There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Steredenn » Steredenn 2.6.0: Incoming Transmission
You were probably not expecting an update, but here it is! 🚀
- Add Basque translation
- Add a proper ending
- Add an “easy” mode: It’s not going to be super easy, despite the name “Space Tour”, but it should allow more people to enjoy the game: more damages, more lives, slower bullets, more invincible time, slower bosses. Leaderboards are now split by difficulty. You can select the difficulty before starting a new solo or coop game. Arena and Daily runs will are locked in Normal. ALl unlocks and achievements are available in the easy mode.
- New keyart/capsules
- add middle shot to spread
- up laser dmg
- +1 HP
- Drop medikit before a boss after level 4 (Normal mode)
- Nerf bomber MK1 very, very slightly
- Nerf Battleship (first pattern)
- Use engine pixel perfect camera instead of a custom one (so we have a perfect ratio!)
- Remove weird resolution tricks
- Add discord link to menu
- Update unity runtime and .NET version
- Settings: allow fine tuning of camera shake value
- Fix destroyer MK2 looping sound
Have fun with the game!
— Steredenn’s team.