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Similarity & Review


Multiple Sources


Compared to VS. Not a review!

Similarity Scale

Percentage of possible points earned scored -1 to 1 in tenths in 60 categories

Genre Controls Modes Progress Builds Stages Content Aesthetic Vibe

929 Search Results

Sort Order: _sfm_combined_ranking_score desc num




Extremely Different. Isometric shmup but while it's listed alongside over a hundred survivors-likes in the Steam Bullet Heaven Fest it's actually a very demanding boss rush twin stick shooter that feels quite unlike Vampire Survivors. Most games like this aren't on this spreadsheet, but we'll keep it on here as an example of the genre since it's currently suggested alongside the rest of these games. Personally, I think a twitch reaction bullet hell boss rush game like this is unlikely to fulfill your desire for a game like Vampire Survivors.

Arena Shooter Boss Rush Bullet Hell Roguelite Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter
3.3 Combined Ranking Score
67/72 Ranking Position
899/1600 Total Points
6.4 Final Review
70% Steam
6.2 Scale
6.0 Vibes
120 Steam Reviews
292/400 Review Points
0.1 Similarity Score
51% Diagnosis:
Extremely Different
607/1200 Comparison Points
68% Genre 2.9/8 genre
22% Simple Controls -3.9/7 move
25% Survival Modes -2/4 modes
25% Power Progression -2/4 level
46% Buildcrafting Depth -0.4/5 build
43% Stage Features -1/7 stage
72% Content Breadth 3.9/9 stuff
54% Aesthetics 0.5/6 style
69% Gameplay Vibe Check 3.7/10 vibe vibe

Godstrike Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 1.1

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/4/2023

This one was part of Steam's "Bullet Heaven" Fest. Personally, it doesn't seem to be a bullet heaven, rather it's a textbook bullet hell boss rush with some upgrades and equipping between rounds. It has a lot of movement and action controls possible with unlockable and applicable abilities. While it's isometric and a shooter, the gameplay feel and loop doesn't really feel like Vampire Survivors.

It's a little confusing in the menus with the top option being a mode where you can seemingly select any ability you want to challenge yourself, then a campaign mode that seems like a roguelite run, kind of, and then daily challenges and other challenge modes.

I found the menu set up, navigation and way the gameplay loop works unintuitive considering how simple it turned out to really be. Roguelite mode is called "story mode". You can only attempt the daily challenge once which feels sad.

-1 for timed survival since it's all about you running out of time, not trying to run out the clock. Regardless of the mode picked you'll always be trying to defeat the same run of bosses without much in between. Bosses spit out a ton of bullets which I personally found hard to see with the games graphical style. (Edit: Turns out this was because graphics are bugged on my high end gaming PC, it looks different on steam deck.)

While I appreciate "tilt to fire" twin stick controls, it complicates them with a lot of possible special moves, dodge, etc.

Overall it doesn't feel like it gains from these complicated controls, since the boss attack patterns and strategies don't feel that special compared to hundreds of other bullet hell bosses out there. Not memorable cutscenes but won't let you skip them. At this price point, it's hard to say there's a lot here compared to many of the amazing games on this list.

Godstrike Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

0.1 Similarity Score
51% Diagnosis:
607/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.8/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger 0.1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode -1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves -1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) -1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) -1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Build Crafting 0.3/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -1/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 0/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters -0.5/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0.3/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0.1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 0.4/1
Fun Writing 0.1/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0/1
Over the Top 0/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.5/1
Fun Ramp 0.2/1
Low Price 0/1
Technical Check 0.8/1
Controls Check 0.7/1
Fun Check 0.5/1
Feels like VS -1/1

Godstrike Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

6.4 Final Review
70% Positive Steam Reviews
120 Steam Reviews
6.0 Pure Vibes
6.2 Review Scale
292/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 0.7/1
Good UI 0.4/1
Controller and Deck 0.9/1
Lots of Content 0.4/1
Good Theme 0.5/1
Good Graphics and Sound 0.6/1
Fun Feel 0.6/1
Unique Twists 0.5/1
Vibe Check 0.6/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


6.8 Converted 10 Point Score
7 Number of Critic Reviews


8.0 User Review Average
1 Number of User Reviews


7.4 Direct Average
7.0 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Godstrike Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCReleased

Sorting Categories

Extremely Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterBoss RushBullet HellRogueliteTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick Shooter

Aesthetic Tags

3DCell ShadedSerious

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Leaderboards


Freedom GamesOverPowered Team

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: Yes
  • Steam Leaderboards: Yes
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Spotify Bandcamp YouTube Apple Amazon

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Godstrike is a twin-stick shooter where time is your health and currency. Face off against ruthless bosses in tense, 1v1 showdowns as Talaal, the last Herald."

"Godstrike is a 3D boss rush bullet hell where time is your health and currency. Face and defeat powerful bosses before time runs out. Taking damage and using abilities drains your remaining combat time, so watch out!"

"Customizable ability loadouts, allowing the players to optimize their game style.
Competition focused gameplay so you can challenge your friends and beat the highscores.
Multiple game modes, including Roguelite-style mode!

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Call of Duty 2


Extremely Different. If you don't want to play Vampire Survivors at all! This WWII campaign based first person shooter is nothing alike! Yes, it's a 'shooter' but it's completely different! Included to test the scale. Our use of a negative-shifted measurement within categories allows us to get a low ranking for a very different game, and it still be a functional game sharing basic features. It's mostly an aesthetic difference, but a lower score is easily understood at a glance. Otherwise a game like this might get around a confusingly high score! It may be a little confusing now, but as we fully rank more games, these different ones will stay near the bottom.

First Person Shooter Story Rich
2.1 Combined Ranking Score
68/72 Ranking Position
711/1600 Total Points
8.0 Final Review
93% Steam
7.2 Scale
7.5 Vibes
6842 Steam Reviews
340/400 Review Points
-3.8 Similarity Score
31% Diagnosis:
Extremely Different
371/1200 Comparison Points
37% Genre -2.1/8 genre
14% Simple Controls -5/7 move
6% Survival Modes -3.5/4 modes
0% Power Progression -4/4 level
5% Buildcrafting Depth -4.5/5 build
48% Stage Features -0.3/7 stage
56% Content Breadth 1/9 stuff
38% Aesthetics -1.5/6 style
40% Gameplay Vibe Check -2/10 vibe vibe

Call of Duty 2 Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 20.0

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/14/2023

Included here to test/show the scale - kind of demonstrating that to properly show a game is nothing like VS you gotta use a lot of -1 scores. In theory you could go all the way negative to -60, but most games would share some features! Our scale is heavily designed to be useful for differentiating very similar games, so if very different games earned a 5.0 it would be less clear. This shifting allows us to clearly differentiate from the very similar games up top.

Some random scoring notes: It does away with the healthpack drops from the first game, so no more "health on ground." Call of Duty 2 also has no sprint! So full score in "no dash", basically. We use this one a lot in the scoring guide so check out if you're curious about the numbers!

Matter of the scale being -1 to 1 is mostly a matter of aesthetics really, it's just a 20 point range that allows you to see easily what is just a lack of a feature and which is an intentional difference in design philosophy.

Call of Duty 2 Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

-3.8 Similarity Score
31% Diagnosis:
371/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite -1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric -1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style -1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.2/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -0.3/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty -1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival -1/1
Endless Mode -1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves -1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) -0.5/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) -1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks -1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks -1/1
Build Crafting -1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" -0.5/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy -1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -1/1
Explorable Map 0.7/1
BIG Maps 0.5/1
XP on Ground -1/1
Health on Ground -1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0.5/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run -1/1
Enemy Variety 0.5/1
Bosses / Elites 0.5/1
Many Interesting Characters -1/1
Many Challenges 0/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 0/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art -1/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm -1/1
Bumpin Music 0/1
Fun Writing 0.5/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe -0.5/1
Over the Top 0/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs -1/1
Difficulty Ramp -1/1
Fun Ramp -1/1
Low Price -1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 0.5/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS -1/1

Call of Duty 2 Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

8.0 Final Review
93% Positive Steam Reviews
6842 Steam Reviews
7.5 Pure Vibes
7.2 Review Scale
340/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 1/1
Not Janky 1/1
Good UI 1/1
Controller and Deck 0/1
Lots of Content 0.6/1
Good Theme 0.6/1
Good Graphics and Sound 0.5/1
Fun Feel 1/1
Unique Twists 0.5/1
Vibe Check 1/1

Metacritic Scores

- +

This title has metacritic data! The "fuck the man" score is adjusted so each person's review is equally weighted, regardless of critic or fan status.


