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Home » Updates » 12/19/2023 Update

Here are the update notes imported from the spreadsheet!

12/19/2023 Update

Back from xmas with the family this past weekend, gonna try to work hard to get something up soon for the site! Would love to have it up and start playing game again in the new year

– Will try to take a break from the website to catch up on adding games
– Scored Mage Lords of Brams, Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood by dev scorecard survey
– Added games from u/TyrianMollusk’s 12/04-10th release list (https://www.reddit.com/r/rogueish/comments/18aarua/steam_roguelite_release_list_2023_dec_04_dec_10/)
– Picayune Dreams, BloodDome99 moved to released section (both with very good reviews so far!)
– Added Luminaria: Dark Echoes, Cat Legend to Released (Early Access)
– Added Scroll Survival, Beyond Fantasy, Oh Darling I Hate To Tell You This… (that one is totally free) to released
– CY Cyberpunk Survivors moved to released (Early Access)
– Soulknight Survivor moved to released
– Striving for Light Survival released out of Early Access, has a free demo now
– Added Starship Scramble to upcoming with Free Demo