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Patch notes are imported from steam. There may be errors. This mostly exists so I can stay on top of them to update the features in our tags and scoring categories (which I do manually), but since many of you liked the idea of staying up to date with all the games in one place I'm working on making this data automated (right now I manually hit it every couple days) with better info and linking in with the game views.

There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Peglin » Peglin Update v0.9.32 — And More!

Hey all!! Big shiny announcement here today – we’re officially announcing the next game that we’ll be working on after Peglin so we can make its Steam page public and show off its prototype alongside Peglin at SXSW!

Fowl Damage

Fowl Damage is an atmospheric puzzle platformer where your default jump provides enough fall damage to destroy you! You’ll have to carefully manage your jumps and falls as you adventure through this chilling, beautiful, and occasionally cute world. It’s definitely a bit of a departure from Peglin but it’s a game that one of our designers, May, has been working on for a few years and it’s a really beautiful game that we’d love to help share with people any way we can. We’ll mostly be publishing it, but we’ll be doing a little bit of co-development too.

We’re planning on releasing Fowl Damage fully (no Early Access for this one since it’s a bit more linear) between 8-12 months from now!


  • Will this slow down Peglin updates?
    Not in any significant way – Fowl Damage has been 90% completed by May as a solo developer (who has been helping us out with Peglin part-time for over a year). We’re also growing the team a little bit to help support both games and the bulk of the work will happen once Peglin has gone gold. We’re mostly just announcing Fowl Damage now so that we can start sharing it and submitting it to events until it releases!
  • I’ve seen Saturday Morning Rogue on the RNG Steam page – what is that and will it ever be released?
    Saturday Morning Rogue was a jam project that a small side-team (mostly non-RNG peeps) had hacked together in a month in an attempt to put a small, cheap Roguelike out on Steam in a short amount of time. Unfortunately everyone has been too busy to put the finishing touches on it (it was started a little before Peglin went into Early Access and the RNG lives imploded 😵‍💫) – it is something that we would like to revisit and finish up once the dust starts to settle though!

Now onto the Peglin patch notes!

Patch Notes v0.9.32

New Features:

New Roundrel status effects!

  • Ballusion gives the Roundrel some much needed damage mitigation by allowing you to dodge enemy attacks
  • Exploitaball is a status effect that supports Roundrel’s crit synergies by making enemies take more damage from crit attacks

Improved visuals:

  • UI improvements for end of battle rewards
  • UI improvements for status effects
  • Now with a proper loading screen!
  • Auto-detect what type of gamepad you’re using to change the glyphs, and the option to force it to a particular style

Some achievements have had their requirements adjusted:

  • Poison IV Spinfection requirement reduced to 40
  • Slime After Slime bounce requirement increased to 7
  • Multiballer achievement now requires Matryorbshka
  • Where’s my membership card?! now requires removing an orb as well

Bugfixes and misc changes:

  • Orbust is now uncommon
  • Spinfection granted by orbs rebalanced to provide more stacks on crit
  • Potion Ballt no longer deals damage
  • Slight nerf to Protectorb and Balladroit
  • Slenderlin fight has an extra Sapper
  • Perfect Forger should no longer light up when the orb can’t be upgraded
  • Fixed an issue where a stuck navigation orb would not be dealt with properly in the Shop scenario.
  • Fixed a selection issue in the Shop where the selection would get stuck behind the modal dialog for buying an orb or relic
  • Protectorb no longer shows damage values when hitting walls when used in combination with Ambiguous Amulet
  • Peg buffs are now clamped properly to -999 and 999
  • Fixed a cosmetic issue with Ballad providing the extra Spinesse after being affected by Instigatorb taking a little too long
  • Updated relic countdown UI to be a bit more readable
  • Circcae attack made a little smaller
  • Dangling cruciball particle effects on the main menu should be fixed properly now