8.6 Converted 10 Point Score
64 Number of Critic Reviews


8.5 User Review Average
1033 Number of User Reviews


8.6 Direct Average
8.5 "Fuck The Man" Combined Mean

Call of Duty 2 Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

MacWindows PCXbox 360Released

Sorting Categories

Extremely Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

First Person ShooterStory Rich

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras



ActivisionInfinity Ward

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: YouTube Retail (CD)

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"The sequel to 2003's Call of Duty, winner of over 80 Game of the Year awards, Call of Duty 2 offers more immense, more intense, more realistic battles than ever before"

"All-new, unprecedented enhancements from stunningly realistic graphics to seamless gameplay, thanks to the revolutionary COD2 engine"

"The dozens of Allied soldiers surrounding you are fully aware of the changing situations around them, and will let you know using an all-new, context-sensitive battle chatter system." etc etc

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: n/a

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings





Different. First person bow arena shooter.. honestly more of a game design proposal than an actual game. Gets a 0 in price despite being cheaper because.. the content isn't actually there, like they built part of the engine and half the weapon and then put it up. I would like to see them finish it, but I'm worried they won't. This should be free at least until they fix the bow shooting and hire an artist. Low score is overall due to missing many basic features.

Arena Shooter Enemy Hell First Person Shooter Roguelite Survivors-like Wave Survival
1.8 Combined Ranking Score
69/72 Ranking Position
811/1600 Total Points
3.5 Final Review
80% Steam
1.6 Scale
0.9 Vibes
11 Steam Reviews
205/400 Review Points
0.1 Similarity Score
51% Diagnosis:
606/1200 Comparison Points
69% Genre 3.1/8 genre
23% Simple Controls -3.8/7 move
81% Survival Modes 2.5/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
65% Buildcrafting Depth 1.5/5 build
43% Stage Features -1/7 stage
39% Content Breadth -1.9/9 stuff
24% Aesthetics -3.1/6 style
40% Gameplay Vibe Check -2/10 vibe vibe

Bowerwhelm Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 1.5

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/16/2023

Feels like this is a proposal for a game and not a game. I'm really surprised money is being charged. The basic concept is fine. The enemies are still overwhelming and terrible.. just because I hate that there are a lot of them, damn you big red orbs, damn you.

They are literally just a big red orb with a number in it. It could be literally any cute enemy sprite and have some charm. But it's not. The arena is a white untextured space. This gets pretty boring pretty quickly.

Weapon upgrades tend to not feel that impactful since "more shots" just goes to the same place, bounces to the same next enemy, etc. The way you avoid and shoot doesn't seem to change much with upgrades or progression.

But the real issues is the bow controls are perfectly wrong (no pull on left trigger aim right trigger to release so it's basically a slow gun.) I love bow games and after amazing stuff like the latest Horizon or Zelda games or all the VR ones I was expecting gameplay totally built around shooting a bow. And that's not what I got. With my hands, it honestly hurts to hold down the right trigger exactly like this, so I had to play in short bursts.

It kind of works with works with a steam controller profile but then you get stuck in menus, a frustrating experience on steam deck. At least, it forced me to quit out of the game at least once at the gear menu. Generally the UI and overall feel of the game isn't too buggy but also feels fairly uninspired, again unfinished like a wireframe or mockup.

In terms of content there's only the one weapon, one enemy, one visual style of map for two maps. It has incremental meta upgrades and challenge based upgrades. Gets a -1 for "multiple characters" for being first person with basically no character and no unique character build related features.

It's definitely a survivors-like, clearly inspired by the upgrades style, horde gameplay, but it's like a note someone made to remind themselves to make a game later. Then they packed it full of 'unlocks' and charged for it. It's frustrating because I would like more very simple first person arena shooters in this format. I don't have a problem with small games, if they're tightly designed and fun. Maybe something more will come from this, one can hope.

Bowerwhelm Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

0.1 Similarity Score
51% Diagnosis:
606/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.9/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric -1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.2/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0.2/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.5/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.8/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -1/1
Explorable Map -1/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety -1/1
Bosses / Elites -1/1
Many Interesting Characters -1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0.1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore -1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art -0.8/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm -0.5/1
Bumpin Music 0.2/1
Fun Writing -1/1
Subtle Humor -1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe -0.5/1
Over the Top 0/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.5/1
Fun Ramp 0/1
Low Price 0/1
Technical Check -1/1
Controls Check -0.5/1
Fun Check -0.5/1
Feels like VS 0.3/1

Bowerwhelm Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

3.5 Final Review
80% Positive Steam Reviews
11 Steam Reviews
0.9 Pure Vibes
1.6 Review Scale
205/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 0.8/1
Not Janky 0/1
Good UI 0/1
Controller and Deck 0.2/1
Lots of Content 0/1
Good Theme 0/1
Good Graphics and Sound 0/1
Fun Feel 0.1/1
Unique Twists 0.5/1
Vibe Check 0/1

Bowerwhelm Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterEnemy HellFirst Person ShooterRogueliteSurvivors-likeWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam Achievements


Nash Equilibrium

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: 36
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Bowerwhelm is an FPS Rogue-lite game. Kill until you die, get new skills, evolve and combine them to make powerful builds, and KILL MORE!!!" "Your reflexes alone won't save you. You will need to choose your skills wisely throughout the game or you will get BOWERWHELMED!"

"You will have the opportunity to create a powerful deck of skills that can be combined for maximum impact. With a wide variety of skills available, you'll have the chance to experiment with different combinations to find the perfect strategy for your play style."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: Unknown

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings




Free Available Released

Very Different. FPS / Tower Defense Hybrid. This zombie shooter was in the Steam Bullet Heaven Fest so we checked it out. It's definitely not a survivors-like or a bullet heaven. It's a more oldschool wave defense game, with a really frustratingly obscure and tutorialized set of features instead of a way to easily drop into action. It probably won't satisfy survivors-likes fans, but you could check it out if you liked older games like Orcs Must Die. I had a lot of quibbles around this one that kept me from putting more time in, but I think it's ok since it's not as related as other games anyway. Correct me if I missed any features!

Base Building First Person Shooter Story Rich Tower Defense Wave Survival
1.8 Combined Ranking Score
70/72 Ranking Position
775/1600 Total Points
4.5 Final Review
85% Steam
2.1 Scale
3.0 Vibes
131 Steam Reviews
236/400 Review Points
-1.0 Similarity Score
45% Diagnosis:
Very Different
539/1200 Comparison Points
50% Genre 0/8 genre
7% Simple Controls -6/7 move
69% Survival Modes 1.5/4 modes
25% Power Progression -2/4 level
47% Buildcrafting Depth -0.3/5 build
61% Stage Features 1.6/7 stage
61% Content Breadth 1.9/9 stuff
47% Aesthetics -0.4/6 style
42% Gameplay Vibe Check -1.6/10 vibe vibe

GROSS Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 2.7

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/6/2023

This is an FPS Horde Shotter / Tower Defense hybrid we're comparing here relatively early in our process because it's listed in the Steam Bullet Heaven Fest sale. (In the long run I'd like to add more horde shooter and tower defense games in general, but we're still usually focusing on survivors-likes until we get those filled out.) I don't think it's a bullet heaven though. I don't think it's a rogue-lite either.

