Game and Release Info

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Specific tags for the title's features


Similarity & Review


Multiple Sources


Compared to VS. Not a review!

Similarity Scale

Percentage of possible points earned scored -1 to 1 in tenths in 60 categories

Genre Controls Modes Progress Builds Stages Content Aesthetic Vibe

929 Search Results

Sort Order: _sfm_vg_combined_review_score desc num




Very Different. First person tower climbing roguelike where you must get to the end and punch god. Included because it was also 99 cents, I have no idea how this one compares.

- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
20 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Godfist Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Godfist Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
20 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Godfist Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Centipede Gun


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
95% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
20 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Centipede Gun Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 12/25/2023

No notes available yet!

Centipede Gun Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
95% Positive Steam Reviews
20 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Centipede Gun Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

DLC Free Available Released

Very Different. An earlier style of game if you want a difficult rogue-lite that feels close to a real time rogue-like, focused on room based exploration. Greed mode, however, introduced in Afterbirth, is a wave survival mode, with an endless mode possible. No currency unlocks, more a bullet hell than bullet haven, and other aspects make this a very different kind of game, despite how it gets recommended often to Vampire Survivor Fans. Knocks it out of the park in terms of content breadth and replayability. I'm fucking terrible at it.

Dungeon Crawler Roguelite Story Rich Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Survival
7.5 Combined Ranking Score
35/72 Ranking Position
1310/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
97% Steam
9.8 Scale
8.9 Vibes
230286 Steam Reviews
384/400 Review Points
5.4 Similarity Score
77% Diagnosis:
Very Different
926/1200 Comparison Points
70% Genre 3.2/8 genre
26% Simple Controls -3.3/7 move
70% Survival Modes 1.6/4 modes
50% Power Progression 0/4 level
86% Buildcrafting Depth 3.6/5 build
100% Stage Features 7/7 stage
100% Content Breadth 9/9 stuff
91% Aesthetics 4.9/6 style
88% Gameplay Vibe Check 7.6/10 vibe vibe

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 7.0

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/20/2023

Released in several versions, but we'll just consider them all one thing to rank here. Played on Newgrounds, played "Classic" (now labeled as such) on steam for 3 or so hours, Rebirth and Afterbirth on Switch for a fair amount longer. Let's call transformations weapon evolutions. Daily challenges are available on top of hard mode, etc. It's got an insane amount of content at this point if you get all the DLC, later releases or the last switch release. True fans know a million secrets and how to do insane things on the first run on a fresh save, folks like me struggle to make it through 4 rooms. Endlessly replayable if you love it.

This is a rogue-lite but it's way stressful and not, for me, 'zen' at all. It's not a bullet heaven. If you like short runs it might hit the spot, but it's sooooo different. I suck at it too. It's got an iconic style and really personifies an era, but I also admit I'm not that into it personally.

Some aspects feel a little edgy just to be edgy and it's funny for a bit, but when I'm sucking at the game it doesn't pull me back in, impacting my vibe score. But gave it full review scores since it just seems right.

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

5.4 Similarity Score
77% Diagnosis:
926/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.2/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 0.5/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -0.6/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0.8/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0.8/1
Endless Mode 0.8/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm 0.9/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.1/1
Over the Top 0.7/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.7/1
Fun Ramp 0.8/1
Low Price 0.3/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0/1

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
97% Positive Steam Reviews
230286 Steam Reviews
8.9 Pure Vibes
9.8 Review Scale
384/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 0.8/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.4 Converted 10 Point Score
30 Number of Critic Reviews


8.3 User Review Average
1128 Number of User Reviews


8.4 Direct Average
8.3 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

3DSEpiciOSPS4PS5Steam DeckSwitchVitaWii UWindows PCXboxDLCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Dungeon CrawlerRogueliteStory RichTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags

2DBrowser GameCartoonPixel ArtUglycute

Setting / Story Tags

ComedyDungeonsGrossoutHorrorHorror ThemedUnderworld

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags

Holiday Event45m

Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Trading Cards


Edmund McMillenInc.Nicalis

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: Co-Op
  • Online: Co-Op
  • Player Count: 4
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: Yes
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: Yes
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam Bandcamp Spotify Amazon Apple YouTube

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth is a randomly generated action RPG shooter with heavy Rogue-like elements. Following Isaac on his journey players will find bizarre treasures that change Isaac’s form giving him super human abilities and enabling him to fight off droves of mysterious creatures, discover secrets and fight his way to safety."

