There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Roguevive » Prelude is here
Hello everyone,
The prelude is here and available to download. I will keep the updates coming to that version, seems to make more sense.
I activated the Cloud Saving, so if you open the Demo and afterwards open the Prelude, it should carry your progress, but in case it don’t, here’s a tutorial on how to manually carry the save file.
On your steam, Right-click the Roguevive and go to Managa > Browse Local Files
Once on the Local Files, access Roguevive > Saved > SaveGames
There is a file named “saveGame.sav”, that is the one you need to copy and paste to the same directory on the Prelude.
That’s it, any problems, feel free to send a message or leave a discussion on the forum, I will help those who need it.
Also I made some fixes, mostly multiplayer QOL.
- Changed reload bar color for better visibility
- Slightly changed the Shotgun Wolf color in comparsion to the normal Wolf.
- Now hides auto shoot marker when overring the auto aim with the shoot button.
- Added lots of animations to the menu, and changed the selected borders for a better visibility.
- Fixed the lobbies menu covering the refresh button
- Fixed Endless Movement Speed Bonus not being reflected on Multiplayer.
- Fixed Endless Health Bonus not being reflected on Multiplayer.
- Fixed Big sized enemies not being big on multiplayer clients.
- Fixed Xp Sound not playing on Multiplayer Clients.
- Fixed Dash effect not appearing on Multiplayer.
- Explosive Step now always generates an explosion, since the dash was nerfed this skill needed an upgrade, will make further changes on a later patch.
- New upgrade option Knowledge.
As always, thanks for the feedback.