A lot of fans mention Sanctum in reviews as similar, but I haven't played that. It leans more on the FPS side, according to reviewers as well and I might agree. Early game it's best to just use barriers and kill them yourself. But the first person view makes making paths annoying especially since and instant refund costs you half for a mistake. The "You Must Leave A Path" limitation is janky and weirdly applied.

The main event is a "story" mode and honestly has quite a lot of text story. Pretty long winded but honestly I thought it was fairly well written for something like this. This one certainly tasks you to survive waves, but don't expect as simple an arcade gameplay loop since you need to pick them out and install them from a menu, run round prepping a bit in first person between fighting.

You pick from and unlock things through play, but there doesn't seem to be randomization or any sort of meta progression in the roguelite sense.

Controller navigation for building leaves a little to be desired, it says on screen "press E" to start instead of the controller button etc. Didn't realize I had to literally point at the RV etc. So much trouble trying to figure out where weapons are to equip after accidentally switching a slot during the tutorial. Incredibly time wasting and frustrating. Visually it feels like a less interesting Plants Vs Zombies (the 3D spin offs) with kind of similar gameplay too. Much more confined map, though, and the grid to construct on. Once into the match the gunplay is fine but the enemies aren't really visually or gameplay distinct for the first while at least.

You start with three guns already equipped which was nice, I don't love how some of these FPS zombie games make you hold a single one at a time. But then how to select them is totally crazy requiring in game walking. Overall the time I spent was mostly frustrated, often incredibly frustrated. It tells me to make a path of barricades and then tells me I have to leave a path while there are 4 openings and won't let me place more. It tells me to switch guns by finding them then doesn't tell me where my old guns went. Totally unclear and unexplained UI elements.

Much of this hidden or unavailable to use during the tutorial, which is a pet peeve for me, because when you have a long and unskippable tutorial and then some of the buttons don't work, you spend the early game simply confused as hell. Often the tutorial asks me to press a keyboard button while using controller. It made me go through the tutorial twice, again after selecting the second mission. And there's another tutorial in the menu. And tutorial bits during a plot segment. And it gives you a mini tutorial and shows you training dummies at your "house."

Devs enabling buttons and menus one at a time during a tuturial has got to stop imho. Stop changing the UX around at the start of the game when it's most confusing! Just let me jam the buttons and figure out what they do! Don't make a tutorial that takes place with limited access to game function through an entire full survival session and definitely don't spread it accross multiple long stages. These games should be hop in hop out imho. If valheim can be you can be.

I'm not really sure how it has so many positive reviews, the basics are just frustrating. It gets easier to find your guns and figure out the menus of course, maps open up a bit, but it still just felt very awkard and janky to me. In any case, it's not a survivors-like and there are better horde shooters out there too.

GROSS Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

-1.0 Similarity Score
45% Diagnosis:
539/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -0.8/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric -1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 0.8/1
Arcade Style -1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty -1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0.5/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves -1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event -1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) -1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Build Crafting 0.2/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -1/1
Explorable Map 0.3/1
BIG Maps -0.5/1
XP on Ground 0.8/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0/1
Bosses / Elites 0.2/1
Many Interesting Characters -0.5/1
Many Challenges 0/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.2/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art -0.5/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 0.1/1
Fun Writing -1/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe -0.5/1
Over the Top -0.5/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0/1
Difficulty Ramp -0.5/1
Fun Ramp -0.5/1
Low Price -0.2/1
Technical Check 0.2/1
Controls Check 0.2/1
Fun Check 0.2/1
Feels like VS -0.8/1

GROSS Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

4.5 Final Review
85% Positive Steam Reviews
131 Steam Reviews
3.0 Pure Vibes
2.1 Review Scale
236/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 0.8/1
Not Janky -0.4/1
Good UI 0/1
Controller and Deck 0.3/1
Lots of Content 0.7/1
Good Theme 0/1
Good Graphics and Sound 0.4/1
Fun Feel 0.2/1
Unique Twists 0/1
Vibe Check 0.1/1

GROSS Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Base BuildingFirst Person ShooterStory RichTower DefenseWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags

3DCell ShadedLow Poly

Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam CloudSteam Leaderboards


hangry owl gamesHawthorn Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 56
  • Steam Leaderboards: Yes
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"In GROSS, you are tasked with defending your base against waves of enemy attackers in classic tower defense fashion. You have the freedom to build barricades and turrets to create mazes and launch attacks on the enemy, as well as place traps on the ground for added defense.

During the construction phase, you can experiment with different combinations of turrets and barriers to come up with the most effective obstacle course for your attackers. And don't worry about time limits or wasted resources - you can sell everything you build for a full refund until the next combat phase begins. So if you love the strategy and satisfaction of building the ultimate tower defense setup, GROSS is the game for you!

"Once you are done building your defenses, get ready for intense, fast-paced combat! With a huge arsenal of guns at your fingertips, each featuring different ammo types, you'll have to make split-second decisions to take down waves of zombies."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time:

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



IDIOTIC (The Game)

Free Available Released

Very Different. Reviewed since it's included in the Steam Bullet Heaven Fest, this first person arena shooter with parkour elements shares some features with the genre like power increase choices on level gain and currency based metaprogression between matches but overall won't satisfy most fans. It's not that it's in first person, some excellent related games are, but that it's also more movement than build focused and really lacking in the content area. And very very janky and unfinished feeling. I respect it's a first project from a learning dev, and I think it's technically a survivors-like, but seems very unlikely that this is the game you're looking for in our database.

Arena Shooter First Person Shooter Parkour Survivors-like Wave Survival
1.6 Combined Ranking Score
71/72 Ranking Position
808/1600 Total Points
2.9 Final Review
75% Steam
0.3 Scale
1.0 Vibes
16 Steam Reviews
188/400 Review Points
0.3 Similarity Score
52% Diagnosis:
Very Different
620/1200 Comparison Points
63% Genre 2.1/8 genre
14% Simple Controls -5/7 move
70% Survival Modes 1.6/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
48% Buildcrafting Depth -0.2/5 build
54% Stage Features 0.6/7 stage
47% Content Breadth -0.6/9 stuff
41% Aesthetics -1.1/6 style
55% Gameplay Vibe Check 1/10 vibe vibe

IDIOTIC (The Game) Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Personal Hours Played: 1.3

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/5/2023

Another game that's been suggested to fans of this genre, but our examination shows it's pretty far from what most will be looking for. This is a wave survival game listed in the Steam Bullet Heaven Fest, but it's hard to say it's a bullet heaven or a survivors-like though it shares some elements.

It has in game abilities to pick from as you level, meta unlocks for some power progression between game modes and procedural generation so it could be called a rogue-lite as much as many of these other games. No damage numbers but the scoring pop up text feels a little like it, so tiny partial score. Knocking it for no controller support in controls check, though not to the negative since the KB+M controls seem fine. It's very action focused so basically the opposite of an auto shooter. Has crouch, run, wall running, climbing, double jumping and so on, alongside aiming and firing controls, challenging you to use a large amount of dexterity to survive.

But some of the controls (especially the "Warp" ability that switches "realities") doesn't make it more fun for me personally, it's just more controls. Overall the combat mechanics and controls are the best (and kind of only) part though, and lead to some fun moments.

There is the "arena" mode and then procedurally generated "destruction." I wasn't able to play much of destruction since the generated levels often had janky wall-run/platforming sections that seemed to have clipping issues. It's interesting because with the meta power creep it certainly has a gameplay mechanic difficulty ramp many arena shooters do not, which has some appeal.

No controller support so had to do some work to play on Steam Deck, which wasn't fun, so played at my desk (and not the TV either) which I don't enjoy as much (reflected with a 0 in the associated column in the review scale.)

I saw some people on YouTube complain about the music but I like it. Overall though it feels like it's missing sounds, enemy variety and weapons, Half Life era graphics (but with less detail) for a relatively high price and the gameplay is cumbersome compared to many other wave survival / horde shooter FPS games. And no real "horde" either. Again, only 3 guns? Where are the weapons?

It's made by a learning solo developer so I don't want to be too hard on it, but it's hard to justify the price point with what's here. Feels like it should be early access for 99 cents, maybe would even make more in sales. But if you can get into it with keyboard and mouse and don't mind the price, some compare it to titanfall and seem to be having fun with it. I wanted to like it since I enjoy simple arena FPS games and will play against CS bots for hours on a tiny map. But it didn't let me, due to bugs and janky implementations. This unfortunately seems to be the finished state of the game. I feel for the newbie dev as this likely sounds harsh, they show promise if they keep learning.

IDIOTIC (The Game) Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

0.3 Similarity Score
52% Diagnosis:
620/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle -1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric -1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) -1/1
Move Only -1/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0.3/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.3/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.2/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -0.5/1
Explorable Map 0.4/1
BIG Maps 0.2/1
XP on Ground 0/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.2/1
Bosses / Elites 0/1
Many Interesting Characters -1/1
Many Challenges -0.3/1
Multiple Stages 0.5/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 0/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art -1/1
Damage Numbers 0.2/1
Lofi Charm -0.5/1
Bumpin Music 0.8/1
Fun Writing -0.5/1
Subtle Humor -0.1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0/1
Over the Top 0.1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.5/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.3/1
Fun Ramp 0.3/1
Low Price -0.5/1
Technical Check 0.1/1
Controls Check 0/1
Fun Check 0.3/1
Feels like VS -0.5/1

IDIOTIC (The Game) Review Scale Heatmap

- +

The review scale is judged from -1 to 1 in 10 categories, with 200 possible "points" earned. Steam review positive percentage is worth another 100 points, and a "ten point" pure vibe review number adds extra subjectivity. Converted into points, that's 400 points total. The points aren't used directly in the ranking, though, which averages the three number scores for the final review score listed in the game line above.

2.9 Final Review
75% Positive Steam Reviews
16 Steam Reviews
1.0 Pure Vibes
0.3 Review Scale
188/400 Review Points
Not Buggy 0/1
Not Janky -0.5/1
Good UI 0/1
Controller and Deck 0/1
Lots of Content 0.1/1
Good Theme 0/1
Good Graphics and Sound 0/1
Fun Feel 0.5/1
Unique Twists 0/1
Vibe Check 0.2/1

IDIOTIC (The Game) Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableReleased

Sorting Categories

Very Different

Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterFirst Person ShooterParkourSurvivors-likeWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags

AbstractAlternate Reality

Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam Cloud


Emanuel N.M

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Switch between alternate dimensions at will in this fast-paced single-player FPS game. Wreak chaos and improve your character as you move at break-neck speed."

"In every combat game mode you can find coins as a reward, either for your speed or ability to survive long enough. Use them to buy permanent boosts and improve your chances of survival."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time:

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Mage Lords of Brams


Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard

Arena Shooter Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Mowing Game Roguelite Summoning Game Survivors-like Twin Stick Shooter
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
1 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
6.3 Similarity Score
81% Diagnosis:
977/1200 Comparison Points
93% Genre 6.8/8 genre
64% Simple Controls 1.9/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
99% Power Progression 3.9/4 level
68% Buildcrafting Depth 1.8/5 build
72% Stage Features 3.1/7 stage
86% Content Breadth 6.4/9 stuff
72% Aesthetics 2.6/6 style
89% Gameplay Vibe Check 7.8/10 vibe vibe

Mage Lords of Brams Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 12/19/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Dev Notes: "The concept is a traditional fantasy VS clone. The base gameplay is mostly the same, build up powerful attacks and kill lots of monsters on a timed level.

It differs on some things: There are lots of summons (which have their own health and fight with enemy monsters), and the levels are small with solid borders, in some cases intentionally made to add to the difficulty. The mana (equivalent to vs experience) also gets vacuumed up by the player by default, mostly to avoid late game clutter, and because I hate the way VS did it. Give me my levels and leave me alone!

Dev Notes: "Best played with mouse & kb. The controller gameplay is ok but some players have complained about the interface being annoying to navigate (in part because the cursor will stop on stat symbols since you can toggle tooltips). I'm fine with it but I'm also not a typical controller user so they're probably right."

Mage Lords of Brams Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.3 Similarity Score
81% Diagnosis:
977/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.5/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.8/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 0.7/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 0.9/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.9/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0/1
Move Only 0.2/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger 0/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming 0.7/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0.9/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 0.7/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.4/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0/1
Explorable Map 0.2/1
BIG Maps 0/1
XP on Ground 0.7/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.2/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.8/1
Bosses / Elites 0.7/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 0.5/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.6/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 0.8/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 0/1
Lofi Charm 0.5/1
Bumpin Music 0.3/1
Fun Writing 0.4/1
Subtle Humor 0.4/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.3/1
Over the Top 0.8/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 0.7/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 0.9/1
Controls Check 0.8/1
Fun Check 0.9/1
Feels like VS 0.8/1

Mage Lords of Brams Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCReleased

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterAuto-ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalMowing GameRogueliteSummoning GameSurvivors-likeTwin Stick Shooter

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags

Boss EndedLevel BasedNo TutorialSpeed ModifiersWave Survival25m

Features and Extras

Steam Achievements



Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: No

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: 25
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Mage Lords of Brams is an action roguelite where you slaughter countless fantasy enemies with your powerful spells, powers and artifacts while gathering scrolls to improve future runs between levels. Secrets to be found and thousands of race/class/ability combinations allow for endless variety."

Control Style Notes

- +

Dev: "WASD/mouse or twin stick (controller). only 2 attacks are mouse aimed by default, although you can activate trinkets that add it to some or remove it from them."

Automated Features


Some attacks auto-aim.

Supported Controls

  • Controller: Full
  • Controller Move Only: No
  • Controller One Handed: No
  • Mouse Only: No
  • Keyboard Only: No
  • Keyboard One Handed: No

Game Modes

- +

Boss Ended Survival (Ends when boss shows up and is defeated, usually on timer), Level Based

Game Mode Notes

Dev: "Secret levels may have special win conditions: IE kill a certain number of enemies. The main levels all end when the second boss is defeated."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 25m

Run Time Notes

Dev: "~30 minutes on hyper 1, can go up to hyper 3 where timer passes 3 times faster. timer pauses when upgrading skills"

"20 minute base run time, time runs 2/3 times faster on hyper 2/3 + whatever time you spend on buy or level-up menu."

Speed Settings

"You can increase hyper level, which will decrease experience gain, speed up timer, and greatly increase the speed at which monster numbers ramp up to maximum. It also increases boss health considerably."

Player Power Progression

- +

Detailed notes on progression systems.

In Run Progression

Dev: "You gain new armaments/skills/stats via level-ups from mana gathered after you kill enemies. You can also gather gold to buy trinkets, stat upgrades and an ultimate spell from the genie merchant that wanders around each level."

Meta Progression

Dev: "You find scrolls (currency) and use them to unlock/upgrade stats in the Library."

Content By The Numbers

- +

"12 playable regular races (Human, Dwarf, Orc, High Elf, Wood Elf, Dark Elf, Naiad, Troll and Vampire) with unique abilities
6 Monster Race/class with unique weapon and abilities
40 Armaments (weapons, spells, artifacts and powers) from meteors, spectral axes and lightning bolts to undead and elemental armies
40 Classes (Paladin, Valkyrie, War Wizard, Battlemage, Necromancer, Hierarch, Spirit Guide, Pyromancer, Illusionist, Lunar Knight, Alchemist and many many more)
18 passive skills
Use the Library to improve 35 stats with scrolls dropped randomly by enemies
Cards of various qualities show up every level-up, adding an additional layer of complexity: the one you want might not offer the best attribute boost.
6 Main Levels + 6 secret mini levels
Genie market and trinket system allowing further customization every run
10 Ultimate spells. Give enemies a soul scorching Glimpse of Hell, pacify them into near uselessness with Love and Peace or tear coins out of their writhing bodies with Midas' Envious Gaze.

