There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Chronicon » Update 1.50.0 is live!
Hey everyone!
This update is mostly about preparing for the next DLC – The Mechanist.
We have also added full support for German, and there are quite a few tweaks, fixes, and other improvements as well!
We now also support cross-platform cloud saving, so you can take your PC characters to your Steam Deck, for example!
Here are the full notes.
Stay tuned for more!
- This update prepares the base game for the next DLC: The Mechanist.
- There are also some tweaks, QoL additions, and fixes for the base game.
New Language:
- German.
- Added support for mouse side buttons.
- Seasonal Events (Christmas, Halloween) are now repeatable each year on the same character.
- The Christmas event now runs from Dec 1st to Dec 30th (Was 15th-31st).
Enemies & Combat:
- Slightly increased collision boundaries for Goblins so they are less likely to warp through doors.
- This also affects the Anomaly Bosses which are Goblins.
- Multiplied Dummy health by 100 since you guys keep killing them.
Items & Loot:
- Beast Foods drops no longer play the crafting material sound.
- Tarot no longer gives you legacy items.
- Injectors and launchers now drop from level 50 and up and on Heroic or higher difficulty, where most rare special items & materials start dropping.
- Injectors and Launchers now also require you to have access to the Device Slotter (endgame area) before dropping.
- Masochist Set (Warlock) weakness stacking is now multiplicative with other sources of weakness, rather than additive.
- Monster health% display on the endgame interface gets converted to shortened numbers when it starts to get silly.
- Same for Largest Damage Dealt in statistics.
- Damage and Mana now also shorten to M,B, etc on the quick stat reference in the inventory rather than overlapping when you get high amounts.
- Added Ancient Forest loading screen to western expeditions.
- Added new DLC button to the menu.
- Updated Credits.
- Some rare stuttering issues should now be fixed.
- Audio-related performance issues have been improved.
- Combat performance should also be slightly improved in hectic situations.
- Masteries which increase proc rates multiplicatively should now properly go beyond 100% with Crown of Innate Possibilities, since this makes sense.
- Seeds (Warden synergy passive) now bases damage off Razor Tips as the tooltip suggests.
- Sounds that play super frequently should now lower their volume a bit in the most chaotic instances.
- Added a new “Parry” stat which works like Evasion. This stat is currently reserved for the upcoming new Class
- Fixed some text errors in English and French.
- Fixed Elixir of Movement Speed giving half the listed amount.
- Fixed some starter items being flagged as Legacy items.
- Fixed some skills and satellites using incorrect targeting, and targeting things out of range (and therefore being unable to attack them).
- Fixed expedition passive “Prowler” not affecting the berserker “Chilled” weaken passive.
- Fixed Warlock not being able to roll bleed damage% on Spellbooks.
- Fixed Death Knight (Warlock Ultimate) giving 20% instead of 25% Bane skill damage.
- Fixed rare crash that could happen when using Shattering Blow as you enter a portal as Berserker.
- Fixed crash when using a controller and pausing to exit Korem’s final quest end speech.
- Fixed Finder’s Keep artifact not revealing chests after re-entering a zone.
- Fixed issue where Expedition and Artifact progress could snapshot and carry over between HC and SC characters.
- Fixed Anomaly League progression also being able to carry over between SC and HC in some circumstances.
- Fixed some errors in the base English text which may have lead to older versions of texts being loaded in.
- Fixed issue where Storm Fists (Berserker) were only hitting once per second for a quarter damage, rather than 4 times per second.
- Possible fix for rare crash from dialogue navigation with controllers.
- Possible fix for companions sometimes forgetting special abilities after changing areas.