There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Horde Hunters » v. 0.5.3
Hello. Still continuing to fix some of the issues the big update brought up. In addition, this update has improved windowed mode, balance tweaks and a new item.
- New item: Mirror – 33% chance to scare common enemies away for 5s (works once)
- New setting: Window border – show/hide window toolbar and minimize/close buttons (default: On)
- Windowed area is a bit larger and targets a common resolution of 1600×900 if having 1920×1080
- Sacrifice (building) change: Player loses 50% health from sacrifice initially, then +10% each time used up to 90%
- Frequent Buyer Card item increased discount level from 20% to 25%
- Blood Donor power-up added one more level up to 25%
- Nicolaus’s super ability (explosive arrow) has a 50% bigger radius
- The “show collision mask” setting now also includes elites and enemy projectiles
- Elite screen title changed from “Rewards” to “Rewards Earned” for better clarity
- Updated Discord graphic in main menu
- The easier difficulty curve lasts longer for normal maps
- Small highlight effect on start game button
- Game crash if closing the game directly in settings e.g. through task manager
- Gamepad navigation issues after selling weapons or items
- Gamepad navigation gets lost if selling all consumables from inventory
- Elite reward “choose” buttons would show up if opening and closing map (no actual harm with this though)
- There was a rare chance that the 4th level up reward (gold or consumable) didn’t show up at all
- Boss arena was not visible on pause