shapers Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Battle Shapers Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

8.8 Final Review
88% Positive Steam Reviews
136 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Battle Shapers Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCEA

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

First Person ShooterRogue-lite

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
0.0 Final Review
0% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
1 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Battlecaster Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Battlecaster Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

0.0 Final Review
0% Positive Steam Reviews
1 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Battlecaster Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Beach Invasion 1944


Very Different. First person wave shooter where you play as the wrong side at the battle of Normandy. WARNING I got the code for this game to review as part of a press package for many games in a sale and didn't realize what it was. This game will put n-zi Medals on your profile earning a previously unconceived -1 in achievements due to the unique gameplay loop of panicking and contacting support to remove them. Much more detail in notes. Probably don't try this one. I feel dirty sharing the link even for academic purposes. I didn't originally expect games to really go below 0, but I guess it's useful to have some outlier examples for a scoring guide.

First Person Shooter Malware Tower Defense Wave Shooter
-0.4 Combined Ranking Score
72/72 Ranking Position
562/1600 Total Points
2.9 Final Review
86% Steam
0.2 Scale
0.0 Vibes
568 Steam Reviews
188/400 Review Points
-3.8 Similarity Score
31% Diagnosis:
Very Different
374/1200 Comparison Points
41% Genre -1.5/8 genre
22% Simple Controls -3.9/7 move
61% Survival Modes 0.9/4 modes
18% Power Progression -2.6/4 level
30% Buildcrafting Depth -2/5 build
55% Stage Features 0.7/7 stage
37% Content Breadth -2.4/9 stuff
10% Aesthetics -4.8/6 style
15% Gameplay Vibe Check -7/10 vibe vibe

Beach Invasion 1944 Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 0.7

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/4/2023

Wow holy shit! Avoid haha

Was given a review key for this game as part of a press bundle for an event. Just installed all of them and started working my way into the list. I was a half hour into this game, mostly just making notes, before I realized what beach I was on, what the tank near me was named, and what the popups rushing by on the left were.

The game is kind of subtle. No n-zi flags. You have to actually think back to war photos to realize what side of the beach means what, you have to know the logos on the trucks, etc. I should have recognized it sooner, I'm Jewish, had family who fought for the American forces and family in the camps. I was mostly thinking about how dark it is to throw you in on this side to start (I don't know if there are other levels, functionally) but then it gave me the Iron Cross, I realized it was an actual achievement and quit the hell out.

This is the first game that gets a negative score in achievements for having achievements so bad I'm classifying them as malware. Literally had to contact support to try and have them removed. That's a first for me. It's 10 dollars and what is here is relatively unique in terms of being in this genre, but not in terms of being a poorly made world war II game.

It's janky, aiming is buggy as hell, controller support hardly works in the menu at all. In fact I feel it flat out doesn't. And it already has paid DLC out. It feels like it's a way for n-zis to just pay ten dollars and then put the Iron Cross on their profile.

At the same time I will say it was a unique gameplay experience. If the n-zi awards weren't there for funsies it could even be worth experiencing. Felt very dark. Music is not there or bleak. Gamification aspects just made it feel darker, like slow mo zoom kills and powerups popping up in the middle of the endless meatgrinder of one of the all time worst moments in mankind's history. Run feels like it goes on forever and I just wanted to die but for some reason I couldn't. Ctrl alt deleted to get past a bugging menu and closed the app with a feeling of absolute horror. Then had to contact tech support. The vibes on this one are positively otherworldly bad.

But hey it's nice to have something firmly at the bottom here. Worst vibe yet!