In Game Lore & Extras



Orc Survivor


Not to be confused with "Orc Survivors" with an "s." Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Roguelite Survivors-like Wave Survival
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
8.7 Similarity Score
93% Diagnosis:
1120/1200 Comparison Points
98% Genre 7.6/8 genre
100% Simple Controls 7/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
97% Buildcrafting Depth 4.7/5 build
93% Stage Features 6/7 stage
72% Content Breadth 4/9 stuff
100% Aesthetics 6/6 style
100% Gameplay Vibe Check 10/10 vibe vibe

Orc Survivor Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/6/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Dev Scorecard notes: "Game focuses on bright colors and quick runs. A large depth of customization becomes available with the Armory system, which lets players edit the level-up options for any weapon as they rank up.

Scoring was done on current Early Access features, but will change with full release, which adds multiple classes and maps.

Orc Survivor Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

8.7 Similarity Score
93% Diagnosis:
1120/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 0.8/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.8/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.7/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 0/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.7/1

Orc Survivor Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

MacWindows PCEA

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Bullet HeavenHorde SurvivalRogueliteSurvivors-likeWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles

ControllerController 1 HandedController Move Only

Game Mode Tags

Difficulty ModifiersTimed SurvivalWave Survival20m

Features and Extras

Steam Cloud



Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: No
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Orc Survivor catapults you into a harrowing world where the roar of the crowd is deafening, your adrenaline is pumping, and every step taken could be your last. Survive as an orc warrior imprisoned and thrust into the merciless Colosseum. Will you conquer or become just another forgotten casualty?"

Game Modes

- +

"20 minute timed survival. There are difficulty modifiers to turn on at the start of the run, which increase enemy health and add additional enemy types."

Game Mode Notes

"Unlock the next tier of difficulty by successfully completing a run on the previous difficulty."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 20m

Run Time Notes

Dev: "Every run is 20 minutes on the clock, with one minute waves. The clock time runs 30% faster than real timer, so a run is completed in only 14 minutes, despite the 20 minute clock timer."

Speed Settings



Pesticide Not Required

Free Available Upcoming

Designed around auto aim, optional twin stick mode. Note: Feature comparison score reported based on dev submitted scorecard.

Arena Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Mowing Game Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
8.1 Similarity Score
90% Diagnosis:
1085/1200 Comparison Points
100% Genre 8/8 genre
99% Simple Controls 6.8/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
88% Buildcrafting Depth 3.8/5 build
74% Stage Features 3.3/7 stage
78% Content Breadth 5/9 stuff
92% Aesthetics 5/6 style
99% Gameplay Vibe Check 9.8/10 vibe vibe

Pesticide Not Required Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/29/2023

Gets a full point for movement only, since there is a twin stick mode but it's optional and dev noted it's designed around VS-style movement.

Dev Scorecard notes: "Option for move only or twin-stick aiming. Game currently in demo form."

"Designed around auto aim, optional twin stick mode."

Pesticide Not Required Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

8.1 Similarity Score
90% Diagnosis:
1085/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 0.9/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 0.9/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.3/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.5/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map 0.3/1
BIG Maps -1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0/1
Bosses / Elites 0.5/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.5/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.5/1
Bumpin Music 0.5/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.8/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.8/1

Pesticide Not Required Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalMowing GameRogueliteSingle Stick ShooterSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick Shooter

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles

ControllerController 1 HandedController Move Only

Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Jampacked Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: ?
  • Steam Achievements: Planned
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Mow down countless crops and corrupt critters while crafting game-breaking builds! Pesticide Not Required is a bullet heaven, horde survival roguelite with farming elements that offers a myriad of stats and special character traits to create wildly diverse run possibilities."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 20m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Heroes and Redemption

Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Auto-Battler Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Mowing Game Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Wave Survival
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
8.0 Similarity Score
90% Diagnosis:
1081/1200 Comparison Points
100% Genre 8/8 genre
98% Simple Controls 6.7/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
87% Buildcrafting Depth 3.7/5 build
79% Stage Features 4/7 stage
78% Content Breadth 5.1/9 stuff
88% Aesthetics 4.6/6 style
90% Gameplay Vibe Check 8/10 vibe vibe

Heroes and Redemption Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/15/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Heroes and Redemption Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

8.0 Similarity Score
90% Diagnosis:
1081/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.7/1
Move Only 1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.7/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.8/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.8/1
Many Challenges 0/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0/1
Bestiary / Lore 0.5/1
Achievements 0/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 0.8/1
Fun Writing 0.8/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.9/1
Fun Ramp 0.5/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 0.8/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 0.8/1
Feels like VS 1/1

Heroes and Redemption Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Auto-BattlerAuto-ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalMowing GameRogueliteSingle Stick ShooterSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles

ControllerController 1 HandedController Move Only

Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Observer Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: Planned
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Heroes & Redemption is a rogue-lite bullet-hell where you face hordes of enemies, annihilate them, learn new abilities and enhance your skills. Explore different regions, acquire new companions and embark on adventures again and again."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 15m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Clawed Cult

Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Bullet Heaven Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
7.5 Similarity Score
88% Diagnosis:
1050/1200 Comparison Points
93% Genre 6.8/8 genre
82% Simple Controls 4.5/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
80% Buildcrafting Depth 3/5 build
91% Stage Features 5.7/7 stage
88% Content Breadth 6.8/9 stuff
94% Aesthetics 5.3/6 style
80% Gameplay Vibe Check 5.9/10 vibe vibe

Clawed Cult Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/18/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Clawed Cult Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

7.5 Similarity Score
88% Diagnosis:
1050/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 0.8/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 0/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 0.5/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.5/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.8/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.5/1
Explorable Map 0.7/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0.5/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0.5/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 0/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.3/1
Bestiary / Lore 0.5/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.3/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe -1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.8/1
Fun Ramp 0.5/1
Low Price 0.5/1
Technical Check 0.7/1
Controls Check 0.8/1
Fun Check 0.6/1
Feels like VS 1/1

Clawed Cult Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

AndroidWindows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Bullet HeavenRogueliteSingle Stick ShooterSurvivors-likeTop Down or Isometric

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras



Cotton Cat Studios

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: YouTube

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Clawed Cult is a bullet heaven with cute cultist animals invoking their elder god, Catchulhu. Guide them through challenging battles with powerful abilities and strategy to emerge victorious. With intense action and stunning art, it's a must-play for fans of survivors games who love a challenge!"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 15m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Noxious Weeds

EA Free Available

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Top Down or Isometric Wave Shooter Wave Survival
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
7.3 Similarity Score
87% Diagnosis:
1040/1200 Comparison Points
98% Genre 7.6/8 genre
79% Simple Controls 4/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
74% Power Progression 1.9/4 level
80% Buildcrafting Depth 3/5 build
78% Stage Features 3.9/7 stage
93% Content Breadth 7.7/9 stuff
91% Aesthetics 4.9/6 style
91% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.2/10 vibe vibe

Noxious Weeds Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/18/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Noxious Weeds Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

7.3 Similarity Score
87% Diagnosis:
1040/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.9/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.8/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.9/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 1/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0.9/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0.3/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0.7/1
Build Crafting 0.6/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.7/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.8/1
Explorable Map 0.3/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.6/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.9/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.8/1
Bestiary / Lore 0.5/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0.5/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.7/1
Bumpin Music 0.7/1
Fun Writing 0.7/1
Subtle Humor 0.8/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.7/1
Over the Top 0.5/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.7/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 0.7/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 0.8/1
Feels like VS 0.6/1

Noxious Weeds Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

LinuxSteam DeckWindows PCEAFree Available

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Auto-ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalRogueliteSingle Stick ShooterTop Down or IsometricWave ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags

Difficulty ModesNo TutorialTimed SurvivalWave Survival25m

Features and Extras

Steam Cloud


Solar Eclipse Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Face the corruption that poisons your harvest! Noxious Weeds is an action rogue-lite where you slay hordes of creatures with the help of cute veggies and a combination of your favorite tools. The harvest is power. Choose wisely!"

Game Modes

- +

"Difficulty levels are subdivided in seasons, due to the farming theme. Each season includes Standard and Hard mode with stronger enemies. An endless mode is also in the making but won't likely be present during Early Access."

Game Mode Notes

"Run modes can be selected before starting a new run. Hard mode is unlocked after beating a Season in standard difficulty."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 25m

Run Time Notes

Dev: "20-30 minutes runs (depending on how fast is the player during the level up)"

"Day/Night cycle Wave based runs. Wave timer increases with each wave cycle."

Speed Settings



Feisty Fauna

Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score reported based on dev submitted scorecard. Features are based on full game, not demo.

Bullet Heaven Female Protagonist LGBTQ Roguelite Story Rich Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
7.3 Similarity Score
87% Diagnosis:
1039/1200 Comparison Points
94% Genre 7/8 genre
95% Simple Controls 6.3/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
88% Power Progression 3/4 level
65% Buildcrafting Depth 1.5/5 build
86% Stage Features 5/7 stage
81% Content Breadth 5.5/9 stuff
83% Aesthetics 4/6 style
95% Gameplay Vibe Check 9/10 vibe vibe

Feisty Fauna Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/29/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Dev notes plot is optional and the following features are in the full game: endless mode, goal based unlocks, weapon evolution, advanced synergy, broken/invincible builds, chests, vendors, bestiary, achievements and secrets. And it will be a low price.

Feisty Fauna Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

7.3 Similarity Score
87% Diagnosis:
1039/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 0.8/1
No Dash 0.5/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode Planned/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks Planned/1
Build Crafting 0.5/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" Planned/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy Planned/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible Planned/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events Planned/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run Planned/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.5/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore Planned/1
Achievements Planned/1
Secrets Planned/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price n/a/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.6/1

Feisty Fauna Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Bullet HeavenFemale ProtagonistLGBTQRogueliteStory RichSurvivors-likeTop Down or Isometric

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras


Atas Fun

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: Co-Op
  • Online: Co-Op
  • Player Count: ?
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Ridiculously cute survivors-like / bullet heaven with an engaging storyline, where you're a mom rescuing her kidnapped chicks. You'll have to survive as you hunt other cute animals in this eat-or-be-eaten animal world, and learn the backstories of the other characters."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



20MTD: Emberpath


Tie in game to 20 Minutes Till Dawn Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Mowing Game Single Stick Shooter Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
7.2 Similarity Score
86% Diagnosis:
1034/1200 Comparison Points
88% Genre 6/8 genre
71% Simple Controls 3/7 move
85% Survival Modes 2.8/4 modes
53% Power Progression 0.2/4 level
86% Buildcrafting Depth 3.6/5 build
89% Stage Features 5.5/7 stage
94% Content Breadth 8/9 stuff
96% Aesthetics 5.5/6 style
93% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.5/10 vibe vibe

20MTD: Emberpath Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/6/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Upcoming game by the dev of 20 Minutes Till Dawn

20MTD: Emberpath Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

7.2 Similarity Score
86% Diagnosis:
1034/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 1/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger 0/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming 0/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.8/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0.2/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.6/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.5/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.7/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0.5/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0.8/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 0.5/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 0.5/1
Controls Check 0.5/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.8/1

20MTD: Emberpath Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Auto-ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalMowing GameSingle Stick ShooterSurvivors-likeTop Down or Isometric

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles

ControllerController 1 HandedController Move Only

Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam Achievements



Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: Planned
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"20MTD: Emberpath is a spin-off of the acclaimed 20 Minutes Till Dawn. In this roguelike, you combine different abilities and artifacts to create an almighty character that can mow down waves of Lovecraftian creatures. Can you hold out against the horde, until the night is over?"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 20m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Arcadium - Space Odyssey

Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard

Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Mowing Game Roguelite Single Stick Shooter Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
7.2 Similarity Score
86% Diagnosis:
1032/1200 Comparison Points
89% Genre 6.3/8 genre
55% Simple Controls 0.7/7 move
99% Survival Modes 3.9/4 modes
88% Power Progression 3/4 level
88% Buildcrafting Depth 3.8/5 build
94% Stage Features 6.2/7 stage
87% Content Breadth 6.7/9 stuff
85% Aesthetics 4.2/6 style
90% Gameplay Vibe Check 8/10 vibe vibe

Arcadium - Space Odyssey Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/1/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Dev Notes: "The scores I gave are based mostly on the open beta version available on November 6th to November 13th. The demo has many characteristics in common, but more limited content."

Arcadium - Space Odyssey Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

7.2 Similarity Score
86% Diagnosis:
1032/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.8/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.8/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 0.2/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.5/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.8/1
Move Only 0.8/1
No Dash 0.4/1
No Trigger 0/1
No Special Move 0.7/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty -1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0.9/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.2/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.8/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.6/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 0.6/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.8/1
Bosses / Elites 0.8/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.9/1
Many Challenges 0.8/1
Multiple Stages 0.9/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.6/1
Bestiary / Lore 0.7/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0.2/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.6/1
Bumpin Music 0.7/1
Fun Writing 0.6/1
Subtle Humor 0.3/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.9/1
Over the Top 0.7/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.9/1
Fun Ramp 0.9/1
Low Price 0.7/1
Technical Check 0.7/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 0.9/1
Feels like VS 0.7/1

Arcadium - Space Odyssey Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

AndroidiOSSteam DeckWindows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Auto-ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalMowing GameRogueliteSingle Stick ShooterSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick Shooter

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras


Luciano Bercini

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Arcadium is a survival roguelite shooter set in a procedurally generated universe. Battle relentless alien hordes, strategically enhance your build, and journey across the vastness of space to harvest planetary resources and conquer formidable challenges."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 15m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



Core Devourer

Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Roguelite Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
7.1 Similarity Score
86% Diagnosis:
1028/1200 Comparison Points
100% Genre 8/8 genre
54% Simple Controls 0.5/7 move
75% Survival Modes 2/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
98% Buildcrafting Depth 4.8/5 build
93% Stage Features 6/7 stage
89% Content Breadth 7/9 stuff
58% Aesthetics 1/6 style
94% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.8/10 vibe vibe

Core Devourer Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/1/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Core Devourer Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

7.1 Similarity Score
86% Diagnosis:
1028/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.2/1
Move Only 0.5/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger -0.5/1
No Special Move -0.5/1
No Aiming 0.8/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0/1
Endless Mode 0/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.8/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art -1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 0.8/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.7/1

Core Devourer Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Auto-ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalRogueliteSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick Shooter

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Hawthorn GamesHubber Studios

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: 58
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Core Devourer is a sci-fi action-packed roguelite where you hunt down huge hordes of droids and absorb their cores to become the strongest cybernetic being on the planet. In this game, you unlock weapons with unique effects, craft powerful gear and create endless combinations of upgrades for your character. Explore the procedural environment and discover the secrets of this apocalyptic world. Make your choice and break the game."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 12m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



NeuroSquad - Slay the Horde

Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game (Currently adjusting score looks low)

Arena Shooter Bullet Heaven Horde Survival Roguelite Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Wave Shooter Wave Survival
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
7.0 Similarity Score
85% Diagnosis:
1021/1200 Comparison Points
98% Genre 7.7/8 genre
65% Simple Controls 2.1/7 move
88% Survival Modes 3/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
88% Buildcrafting Depth 3.8/5 build
82% Stage Features 4.5/7 stage
83% Content Breadth 5.9/9 stuff
71% Aesthetics 2.5/6 style
91% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.1/10 vibe vibe

NeuroSquad - Slay the Horde Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/8/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Dev Scorecard notes: "Endless mode, weapon evolutions, ""bestiary"", achievements, and a number of other features are coming with the release (not in the demo). The core idea of NeuroSquad is that weapon upgrades are not tied to specific weapons. Instead, you can choose which weapon you apply your chosen modifier to. So this way you can build up your attacks modularly (and swap the weapon from underneath your upgrade stack to a different one)."

NeuroSquad - Slay the Horde Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

7.0 Similarity Score
85% Diagnosis:
1021/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.9/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 0.8/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.1/1
Move Only 0/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 0/1
No Aiming 0/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode Planned/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" Planned/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.8/1
Explorable Map 0.5/1
BIG Maps 0/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.9/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore Planned/1
Achievements Planned/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.5/1
Subtle Humor 0/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.8/1
Over the Top 0.7/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 0.9/1
Low Price 0.8/1
Technical Check 0.9/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.5/1

NeuroSquad - Slay the Horde Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Arena ShooterBullet HeavenHorde SurvivalRogueliteSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterWave ShooterWave Survival

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles

Auto-AimAuto-FireControllerController 1 Handed

Game Mode Tags

Boss EndedTimed SurvivalWave Survival25m

Features and Extras

SoundtrackSteam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Matt Nemori

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: Planned
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: Steam YouTube Bandcamp

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"NeuroSquad is a "Bullet Heaven" Roguelike where you can combine any weapon with any upgrade. Assemble a squad and build up their attacks modularly! Redesign your weapons and embrace game-breaking synergies!"

Control Style Notes

- +

Dev: "Twin-stick shooter with automatic shooting. With auto-aim turned on it plays like a single-stick shooter."

Automated Features


The game has auto-fire by default and optional auto-aim.

Supported Controls

  • Controller: Yes
  • Controller Move Only: No
  • Controller One Handed: Yes
  • Mouse Only: ?
  • Keyboard Only: Yes
  • Keyboard One Handed: Yes (Mappable)

Game Modes

- +

Timed / Boss Ended Survival

Game Mode Notes

Dev: "Defeating the final boss ends the run. The final boss spawns when the timer reaches 0"

"Endless mode coming in full release"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 25m

Run Time Notes

"Run time depends on the level (different levels have different timers), the average will likely be around 25 minutes. But this is subject to change as the game is still in development."

Speed Settings


Player Power Progression

- +

Detailed notes on progression systems.

In Run Progression

Dev: "When players level up, they can choose between upgrades of different types: Squad members, Weapons, Weapon mods, and Augmentations. Players can place these in slots to combine them in different ways (upgrades act on the given stack they're placed in). (Except augments, which modify the gameplay in different ways.)"

Meta Progression



Don't Die, Collect Loot

Free Available Upcoming

Vertically Scrolling. Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Arcade Bullet Heaven Dungeon Crawler Roguelite Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric Twin Stick Shooter Vertically Scrolling
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
6.9 Similarity Score
85% Diagnosis:
1014/1200 Comparison Points
84% Genre 5.5/8 genre
73% Simple Controls 3.2/7 move
81% Survival Modes 2.5/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
93% Buildcrafting Depth 4.3/5 build
71% Stage Features 3/7 stage
89% Content Breadth 7/9 stuff
94% Aesthetics 5.3/6 style
85% Gameplay Vibe Check 6.9/10 vibe vibe

Don't Die, Collect Loot Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/1/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Don't Die, Collect Loot Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.9 Similarity Score
85% Diagnosis:
1014/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.5/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -1/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0.7/1
Move Only 0.5/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 0/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 1/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 0/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.5/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.3/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map 0/1
BIG Maps 0.5/1
XP on Ground 0/1
Health on Ground 0/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.5/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 1/1
Enemy Variety 0.5/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.5/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 1/1
Retro / Pixel Art 1/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.5/1
Bumpin Music 0.8/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.6/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.9/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 0/1
Controls Check 0.7/1
Fun Check 0.7/1
Feels like VS 0.7/1

Don't Die, Collect Loot Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Steam DeckWindows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeBullet HeavenDungeon CrawlerRogueliteSurvivors-likeTop Down or IsometricTwin Stick ShooterVertically Scrolling

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam Cloud


Dan Makes Video Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Don't Die, Collect Loot is an arcade roguelite where you guide your hero through a series of infinite retro worlds, attempting to stay alive, collect loot, and grow in power. Grow in power and live the ultimate Action RPG fantasy!"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings




Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Arcade Arena Shooter Bullet Heaven Bullet Hell Roguelite Top Down or Isometric
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
6.7 Similarity Score
83% Diagnosis:
999/1200 Comparison Points
74% Genre 3.9/8 genre
97% Simple Controls 6.6/7 move
73% Survival Modes 1.8/4 modes
85% Power Progression 2.8/4 level
60% Buildcrafting Depth 1/5 build
63% Stage Features 1.8/7 stage
94% Content Breadth 8/9 stuff
94% Aesthetics 5.3/6 style
99% Gameplay Vibe Check 9.7/10 vibe vibe

Roboom Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 10/29/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

Dev Scorecard notes: "While carrying some similarities to VS in basic mechanics, Roboom is something else. In Roboom, core staples of the bullet heaven / horde-survival genre act as a means of storytelling, giving the player the atmosphere and feeling the Robocon story wants to convey."

Roboom Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.7 Similarity Score
83% Diagnosis:
999/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 0.7/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 0.8/1
Arcade Style -0.4/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.6/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) -0.8/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 1/1
Move Only 1/1
No Dash 1/1
No Trigger 1/1
No Special Move 1/1
No Aiming 0.8/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0.8/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival -0.5/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0.6/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.7/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 0.9/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 0.9/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 0.5/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0.5/1
Build Crafting 0.3/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 0.3/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.3/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible -0.5/1
Explorable Map 0.5/1
BIG Maps 0.2/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events -0.9/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run -1/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0.8/1
Damage Numbers 0.5/1
Lofi Charm 1/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 1/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 1/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 1/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 0.7/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0/1

Roboom Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

ArcadeArena ShooterBullet HeavenBullet HellRogueliteTop Down or Isometric

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles

ControllerController 1 HandedController Move Only

Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam AchievementsSteam Cloud


Robogame Studios

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: Yes
  • Steam Achievements: Planned
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Roboom is an arena shooter roguelite where you blast your way through hordes of evil Robocons. Are you ready to face the challenges of the Robocon War and ascend to become the best in the Multiverse?"

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 30m

Run Time Notes


Speed Settings



What the HELL

Free Available Upcoming

Note: Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Bullet Heaven Roguelite Survivors-like Top Down or Isometric
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
6.7 Similarity Score
83% Diagnosis:
999/1200 Comparison Points
98% Genre 7.7/8 genre
27% Simple Controls -3.2/7 move
100% Survival Modes 4/4 modes
94% Power Progression 3.5/4 level
95% Buildcrafting Depth 4.5/5 build
87% Stage Features 5.2/7 stage
86% Content Breadth 6.4/9 stuff
79% Aesthetics 3.5/6 style
94% Gameplay Vibe Check 8.8/10 vibe vibe

What the HELL Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/15/2023

Scale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

What the HELL Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.7 Similarity Score
83% Diagnosis:
999/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 1/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 1/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.7/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0/1
Move Only 0/1
No Dash -1/1
No Trigger -1/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0.8/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 1/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 1/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 0.5/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 1/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 1/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 1/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 1/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 0.2/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 1/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 0.4/1
Many Challenges 1/1
Multiple Stages 1/1
Difficulty Modifiers 1/1
Bestiary / Lore 0/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0/1
Bumpin Music 1/1
Fun Writing 0.5/1
Subtle Humor 1/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.3/1
Over the Top 1/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.5/1
Difficulty Ramp 1/1
Fun Ramp 1/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 1/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 1/1
Feels like VS 0.5/1

What the HELL Tag Cloud

- +

More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Bullet HeavenRogueliteSurvivors-likeTop Down or Isometric

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags


Features and Extras

Steam Cloud


Red Goat Games

Game Features

- +

Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: ?

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: Yes
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

- +

Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"What the HELL is a rogue-lite top-down shooter. A terrifying future awaits the modern world under the influence of demon lords. Choose varied features to create your own skill set and determine your gameplay style. Collect demon's souls and never stop until you become stronger than they are."

Run Times & Speedups

- +

Average Run Time: 25m

Run Time Notes

Dev: "20-30m"

Speed Settings




Free Available Upcoming

Note: Scores on current private Early Access, see dev note. Feature comparison score and metadata reported based on dev submitted scorecard about early version of in progress game

Auto-Shooter Bullet Heaven Bullet Hell Horde Survival Roguelite Survivors-like
- Combined Ranking Score
-/72 Ranking Position
-/1600 Total Points
- Final Review
-% Steam
- Scale
- Vibes
0 Steam Reviews
-/400 Review Points
6.6 Similarity Score
83% Diagnosis:
996/1200 Comparison Points
91% Genre 6.6/8 genre
36% Simple Controls -2/7 move
85% Survival Modes 2.8/4 modes
100% Power Progression 4/4 level
86% Buildcrafting Depth 3.6/5 build
89% Stage Features 5.4/7 stage
90% Content Breadth 7.2/9 stuff
88% Aesthetics 4.5/6 style
89% Gameplay Vibe Check 7.7/10 vibe vibe

TH3-M15 GUILD Ranking Notes

- +

Scaling and Review Notes

Every game ranked was played, but also scaled based on research, talking to developers & your feedback. The priority with the scale's initial design was to compare similarity on relatively objective features - so it doesn't claim to include reviews of the depth and clarity you'd get at a games journalism site, nor the intensive time played you might get from player reviews on steam. We try to incorporate and link all of that along with a 'review scale' that checks for bugs. See the heatmap and breakdown! Time played noted so you can take any notes with a big grain of salt! I can't get to high level gameplay in 850+ games so I heavily research every game. Over 80 game creators let me interview or survey them! I Hope to go back and refine. Please argue or submit your own scores and reviews to be incorporated with credit into the notes and score numbers.

Added or last checked on 11/22/2023

gravebot-from_th3-m15-guild.gifScale scoring from scorecard submitted by Developer. Once evaluated after a couple hours play and some research, will be adjusted and moved up into the ranking proper.

stealthbot-from_th3-m15-guild.gifDev Notes: "These scores we're based on what we will be releasing on early access and not representative of the small portion we put on the free demo."

"I would say the game is a lot harder than Vampire Survivor. The core mechanics are the same like being able to upgrade as you level up during your runs."

t1n4-from_th3-m15-guild.gif"But there are also many things that make the game different and way harder, examples are:

- Maps have hazardous zones
- Enemies are more tankier than typical survivors-like games and they all have different mechanics.
- Your able to use points gained from your hundreds of kills to unlock new paths and buy consumable items
- Consumable items: Your able to buy things like turrets or slow fields and set them up on any spot you want. Can totally set up the room your in full of traps to give yourself an advantage.

TH3-M15 GUILD Similarity Scale Heatmap

- +

Measured in 60 categories via likert-scale style options -1 to 1 in tenths, how does this game compare to Vampire Survivors. This allows 1200 total "points". It's easier to have a point of comparison and we just picked Vampire Survivors since it's the most popular and commonly referenced game in the subgenre. For detailed methodology read the explainer. For in depth examples at score value, see the scoring guide and for term definitions see the key.

6.6 Similarity Score
83% Diagnosis:
996/1200 Comparison Points
Rogue-lite 1/1
Auto-Fire / Auto-Battle 0.5/1
Real Time 1/1
Top Down or Isometric 1/1
Direct Control of Single Avatar 1/1
Arcade Style 1/1
Bullet Heaven A (Many Player Bullets) 0.8/1
Bullet Heaven B (Few Enemy Bullets) 0.3/1
One Handed Play (w Controller) 0/1
Move Only 0/1
No Dash 0/1
No Trigger 0/1
No Special Move -1/1
No Aiming -1/1
No On-Aim / On-Fire Movement Penalty 0/1
Timed / Boss Ended Survival 1/1
Endless Mode 1/1
Organic / Unannounced Waves 0/1
High Enemy Count (Horde) 0.8/1
Level Up on XP Gain Event 1/1
Streamlined Level Choices (Simple UI) 1/1
Currency Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Goal Based Meta Unlocks 1/1
Build Crafting 1/1
Weapon Combination / "Evolution" 1/1
Interesting Item / Weapon / Ability Synergy 0.7/1
Broken / Invincible Builds Possible 0.2/1
Explorable Map 1/1
BIG Maps 0.7/1
XP on Ground 1/1
Health on Ground 0.7/1
Temp Powerups / Items on Ground 1/1
Treasure Chests and/or Loot Events 1/1
Vendor / Merchant on Run 0/1
Enemy Variety 0.8/1
Bosses / Elites 1/1
Many Interesting Characters 1/1
Many Challenges 0.8/1
Multiple Stages 0.4/1
Difficulty Modifiers 0.7/1
Bestiary / Lore 1/1
Achievements 1/1
Secrets 0.5/1
Retro / Pixel Art 0.7/1
Damage Numbers 1/1
Lofi Charm 0.4/1
Bumpin Music 0.8/1
Fun Writing 0.8/1
Subtle Humor 0.8/1
Panic & Zen Duo Vibe 0.7/1
Over the Top 0.8/1
"One More Run" / Short Runs 0.5/1
Difficulty Ramp 0.8/1
Fun Ramp 0.7/1
Low Price 1/1
Technical Check 0.7/1
Controls Check 1/1
Fun Check 0.7/1
Feels like VS 0.6/1

TH3-M15 GUILD Tag Cloud

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More sortable taxonomies and categories associated with the game (genre tags are available in the main game table line!) We've just started adding tags to enable more sorting options, this section will get more filled out as we go!

Release Tags

Windows PCFree AvailableUpcoming

Sorting Categories


Genre and Control Style Tags

Auto-ShooterBullet HeavenBullet HellHorde SurvivalRogueliteSurvivors-like

Aesthetic Tags


Setting / Story Tags


Control Styles


Game Mode Tags

Boss EndedDifficulty ModesEndless ModeIgnorable TutorialTimed SurvivalWave Survival25m

Features and Extras


Capybara Forge

Game Features

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Listing various features we've got info on.


  • Local: No
  • Online: No
  • Player Count: 1
  • Leaderboards: No

Steam Features

  • Steam Cloud: No
  • Steam Achievements: No
  • Steam Leaderboards: No
  • Steam Workshop: No
  • Steam Trading Cards: No

Extras, Etc.

  • NSFW: No
  • Demo Available: Yes
  • DLC Available: No
  • Soundtrack Available: No

Marketing Blurb

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Some description of the game and its features from the creators.

"Deadly missions for a deadly group! TH3-M15 Guild is a bullet hell survival game with rogue-lite elements. Undertake assignments, fighting off against armies of robots and creatures alike. Use an arsenal of unique skills, weapons, and items! Do you have what it takes to finish the job, mercenary?"

Control Style Notes

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Dev: "Attacks are automatic, some attacks are auto aiming while others you have to aim manually. There is also skills and ultimate which requires a manual button press to activate."

Automated Features


Some attacks auto-aim.

Supported Controls

  • Controller: Yes
  • Controller Move Only: No
  • Controller One Handed: No
  • Mouse Only: No
  • Keyboard Only: No
  • Keyboard One Handed: No

Game Modes

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Timed/Boss Ended Survival
("Defeat boss and escape")

Endless Survival

Difficulty Modes

Game Mode Notes

There is the standard mode at "normal" difficulty with an endless option.

Run Times & Speedups

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Average Run Time: 25m

Run Time Notes

Dev: "Run time is about 20-30 minutes per stage."

"On standard mode, after 20 minutes on a stage a final boss will appear and you will have to beat that boss."

"Beating the final boss isn't the end of the stage though. You will have 3 minutes to escape the map after and the stage will only be successfully finished after escaping."

Speed Settings


Player Power Progression

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Detailed notes on progression systems.

In Run Progression

Dev: "A player gets stronger during their runs by leveling up and choosing the skills, weapons, and armor they like."

Meta Progression

Stage, Mode, Mechanics, and Character Unlocks: Can unlock new stuff through achievements and shops.
Upgrade System: Upgrade options, like permanently more xp gain or more weapon/armor/item slots.
Rank System: Each character has their own ranks and the higher the rank, the higher the stats each character have.

Note: Metaprogression is currently locked in the demo.