Here are the update notes imported from the spreadsheet!
12/22/2023 Update
– Picked up like 60 games to study during the Steam Winter Sale
– Checked over u/TyrianMollusk’s 12/11 and 12/18 r/rogueish release lists, my steam queue, and the sale stuff for new stuff to add
– Added Yeetus, Westale: Peelgrimage, The Spellswapper, Elven Dreams, Petit Petit Petit, Rogue Survivalist, cyber_serpent (totally free snake-like), Walpurgis Raid, ZANZIBART, DANGER ZONE BOMBER, Art is Boom, Regular Spacecraft, Honey Fury (base building hybrid, looks interesting), moved Bockito, Extremely Powerful Capybaras, Four Hunters Survivor to released
– Added Sorcevival, Bad Egg, Moved The Last World, Schism, Roguearok to released (Early Access).
– Added steam review scores to Breakout Survivors
– 100% positive reviws for Breakout Survivors, Schism, Regular Spacecraft, Art is Boom and Roguenarok so far!
– No more demo for Roguenarok or Capybaras anymore though. Four Hunters Survivor now has a demo.
– Demo Release! Added Versebound, Let Him Cook, Sweet Skullvivors, Railway Fugitive, Exiled Survivors, Wings of Seduction: Bust ’em out! (nsfw), moved Tiny Survivors to Upcoming (With Demo)
– RAD Survivor is now named Ground Zero Hero (in the Upcoming With Demo section)
– Added Project XSTING, Driftshooter, Basterd Blitz to Upcoming (No Demo)
– Added many to “to do” list page for later consideration. I haven’t put those updates on this page before, but with it pulling into the prototype site now it might help keep people up to date
– Related games, mostly rogue lites. dungeon crawls or fps or other genre mashups. Actual genre breakdown is on the to-do list page. Rekindling The Flame, Rogue Slime, Little Scavenger, God of Stickfighters, Temple of Rust, Spellshot, Cards We’re Dealt, LastRo, Bloompunk, Gunpunk VR, Idiots’ Fantasy, We See You, Born Again, Modular, Astroswarm, PROJECT;HYPATIOS, Soulslinger: Envoy of Death, (the) Gnorp Apologue, Auto Heroes, Spellz: Mastery or Death, No Water in Hell, ANNIHILATOR, Shadows of Rogue: The Sorcerer’s Curse, Doom Sweeper, Nienix: Cosmic Warfare, Devil Slayer – Raksasi, JYDGE, Galacide, DRACOMATON, Tyrannical Chickens, Red Tether, Metal Mutation, Space Bandit, Yar’s Revenge, Cavity Busters, Gravity Ace, Twin Ruin
– (To an extent the to-do list is maintained just to keep track of games I’ve already looked over and determined don’t need to be on the list)
– Moved Gunfire Reborn to the comparison scale from the to-do list, since I picked it up in the steam sale and can see what all the recommendations are about