"Over 500 hours of gameplay" "Over 100 co-op characters" "4 BILLION Seeded runs!"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 45m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Assault Android Cactus


Different. This is an older arcade top down shooter. Cactus used to be mentioned more right when VS came out, before the clones. It comes with a campaign mode and "infinity drive" wave survival mode that technically has an end at 49 levels but is "near impossible" to get to. Also a "daily drive" that can give you some of that randomized challenge run feeling. No Rogue-lite elements or builds, but collecting 'volts' to increase weapon power feels very similar to VS XP. It might scratch your itch, it's widely considered to be a great game.

Dungeon Crawler Story Rich Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Shooter Wave Survival
7.0 Combined Ranking Score
42/72 Ranking Position
1252/1600 Total Points
9.5 Final Review
94% Steam
9.8 Scale
9.3 Vibes
1207 Steam Reviews
385/400 Review Points
4.5 Similarity Score
72% Diagnosis:
867/1200 Comparison Points
69% Genre 3.1/8 genre
41% Simple Controls -1.2/7 move
90% Survival Modes 3.2/4 modes
53% Power Progression 0.2/4 level
51% Buildcrafting Depth 0.1/5 build
75% Stage Features 3.5/7 stage
97% Content Breadth 8.5/9 stuff
79% Aesthetics 3.5/6 style
81% Gameplay Vibe Check 6.2/10 vibe vibe

Assault Android Cactus Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 2.3

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/23/2023

This game is part of the precursor genre of twin stick shooters and was a pretty popular suggestion on Reddit when Vampire Survivors came out and before he genre defined itself and steam was flooded with clones. I can see why, it's got a daily challenge that makes it feel a little more run like. But overall, it's a level based twin stick shooter. No metaprogression, no leveling up. A fair amount of similar features though. Collecting "volts" to upgrade your weapon from level 0 to 3 doesn't offer upgrade paths, but does feel like sweeping up XP.

There's health that will knock you down if lost, but really it's got a timer mechanic with battery drain requiring you to keep getting new batteries to avoid running out of time. This feels a little bit like looking for XP on the floor to sweep. "I'm just a little android" song (with vocals!) when you get your ass handed to you is a banger. It's got a story, voice acting, and made the most of the 3D graphics of the time with chibi-robo soldier gals.

It reminds me some of great Housemarque games Super Stardust and Nex Machina. You'll just have to be motivated by high scores and not unlocks.

Assault Android Cactus Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

4.5 Similarity Score
72% Diagnosis:
867/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite -1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.8/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.3/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move 0.8/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0.5/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.7/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0.2/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Build Crafting 0/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map 0.5/1
BIG Maps 0/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.5/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm 0.5/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.8/1
Over the Top 0.7/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.5/1
Difficulty Ramp 0/1
Fun Ramp 0/1
Low Price 0.2/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.6/1

Assault Android Cactus Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.5 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
1207 Steam Reviews
9.3 Pure Vibes
9.8 Review Scale
385/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 0.8/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.6 Converted 10 Point Score
11 Number of Critic Reviews


8.4 User Review Average
35 Number of User Reviews


8.5 Direct Average
8.4 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Assault Android Cactus Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

LinuxMacPS4Steam DeckSwitchWindows PCXboxReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Dungeon CrawlerStory RichSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam LeaderboardsSteam Trading Cards


Witch Beam

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: Co-Op
  • Online: Co-Op
  • Player Count: 4
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 29
  • Steam Leaderboards: Yes
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam Bandcamp YouTube Spotify Amazon Apple

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Assault Android Cactus is an intense arcade style twin stick shooter - pick from one of nine unique synthetic heroines and blast your way through overwhelming robots hordes to save the ship from its own workforce. Supports single player and local co-op game modes."