Beach Invasion 1944 Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

-3.8 Similarity Score
31% Diagnosis:
374/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric -1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar -1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.5/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only 0.1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty -1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves -1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.9/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0.4/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks -1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks -1/1
Build Crafting -1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 0.3/1
Health on Ground 0.7/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.7/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0.5/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0.5/1
Enemy Variety 0.3/1
Bosses / Elites 0.3/1
Many Interesting Characters -1/1
Many Challenges 0/1
Multiple Stages -1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements -1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art -1/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm -0.8/1
Bumpin Music -1/1
Fun Writing -1/1
Subtle Humor -1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe -1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs -1/1
Difficulty Ramp -1/1
Fun Ramp -1/1
Low Price -1/1
Technical Check -1/1
Controls Check -1/1
Fun Check 0/1
Feels like VS -1/1

Beach Invasion 1944 Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

2.9 Final Review
86% Positive Steam Reviews
568 Steam Reviews
0.0 Pure Vibes
0.2 Review Scale
188/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 0.3/1
Not Janky 0/1
Good UI 0/1
Controller and Deck 0/1
Lots of Content 0.1/1
Good Theme -1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 0.5/1
Fun Feel 0.7/1
Unique Twists 0.6/1
Vibe Check -1/1

Beach Invasion 1944 Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

EpicSteam DeckWindows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

First Person ShooterMalwareTower DefenseWave Shooter

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam Achievements


Alx2 Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: 40
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Critic Review Excerpt

- +

Here's another perspective to evaluate the game.

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Beach Invasion 1944 is a WWII FPS game where you defend the fortified beach against invading forces who will attack you with troops, tanks, planes and more! Use the iconic WWII weapons such as MG42, Flak 88 and Panzers, prepare your defenses with mines, explosives and bonuses!"

I should have thought hard about exactly what that is saying there in the tagline. But you can see on the page yourself, it's like.. well, Steam allows a series of games called "Sex with Hitler" so maybe they already know.

Their promo for their new game on reddit says "Don't show this game to grandpa: Pacific Edition" so they know what they're doing. Actually, the account posting history is absolutely fascinating. They 'accidentally' promoted it on veterans day? "Not all german soldiers were n-zis?"

Finally found a mechanics related quote: "if it makes you feel better, you can't win in this game but play till you eventually lose." I try to research the game designer's philosophy for every game, btw, it's just not usually this dramatic. (Censoring n-zi to save me some brigading.)

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time:

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Beat Hazard 3


Very Different. A top down twin stick shooter that uses "your music" (or at least your spotify) to generate arcade style levels. Or at least effects. Certainly over the top and similar in that it's top down and a shooter, perhaps if you're looking for more top down shooters it's an interesting option. Reviewed because it was in the Steam Bullet Heaven festival. It's not really a typical bullet heaven, more like a typical top down shmup. Which makes sense as the Beat Hazard series has existed since long before the term bullet heaven did. Perhaps will appeal to some of the same impulses but it's generally very different and not a survivors-like. Low review almost entirely due to UI and illegibility in both menus and gameplay. May improve!

Arcade Arena Shooter Bullet Hell Isometric or Top Down Music Twin Stick Shooter
4.7 Combined Ranking Score
64/72 Ranking Position
1053/1600 Total Points
7.1 Final Review
92% Steam
6.1 Scale
6.0 Vibes
280 Steam Reviews
313/400 Review Points
2.3 Similarity Score
62% Diagnosis:
Very Different
740/1200 Comparison Points
68% Genre 2.9/8 genre
29% Simple Controls -3/7 move
65% Survival Modes 1.2/4 modes
50% Power Progression 0/4 level
54% Buildcrafting Depth 0.4/5 build
50% Stage Features 0/7 stage
89% Content Breadth 7/9 stuff
58% Aesthetics 1/6 style
74% Gameplay Vibe Check 4.7/10 vibe vibe

Beat Hazard 3 Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 1.5

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/4/2023

The default mode is level based, I suppose, with levels based on your songs. This makes it time based, in vibe, more than the average level based shooter. We'll call that a partial positive score.

Collecting the score bubbles feels enough like collecting XP or gold, so we'll call it that. We're mostly concerned with the collecting mechanic in gameplay on that metric. It has unlockables like an arcade game has unlockables, and it's procedurally generated. So is it a rogue-lite? It's an interesting question, and we'll give it a partial score there for sharing some features, but ultimately it doesn't feel like a roguelike because there's no making a build within the game, just arcade style power ups.

It does have waves within the levels, for sure, and they're fairly organic. But it's not a horde nor attempts to be. There are a ton of different ships and weapon stuff and unique customization options, I'm going to call all those menus a bestiary as well.

"Generating a galaxy" looks really pretty and felt cool, but I wasn't really sure if it was more than just a very visually hi fi menu.

This was actually a special experience to review because I directed it to a folder of old MP3s I'd ripped from weird bands my friends were in during college, lofi electronic and experimental stuff that I think worked pretty well. Hearing all my old friends haunted voices over beats was honestly something.

That being said I wish it really synced up the action more and slow songs had little action - perhaps that would feel like you weren't playing the game but with long intros it would have been cool to pick things knowing how they'd amp up. As it is, the very metallic ships that show up can feel pretty off topic with certain twangy folksy vibes. That's honestly a skill issue, though, and we can assume you're going to put on a "beat" for Beat Hazard.

Unfortunately, with the strobing down, which I eventually had to set lower for my eyes, it didn't feel like much really had to do with my music. And due to how much was going on always, I couldn't really tell what upgrading my ships did too easily either.

Honestly I found myself kind of confused in the menus. There are so many game modes, so many options, I didn't really know what to do at any given time. Something I normally like about this genre is how simple it is to get in and out. But I understand the reason for some of the complexity given the music focus. Just don't know if the ship/ability upgrade stuff needs to be too.

The biggest thing that holds me back from playing more is how complicated all the menus and modes are - it seems silly, but I suffer easily from decision fatigue. And the font is too close together and hard to read. It's Early Access so maybe I can hope there's a UI overhaul and much of this is tidied up and hidden away. It's honestly overwhelming.

Beat Hazard 3 Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

2.3 Similarity Score
62% Diagnosis:
740/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.3/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.6/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0.6/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0.4/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.2/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) -1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.2/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.2/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.8/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.2/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.5/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.2/1
Fun Ramp 0/1
Low Price -0.5/1
Technical Check 0.5/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS -0.2/1

Beat Hazard 3 Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

7.1 Final Review
92% Positive Steam Reviews
280 Steam Reviews
6.0 Pure Vibes
6.1 Review Scale
313/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 0.9/1
Not Janky 0.5/1
Good UI -1/1
Controller and Deck 0.8/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 0.7/1
Good Graphics and Sound 0.7/1
Fun Feel 0.7/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 0.8/1

Beat Hazard 3 Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

EpicSteam DeckWindows PCEA

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeArena ShooterBullet HellIsometric or Top DownMusicTwin Stick Shooter

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags

Sci-fiShip (Air/Space)Space

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Leaderboards


Cold Beam Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: Co-Op Versus
  • Online: Co-Op Versus (Remote Play)
  • Player Count: 4
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 45
  • Steam Leaderboards: Yes
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Are you ready to explore your music collection mapped as a stunning galaxy of wonders? Experience your music collection as never before with this intense music driven twin stick shooter. Each of your songs will have its own unique ebb and flow based on the music."

"All new 3D procedural ship generation system. Introducing a new 'fold' ability used to dodge enemy fire and focus your weapons into a tight beam of destruction."

"Beat Hazard 3 is compatible with music streaming services via an improved 'Open Mic' system that can listen in to any music source."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 5m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Beat Invaders


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.6 Final Review
96% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
151 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Beat Invaders Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Beat Invaders Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.6 Final Review
96% Positive Steam Reviews
151 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Beat Invaders Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Beatmons 2


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Beatmons 2 Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Beatmons 2 Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings




Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard and follow up interview.

Arena Shooter Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Music Roguelite Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Wave Survival
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
4.5 Similarity Score
72% Diagnosis:
867/1200 Comparison Points
85% Genre 5.6/8 genre
74% Simple Controls 3.4/7 move
76% Survival Modes 2.1/4 modes
83% Power Progression 2.6/4 level
79% Buildcrafting Depth 2.9/5 build
69% Stage Features 2.6/7 stage
49% Content Breadth -0.1/9 stuff
73% Aesthetics 2.8/6 style
72% Gameplay Vibe Check 4.3/10 vibe vibe

BeatPunk! Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/8/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

BeatPunk! Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

4.5 Similarity Score
72% Diagnosis:
867/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.5/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.6/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -0.5/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.4/1
Move Only 0.6/1
No Dash 0.2/1
No Trigger 0.8/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming -0.6/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0.4/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.7/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0.3/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0.3/1
Build Crafting 0.5/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.8/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.3/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.5/1
Explorable Map -0.7/1
BIG Maps -0.5/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0.8/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.3/1
Bosses / Elites 0.3/1
Many Interesting Characters -0.7/1
Many Challenges 0/1
Multiple Stages 0/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 0/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.8/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.4/1
Over the Top 0.3/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.6/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.7/1
Fun Ramp 0.8/1
Low Price 0/1
Technical Check 0/1
Controls Check 0.8/1
Fun Check 0.7/1
Feels like VS 0.5/1

BeatPunk! Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

MacWindows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterAuto-ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalMusicRogueliteSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras


Digi GamesReçel Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"BeatPunk! is a top-down arena shooter roguelike where you play as a musician trying to survive a horde of robots by composing deadly songs. Choose from a variety of weapons, traits and sounds where each choice results in a different song and playstyle, making each playthrough unique."

Dev Scorecard Note: "The player gets to create their own gameplay soundtrack in each run with 16 different instruments!"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 10m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
7.3 Final Review
73% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
1055 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Beautiful Mystic Survivors Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Beautiful Mystic Survivors Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

7.3 Final Review
73% Positive Steam Reviews
1055 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Beautiful Mystic Survivors Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Before the Dawn Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Before the Dawn Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Berry Hunt Survivors Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Berry Hunt Survivors Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
1 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Beyond Fantasy Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 12/19/2023

No notes available yet!

Beyond Fantasy Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
8.9 Final Review
89% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
29 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Big Survivor Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Big Survivor Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

8.9 Final Review
89% Positive Steam Reviews
29 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Big Survivor Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Binding of Elements


Arena Shooter Bullet Hell Roguelite Survivors-like
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
3 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Binding of Elements Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Binding of Elements Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCEA

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterBullet HellRogueliteSurvivors-like

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"In this action-roguelike game you'll have to survive waves of monsters and fight against bosses. You'll be able to combine different elements to get unique abilities and arm yourself against the challenges. Choose from a variety of upgrades and improve your character or abilities."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Bing in Wonderland

Free Available Released

Pretty Different. A side perspective rogue-lite hack and slash arena bullet heaven. This one from Wanba Studio in Beijing is among the more notable titles on the list. It takes the best features from many different games while confidently (and at time absurdly) doing its own thing. A vibe like if Binding of Isaac was made by classical Chinese ink wash painters, just impeccable low/high brow ugly/cute vibes throughout. Good music, packed with charm (and content too.) Action focused controls but full auto-aim and button mash friendly design makes it still relatively accessible compared to other sidescrolling rogue-lites. My partner and I both dig this one very much, which is good because I need to rest my hands after a run.

Arena Shooter Brotato-style Bullet Heaven Content Rich Dungeon Crawler Hack and Slash Roguelite Sidescroller Wave Survival
8.2 Combined Ranking Score
20/72 Ranking Position
1394/1600 Total Points
9.7 Final Review
97% Steam
9.7 Scale
9.8 Vibes
1479 Steam Reviews
392/400 Review Points
6.7 Similarity Score
84% Diagnosis:
Pretty Different
1002/1200 Comparison Points
87% Genre 5.9/8 genre
38% Simple Controls -1.7/7 move
69% Survival Modes 1.5/4 modes
85% Power Progression 2.8/4 level
95% Buildcrafting Depth 4.5/5 build
71% Stage Features 3/7 stage
100% Content Breadth 9/9 stuff
98% Aesthetics 5.8/6 style
100% Gameplay Vibe Check 9.9/10 vibe vibe

Bing in Wonderland Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 5.6

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/9/2023

Bing is in Wonderland and you can be too! Fairly unique title on the list and has features that may appeal to a wide range of players.

Picked this one up from my Steam Queue unsure about what it exactly was and I've never been happier. First of all, I just want to say that it's incredibly refreshing to have fun silly games based on mythology not as overdone as Norse, Greek, Celtic, etc and Beijing based Wanba Studio really delivers. And in an incredibly silly lofi refreshing way. The localization team deserves a nobel peace prize.

It's a "sidescroller" but really only in small arena style stages linked together in the now classic branching paths rogue-lite fashion. You don't see all your paths on a map, but you can pick a stage with a certain kind of power progression. New skill, stat increase, vendor, etc. It's somewhere near Hades but also feels a little brotato style with wave design.

So in that way it's perhaps more similar to other dungeon crawlers, but they say "without exploration elements". With the picking up resources off the ground, over the top upgrades, and general streamlined presentation it fits in well with what a lot of survivors-likes fans are looking for.

Tons more build depth, weapon variety, etc than you'd expect from it at first. Just packed with content. Maps, characters, bestiary, you name it. Sometimes the UI organization is rough but it can also be really creative so hard to ding it too much.

Besides the change in perspective, the biggest difference is with the complexity of controls. It's an action heavy game, though not really a tactical or challenging one. It lends itself very well to button mashing so I quite enjoy it, but the amount of different buttons involved can make it less accessible (I have to play in rounds with my partner for runs, since my hands tire easily.)

I very much appreciate that it has only auto aim, no manual aim, so at least that part you don't need to worry about. Which is good because this most definitely is a bullet heaven, even if the dungeon crawling nature of it makes it perhaps not a survivors-like. There is auto-fire, but it's a mid game unlockable hence partial score.

More scoring modes: We're judging the area selects as "maps/stages" in the VS sense, since they function very similarly. Has both jump and dodge but can't go past -1 in that column anyway. Early runs to clear the first few stages were maybe 8-10 minutes. Probably can go down if you're better and go up on later levels.

But speaking of that, the button mash friendly action focus and streamlined nature also makes this a game that appeals highly to my partner as well as me (while my partner sometimes bounces off buildcrafting and I bounce off games too reliant on tactical button presses). It reminds me a bit of Hades, which I was able to complete runs of, in that when it's going well you're constantly dashing around the screen.

Lovely uglycute art style based on classical Chinese ink wash paintings, I'm honestly unsure I've ever seen anything exactly like it. Especially mixed with the lowbrow humor. This is probably off a little bit since I'm not an expert on the art history, but my first impression was like if Binding of Isaac was made during the Tang Dynasty. Screenshots and even videos don't really do it justice. Just fresh.

Sometimes a game might actually get dinged in 'subtle' humor when it's got a lot of poop jokes, but it's got a wide range of humor overall. Something I thought was a UI bug was a "prank" so watch out for those. Did I mention the music is really good? Devs should play this game and take notes.

Bing in Wonderland Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.7 Similarity Score
84% Diagnosis:
1002/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.5/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 0/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.4/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger 0.5/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0.8/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0.5/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0.8/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.5/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0.8/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 0.9/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.5/1

Bing in Wonderland Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.7 Final Review
97% Positive Steam Reviews
1479 Steam Reviews
9.8 Pure Vibes
9.7 Review Scale
392/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 0.9/1
Good UI 0.8/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.0 Converted 10 Point Score
1 Number of Critic Reviews


- User Review Average
- Number of User Reviews


8.0 Direct Average
8.0 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Bing in Wonderland Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories

Pretty Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterBrotato-styleBullet HeavenContent RichDungeon CrawlerHack and SlashRogueliteSidescrollerWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags

2DBrowser GameCalligraphyCartoonCuteInk WashLofiPainterlyUglycute

Setting / Story Tags

ComedyDungeonsFantasyGrossoutMartial ArtsMeme GameWuxiaXianxia

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags

Auto-AimAuto-AttackBranching PathsEquipmentJumpingMerchant On Run8m

Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Trading Cards


Wanba Studio

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 68
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam (Coming Soon)

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Bing in Wonderland is a new entry in the Wanba Warriors franchise. A Roguelite monster killing satisfaction galore without any exploration elements. The game is filled to the brim with exotic enemies and stages with a collection of deep and robust boons, weapons, and items plus an abundance of pointless features and useless details."

"Although an Indie game studio, we wanted to create a game rivaling that of other triple A games; so we simply redefined the A in triple A. The game features A lot of pancakes, A lot of Money and A lot of fishes."

In game bestiary has stuff like this where I just can't not write down: "2-Headed Fish: An ingenious tactic where two fishes spin by fusing their butts." Why does this make me laugh? I'm almost 40!

Control Style Notes

- +

It's a very button mash friendly action platformer, with mostly short ranged attacks. It uses a wide variety of remappable buttons with various combos.

It does however have some auto features not typical to other action platformers. The player bounces around the stage drawn by their attacks and manual jumping. They throw a hat and then dash to the location, which can also be a form of attack or give i-frames.

Automated Features


Auto-Aim is available and while the game is very action focused, it is possible to unlock a menu with in game currency that allows selecting that automates some attacks as well.

Supported Controls

  • Controller: Full
  • Controller Move Only: No
  • Controller One Handed: ?
  • Mouse Only: ?
  • Keyboard Only: ?
  • Keyboard One Handed: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 8m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Bio Prototype


This bioengineering themed arena wave survival game might be my favorite of the Brotato-style auto shooters so far. The logic puzzle style chaining of abilities from your "brain" gives me something enjoyable to look forward to on each round end and within the rounds the movement-only wave survival is quite enjoyable. I also dig the ugly-cute aesthetic and overall vibe, making this a title I'm looking forward to putting more time into. I think if you like Brotato and want to really think through strategy between rounds, this is a good choice. If you like "spellcrafting" games this could be considered similar. It even lets you test your build before going to the next wave!

Arena Shooter Auto-Shooter Brotato-style Bullet Heaven Content Rich Enemy Hell Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Spell Crafting Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Wave Survival
8.5 Combined Ranking Score
13/72 Ranking Position
1436/1600 Total Points
9.3 Final Review
92% Steam
9.9 Scale
8.8 Vibes
2041 Steam Reviews
379/400 Review Points
7.6 Similarity Score
88% Diagnosis:
1057/1200 Comparison Points
100% Genre 8/8 genre
100% Simple Controls 7/7 move
85% Survival Modes 2.8/4 modes
56% Power Progression 0.5/4 level
100% Buildcrafting Depth 5/5 build
54% Stage Features 0.6/7 stage
86% Content Breadth 6.4/9 stuff
100% Aesthetics 6/6 style
98% Gameplay Vibe Check 9.5/10 vibe vibe

Bio Prototype Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 4.1

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/13/2023

Bio Prototype is an excellent creature creating survivors-like, though more in the Brotato-style since it does all of the upgrading on round ends and the gameplay stays within a small box-like arena. I haven't played or unlocked nearly enough of it, but it's popular enough that I was able to enjoy some nice gameplay videos and other content to help with my first impressions review.

The lack of exploration aspects may make it less similar to Vampire Survivors, as does the relatively complex upgrade system, but I found it quite satisfying both in avoiding the enemies and upgrading during my run. The enemy drops don't auto gather so it feels a tiny bit more like VS compared to Brotato. The upgrading is done by selecting from a small amount of options for "organs" to implant and then chaining them up from your "brain." This works like a simple puzzle, well simple in terms of left to right alignment but complicated in terms of the chain of events. You can sell your previous upgrades if needed (we're counting this interface as a vendor as well) and even test your ability layout between rounds.

Tweaking this brain linking to get the most heavenly of bullet heavens results in a satisfying gameplay loop that I think will keep many fans busy for a solid set of hours (this is one I intend to come back to after trying out all the games, myself.) It's also helped along by the simple in round movement controls (single stick only!) You avoid mobs and try to gather resources while also lining up your attacks without the distraction of additional controls. The enemy waves are laid out well, as in the best of these games, to make pathing the maze between them satisfying enough to pull you into the zen point (at least until the end of the round.)

There are a variety of playable creatures as well as a fair amount of variation in attacks and abilities. It has multiple stages, though as far as I know they're basically all a simple arena. There's an endless mode and a "draft" mode. It's pretty full of content which is mostly hidden at first behind a pretty simple and straight to the action main menu (something I very much appreciate to get me into the next run quickly.)

Some organs create temporary health/powerup drops so partial score there. There are a lot of challenges to unlock things, but no currency based meta unlocks as far as I know. This makes it a bit more skill and strategy based for progression than some games on this list that mostly reward time spent grinding. That can make it either more or less appealing to you, to me it's just different and sometimes I'm in the mood for one or the other. But I have to admit more obviously grind-happy games sometimes steal more hours away from me.

I think the "round end" upgrade cycle allows it a great complexity in the strategy, but that's not always my personal preference for playing these games (You'll notice I didn't particularly end up enamored with Brotato, kind of king of the round end upgrade auto shooters.) In this case, the game won me over by what I find to be a much more charming aesthetic, relatively unique system for upgrades, and the basic logic/programming puzzle of setting up moves.

Bio Prototype Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

7.6 Similarity Score
88% Diagnosis:
1057/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.8/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -0.5/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0.3/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.3/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.8/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0.6/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.5/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.9/1

Bio Prototype Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.3 Final Review
92% Positive Steam Reviews
2041 Steam Reviews
8.8 Pure Vibes
9.9 Review Scale
379/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 0.9/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: Steam

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 39
  • Steam Leaderboards: Yes
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"A wave of irrational experimentation rushes toward you. Hurry up and mutate! evolution! Become scarier monsters than them! Use flesh and blood to bloom a way of survival! 24 characters, more than 80 kinds of organs, and endless build combinations"

"Hurry up and mutate! evolution! Become scarier monsters than them! Use flesh and blood to bloom a way of survival! 19 characters, more than 40 kinds of organs, and endless build combinations!"

"Link organs to your brain to create exponentially increasing combos" "More than 80 kinds of organs, 40 special designed characters, and infinite combinations"

Control Style Notes

- +

The game is a single stick shooter, with no options for manual aim. It's not quite as much of a mowing game, so you mostly avoid enemies while chaining projectile combos.

Automated Features


No Manual options.

Supported Controls

  • Controller: Full
  • Controller Move Only: Yes
  • Controller One Handed: Yes
  • Mouse Only: Yes
  • Keyboard Only: Yes
  • Keyboard One Handed: Yes

Game Modes

- +

Timed Survival

Endless Survival

Daily Challenge

Test Mode

Game Mode Notes

The primary mode is the timed round survival in the menu. When upgrading within a run, there is an option to enter a sort of test mode where you can see how your abilities end up chaining together and test the damage against dummy targets.

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes

Runs are separated into 15 small rounds, with upgrades at the end of each round brotato-style. You can test your build between rounds.

Disclaimer: Hard to say exact run time from my gameplay, since I spend so much time between rounds fiddling 15 short rounds can take me 45 minutes or even an hour. Part of that is just me being silly and spending too much time in the test mode probably. "Run time "Depends on difficulty. In normal mode you can expect 20-35 minutes. You can clock over an hour in endless mode." via BrziKorak on the forum. Sounds about right.

Speed Settings


Player Power Progression

- +

Detailed notes on progression systems.

In Run Progression

In between rounds you are awarded a choice of "organs" which are your ability chain and weapon items. You can sell your organs and have access to a store where you can upgrade your capabilities or buy more organ picks. You then must create a programming like chain of attacks from your brain by linking organs, which you can move and rearrange as you wish between rounds.

Some organs create temporary powerups which can be picked up off the ground.

Meta Progression

Achievements unlock new "classes" and new types of organs (the way abilities and attacks chain from your characters brain, or brains rather.)

- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Biters and Bullets Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Biters and Bullets Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
8.9 Final Review
89% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
287 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Biters and Bullets: Prologue Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Biters and Bullets: Prologue Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

8.9 Final Review
89% Positive Steam Reviews
287 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Biters and Bullets: Prologue Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Bitgun Survivors Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Bitgun Survivors Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Black Dragon Mage Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Black Dragon Mage Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Black Gunner Wukong Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Black Gunner Wukong Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings
