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Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Witchcraft Survivors » v.0.8.6-beta update: Weapon opacity, Mode balancing and more!

Patch notes are imported from steam. There may be errors. This mostly exists so I can stay on top of them to update the features in our tags and scoring categories (which I do manually), but since many of you liked the idea of staying up to date with all the games in one place I'm working on making this data automated (right now I manually hit it every couple days) with better info and linking in with the game views.

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Witchcraft Survivors » v.0.8.6-beta update: Weapon opacity, Mode balancing and more!

Weapon opacity option
With enough upgrades, the screen can fill up completely with your attacks, that’s why i added an option to decrease the Weapon opacity in the option menu now!

Mode balancing
Decreased Cooldown Reduction Bonus of Shorter Run Mode from 20% to 15% and Speed up Mode from 40% to 25%.

Hallucination Mode achievements
The hallucination mode is not for everyone and you shouldn’t be forced to play it to get all the achievements. That’s why you can earn hallucination mode achievements now in an alternative way: There is a mushroom hidden in each stage, finding it and picking it up will grant these achievements too (there is a mild temporary screen effect when picking it up).

This patch was motivated by Kersakofs (Lean Demon) suggestions, thanks for it!