Updates Archive: Single Post

Home » Updates » 12/13/2023 Update

Here are the update notes imported from the spreadsheet!

12/13/2023 Update

– Fixed conditional headers for explainer pages, error pages, archive updates and table view
– Added font style toggle with robot and arial
– Tweaks for font option
– Fixed scripting error for review disclaimer view toggle
– Scripting so Ctrl or command F opens our custom Search/filter Bar
– Implemented display with labels and post count for custom search/filtering
– Refined pagination display
– Disabled ctrl-f intercept for now, ideally want to figure out a way to be able to search within the table without crashing the browser. I always get frustrated when something doesn’t work the way I expect as a user.idk.
– Single Pages moved into website. I’m just doing page contents styling in html, obviously, but it’s pulled in. Scale ‘sidebar’ from the explainer into the sidebar template. Done: Explainer, Thanks, FAQ, Steam Tag Research essay, Alternative Terrible Sales, ToDo List
– The above pages are now hidden on the spreadsheet, they’re not going to be updated here anymore. Apologies if you can’t find them for the period before the websites is up, but I think the published pages should still show.
– Search Page stuff: Show search results / pagination in header, Previous and next button, made sure it shows up on the search page template
– Added copyleft statement and explanation to footer and faq