"..blending the gameplay of western styled arena shooters with aspects of Japanese style bullet hell as you charge head first through transforming stages, massive boss battles and an eclectic cast of characters.."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: n/a

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Rogue Legacy


Very Different. Popular rogue-lite sidescroller Included to test the scale. Rogue Legacy 2 Is similar enough to not require a seperate ranking, since neither is really a VS-like. Not a bullet heaven! Great games though. Perhaps you're tired of top down auto shooters want a hack and slash sidescroller rogue-lite with similar currency based power creep.

Dungeon Crawler Hack and Slash Metroidvania Roguelite Roguevania Sidescroller
6.2 Combined Ranking Score
52/72 Ranking Position
1164/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
92% Steam
10.0 Scale
9.0 Vibes
15253 Steam Reviews
382/400 Review Points
3.0 Similarity Score
65% Diagnosis:
Very Different
782/1200 Comparison Points
50% Genre 0/8 genre
21% Simple Controls -4/7 move
25% Survival Modes -2/4 modes
59% Power Progression 0.7/4 level
52% Buildcrafting Depth 0.2/5 build
89% Stage Features 5.5/7 stage
86% Content Breadth 6.4/9 stuff
100% Aesthetics 6/6 style
84% Gameplay Vibe Check 6.8/10 vibe vibe

Rogue Legacy Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 22.1

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/18/2023

A Rogue-lite well known for its enjoyable meta progression and humorous inheritance inspired twist on classes, it's also very different from Vampire Survivors as it is a sidescroller and not at all a bullet heaven. As a side note, this game's chompy first castle music is really great, just awesome.

Played about 10 hours on steam and another 12 or so on Switch. Can't get that far into the game because I suck at jumping, but I enjoyed it enough to play the early parts twice. Sequel is great too.

Sometimes people would respond to a question about games like Vampire Survivors with this and other rogue-lites in suggestion. It made more sense when there weren't a lot of games mechanically like Vampire Survivors in the running, but now there are.

Rogue Legacy Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

3.0 Similarity Score
65% Diagnosis:
782/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric -1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) -1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival -1/1
Endless Mode -1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0.7/1
Build Crafting 0/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.5/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 0.4/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe -0.2/1
Over the Top 0/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 0/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS -0.4/1

Rogue Legacy Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
92% Positive Steam Reviews
15253 Steam Reviews
9.0 Pure Vibes
10.0 Review Scale
382/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 1/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.5 Converted 10 Point Score
43 Number of Critic Reviews


7.9 User Review Average
710 Number of User Reviews


8.2 Direct Average
7.9 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Rogue Legacy Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

EpicGOGiOSLinuxMacPS3PS4Steam DeckSwitchVitaWindows PCXboxReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Dungeon CrawlerHack and SlashMetroidvaniaRogueliteRoguevaniaSidescroller

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Trading Cards


Cellar Door Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 29
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: Yes

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam Bandcamp Spotify YouTube

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Rogue Legacy is a genealogical rogue-"LITE" where anyone can be a hero. Each time you die, your child will succeed you. Every child is unique. One child might be colorblind, another might be a dwarf with have vertigo. But that's OK, because no one is perfect, and you don't have to be to succeed."

"A procedurally generated adventure. Explore new castles with every life."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 15m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard

Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Roguelite Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Wave Survival
9.2 Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
19 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
8.9 Similarity Score
95% Diagnosis:
1135/1200 Comparison Points
100% Genre 8/8 genre
100% Simple Controls 7/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
94% Power Progression 3.5/4 level
95% Buildcrafting Depth 4.5/5 build
82% Stage Features 4.5/7 stage
92% Content Breadth 7.5/9 stuff
96% Aesthetics 5.5/6 style
98% Gameplay Vibe Check 9.5/10 vibe vibe

Swarmcade Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/29/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Dev Scorecard Notes: "Vendor and some sort of endless/looping mode are planned. Soundtrack release TBC"

