There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Roguevive » Update #13
Hello people, new update just arrived.
- Added a 5s cooldown to the dash.
- Added a bar showing the dash cooldown, below the player.
- Buffed the Shuriken pack from 3 to 10 projectiles.
- Changed the Lightning Step description to better reflect it’s usage.
- Fixed the Pick up Range upgrade description on the Upgrades tree.
- Fixed Pick up Range not working properly.
- New Level Up Options, Magnet.
- Changed second level ground color for better visibility.
- Added 2 enemies to the second level.
- Shotgun ammo changed from 1 to 2
- Fixed a visual bug where Slimes sprite would sometimes flick when dying.
The dash is a powerful escape tool, together with the invulnerability upgrade, that gives a 0.1s invulnerability when using the dash, it became too powerful.
So there’s a nerf, I intend on making an upgrade on the tree, to lesser the cooldown.
Right now I think the version is pretty stable, and I will focus on the Prologue Release.
Thanks everyone for your feedback and support, always.