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Survivors: Three Kingdoms » Survivors: Three Kingdoms: Update – [Patch 1.3]

Thank you for your continuous supports and feedback on Survivors: Three Kingdoms.

We are excited to introduce a new character from Three Kingdoms for today’s update!
Not only that, but we have also adjusted some balance system for characters and skills based on your feedback and opinions through discussions and reviews.

Check the details of our new update below!

[Early Access UPDATE – Patch 1.3]

[NEW Character]
Huang Yueying
– How to Unlock: Kill more than 5,000 enemies with Zhuge Liang
– If you have played with Zhuge Liang before, you can easily unlock Huang Yueying!

[Character Balance]
1. Zhuge Liang
– Removed ‘melee attack’
– Piercing will apply to “Phoenix” skill: Level 7,8, and 9.
2. Da Qiao
– “Da Qiao Combo” will attack 2 times in a row starting at Level 1 (Max. skill level is 6).
– Attack speed of “Da Quiao Combo” increased.
– Knockback power of “Da Quiao Combo” increased.
3. Zhang Fei
– Maximum Level of “Zhang Fei Combo” increased to 5.
– Attacking range of “Zhang Fei Combo” increased.
– A delay after attacks from “Zhang Fei Combo” decreased.
– Attack speed of “Zhang Fei Combo” increased.
– Knockback power of “Zhang Fei Combo” increased.
4. Zhang Jiao
– Removed ‘melee attack’
– Moving Speed increased from -10% to 0.

[Skill Balance]
1. Explosion
– A delay in exploding motion decreased.
2. Energy Wave
– Knockback distance increased.
3. Soul Attack
– Level 2: attack in 4 directions
– Level 5: attack in 8 directions
– Level 9: attack in 16 directions

[Stage Balance]
Stage 3: The Wild Land
– Difficulty level has been decreased.
– Enemies’s attack and defense decreased.
– Cavalryman’s attack decreased. Distances between cavalrymen increased.

Attack motions of adjutant have been modified.

We will be waiting for more feedback!
Thank you.