Swarmcade Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

8.9 Similarity Score
95% Diagnosis:
1135/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode Planned/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0.5/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.5/1
Explorable Map 0.5/1
BIG Maps 0/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run Planned/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 0.5/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 0.5/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 1/1

Swarmcade Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
19 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Swarmcade Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCEA

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Auto-ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalRogueliteSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles

ControllerController 1 HandedController Move Only

Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Holiday EventSteam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Giggles Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 69
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Survive the relentless swarm in this arcade take on the Bullet Heaven'/Survivors-like Action Roguelite. Slay 1000s of foes, level up, loot chests and make your character more powerful than ever. Unlock perma-upgrades and more heroes, so you can even the odds on future runs."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





A Little Different. Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Horde Survival Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Top Down or Isometric Wave Shooter Wave Survival
7.2 Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
92 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
5.1 Similarity Score
75% Diagnosis:
A Little Different
905/1200 Comparison Points
85% Genre 5.6/8 genre
54% Simple Controls 0.5/7 move
79% Survival Modes 2.3/4 modes
50% Power Progression 0/4 level
88% Buildcrafting Depth 3.8/5 build
51% Stage Features 0.1/7 stage
74% Content Breadth 4.3/9 stuff
88% Aesthetics 4.5/6 style
98% Gameplay Vibe Check 9.5/10 vibe vibe

Talented Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/15/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Talented Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

5.1 Similarity Score
75% Diagnosis:
905/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.8/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 0.5/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.3/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0/1
Move Only -0.5/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -0.5/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0.5/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0/1
Endless Mode 0.5/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.8/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.8/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map 0/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 0.5/1
Health on Ground 0.3/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.3/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.7/1
Bosses / Elites 0.8/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.5/1
Many Challenges 0.3/1
Multiple Stages 0/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 0.5/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.4/1

Talented Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
92 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Talented Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCEA

Sorting Categories

A Little Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Horde SurvivalRogueliteSingle Stick ShooterTop Down or IsometricWave ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


TurtleFox Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 52
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Slay waves of spooky enemies for 20 nights to survive 'The Demonic Conveyor Belt'. Talented is an arcade roguelite with randomly generated skill trees. Choose your upgrades and abilities wisely and you might just make it out alive. Are you truly Talented?"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Ember Knights


Note: Feature comparison score reported based on reviewer submitted scorecard by zza675 on Discord. Tweaking in progress.

Dungeon Crawler Roguelite Top Down or Isometric Wave Survival
7.3 Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
3250 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
5.3 Similarity Score
76% Diagnosis:
917/1200 Comparison Points
66% Genre 2.6/8 genre
30% Simple Controls -2.8/7 move
94% Survival Modes 3.5/4 modes
66% Power Progression 1.3/4 level
99% Buildcrafting Depth 4.9/5 build
82% Stage Features 4.5/7 stage
91% Content Breadth 7.4/9 stuff
88% Aesthetics 4.6/6 style
82% Gameplay Vibe Check 6.3/10 vibe vibe

Ember Knights Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/20/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by player reviewer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

zza675's scorecard notes: "I would say it's fairly different from VS it as its more focused on exploring a linier dungeon with rooms instead of an open one."

Ember Knights Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

5.3 Similarity Score
76% Diagnosis:
917/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.7/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 0/1
Top Down or Isometric 0.8/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 0.3/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.6/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.2/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.5/1
Move Only 0.3/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger 0/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty -0.6/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0.5/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0.3/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.9/1
Explorable Map 0.2/1
BIG Maps 0.3/1
XP on Ground 0/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.7/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.5/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 0.7/1
Secrets 0.5/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 0.6/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0/1
Over the Top 0/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 0.5/1
Low Price 0.7/1
Technical Check 0.5/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0/1

Ember Knights Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
3250 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.5 Converted 10 Point Score
1 Number of Critic Reviews


- User Review Average
- Number of User Reviews


8.5 Direct Average
8.5 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Ember Knights Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckSwitchWindows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Dungeon CrawlerRogueliteTop Down or IsometricWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles

ControllerMouse Only

Game Mode Tags

Branching PathsCustom Mode/ScenarioDifficulty ModesDungeon CrawlHardcore Mode (Optional Permadeath)New Game +20m

Features and Extras


Doom TurtleTwin Sails Interactive

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: Co-Op
  • Online: Co-Op
  • Player Count: 14
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: 45
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Ember Knights is an action rogue-lite for 1-4 players where you play as legendary knights, the last spark of hope against the mad sorcerer Praxis and his hordes of unwavering fiends. Wield weapons & skills, build synergies with game-changing relics and free the universe of Praxis’ corruption."

Game Modes

- +

Dungeon Crawl, Branching Paths, New Game +, Hardcore Mode / Optional Permadeath, Difficulty Modes, Custom Mode

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 20m

Run Time Notes

"For a speedrun 10 mins or less, for a casual play anywhere from 30-45 typically. For "doom" 90m and for "demons" anywhere from 2 seconds to 5 hours."

Speed Settings

No player speed options. "There are difficulty modifiers that buff the speed of enemies and their attack speed."



DLC Released

Very Different. Action RPG some credit as influential on the genre

- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
7865 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Chronicon Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Chronicon Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
7865 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Chronicon Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCDLCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





Very Different. FPS Rogue-lite.

First Person Shooter Rogue-lite
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
5636 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Roboquest Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Roboquest Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
5636 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Roboquest Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

First Person ShooterRogue-lite

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
3161 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Seraph's Last Stand Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Seraph's Last Stand Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
3161 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Seraph's Last Stand Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Jet Lancer


Different. High speed sidescrolling level based shooter with an arcade wave survival mode

- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
734 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Jet Lancer Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Jet Lancer Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
734 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Jet Lancer Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Skelly Selest


Different. A top down score attack hack and slash run and gun roguelite, it's included here since it also has an endless survival arena mode.

Arena Shooter Content Rich Dungeon Crawler Hack and Slash Mowing Game Roguelite Score Attack Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Survival
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
250 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Skelly Selest Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 12/26/2023

No notes available yet!

Skelly Selest Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
250 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Skelly Selest Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterContent RichDungeon CrawlerHack and SlashMowing GameRogueliteScore AttackTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags

NeonPixel ArtRetroUglycute

Setting / Story Tags

DungeonsHorror ThemedUndeadUnderworldVillain Protagonist

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers


Very Different. Horizontal scrolling shmup included here since there are meta upgrades available between repeatable stages, though it doesn't brand as a rogue-lite.

Arcade Bullet Hell FMV Horizontal Scrolling Shmup Shoot 'Em Up Story Rich
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
126 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
Very Different
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 12/26/2023

No notes available yet!

Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
126 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Squad 51 vs. the Flying Saucers Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeBullet HellFMVHorizontal Scrolling ShmupShoot 'Em UpStory Rich

Aesthetic Tags

3DBlack and WhiteFull Motion VideoNoirRealisticRetrofuturism

Setting / Story Tags

Flying Saucer AliensHistoricalSci-fiShip (Air/Space)

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
19 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Relinked Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Relinked Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
19 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Relinked Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
19 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Symmodance Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Symmodance Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
19 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Symmodance Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Bad Egg


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
18 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Bad Egg Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 12/22/2023

No notes available yet!

Bad Egg Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
18 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Bad Egg Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCEA

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings


- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
18 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

Gun King Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

Gun King Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
18 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

Gun King Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
94% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
18 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
- Similarity Score
- Diagnosis:
-/1200 Comparison Points
- Genre -/8 genre
- Simple Controls -/7 move
- Survival Modes -/4 modes
- Power Progression -/4 level
- Buildcrafting Depth -/5 build
- Stage Features -/7 stage
- Content Breadth -/9 stuff
- Aesthetics -/6 style
- Gameplay Vibe Check -/10 vibe vibe

HellEscape Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on ?

No notes available yet!

HellEscape Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
94% Positive Steam Reviews
18 Steam Reviews
- Pure Vibes
- Review Scale
-/400 Review Points
Not Buggy -/1
Not Janky -/1
Good UI -/1
Controller and Deck -/1
Lots of Content -/1
Good Theme -/1
Good Graphics and Sound -/1
Fun Feel -/1
Unique Twists -/1
Vibe Check -/1

HellEscape Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags


Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras




Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: ?
  • Online: ?
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: ?
  • Steam Leaderboards: ?
  • Steam Workshop: ?
  • Steam Trading Cards: ?

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: ?
  • Demo Available: ?
  • DLC Available: ?
  • Soundtrack Available: ?

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings




Free Available Released

A survivors-like for horror fans, if you want to pull the trigger in the dark with a flashlight. And considering it's totally free (with an optional tip for the dev DLC) there's little reason not to try it. Especially if you came way from VS looking for more arcade games. Bare bones in some ways, but it gets you quickly into the next run eager to try a totally new build. Minimalist horror vibe is just right.

Arcade Arena Shooter Bullet Heaven Enemy Hell Roguelite Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Survival
7.8 Combined Ranking Score
29/72 Ranking Position
1352/1600 Total Points
9.4 Final Review
96% Steam
9.5 Scale
9.1 Vibes
1803 Steam Reviews
382/400 Review Points
6.2 Similarity Score
81% Diagnosis:
970/1200 Comparison Points
93% Genre 6.8/8 genre
56% Simple Controls 0.9/7 move
99% Survival Modes 3.9/4 modes
88% Power Progression 3/4 level
98% Buildcrafting Depth 4.8/5 build
50% Stage Features 0/7 stage
62% Content Breadth 2.2/9 stuff
100% Aesthetics 6/6 style
99% Gameplay Vibe Check 9.8/10 vibe vibe

Disfigure Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 2.1

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/23/2023

Disfigure is a cool game with an obviously cool dev who put it up for optional donation. Perhaps it's humble due to the lack of surface breadth - characters, skill trees, bestiaries - but the gameplay is tight. Steam reviewers seem to agree. Sometimes you just want an arcade game! It's an arena shooter without exploration and slower and more tense than most survivors-likes. It's got a shadowy minimalist vibe and great shifty beats on the soundtrack.

While it's got a trigger button, I found it totally fine to play with auto fire on - aiming, however, is not optional with the strategy of pointing your light. We're going to count the "switch flashlight" button as a special move button. Rogue-lite aspects are limited to weapon unlocks and not permanent incremental upgrades, so still around the same level of skill (and luck) required each run. Steam cloud would be nice.

I'll be playing more of this one! More notes to come then!

Disfigure Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.2 Similarity Score
81% Diagnosis:
970/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.4/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.8/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.6/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0/1
Move Only -0.5/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 0.4/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.9/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.8/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps 0/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.7/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters -1/1
Many Challenges 0/1
Multiple Stages 0/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.5/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 0.8/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.6/1

Disfigure Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

9.4 Final Review
96% Positive Steam Reviews
1803 Steam Reviews
9.1 Pure Vibes
9.5 Review Scale
382/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 1/1
Lots of Content 0.5/1
Good Theme 1/1
Good Graphics and Sound 1/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 1/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


- Converted 10 Point Score
- Number of Critic Reviews


9.0 User Review Average
1 Number of User Reviews


9.0 Direct Average
9.0 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Disfigure Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

itch.ioSteam DeckWindows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeArena ShooterBullet HeavenEnemy HellRogueliteSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags

2DPixel ArtRetroScary

Setting / Story Tags

AbstractHorrorHorror Themed

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam Achievements


Cold Brew Entertainment

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: 23
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Totally Free
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Disfigure is a top-down shooter rogue-like in which you fight countless grotesque creatures shrouded in darkness. Choose from a variety of weapons and over a hundred upgrades to create unique builds each run and survive."

"In an arena shrouded by darkness, pay keen attention to your surroundings where monsters could be lurking. Choose between circle and cone vision" "Choose from over 100 upgrades and 90 weapon perks"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 20m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings
