There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Clockwork Survivors » Patch 1.0.3
- Luck – New Stat (Increases crit chance, multiprojectile chance and gives a chance at big rewards)
- Fireball – Environment Effect
- Metaprogress viewable in menu
- Complete current metaprogress tree visible behind the bar in main menu.
- Trail effect for Clockwork Meteor
- Added button to reset run keeping same seed as the one you lost in
- Adjustement to spike ball
- Enemy projectiles now destroyed on player death
- Button sounds
- Spikeball now destroyed on player death
- Pressing classic/unapgraded mode repeatedly no longer toggles between them
- Gameoverscreens is now created correctly when all metaprogress in unlocked
- Several accidental repeat metaprogress levels were removed. Quadruple damage increase made the game a tiny bit too easy
- Customization slider handle more visible when selected
- Bonus progression now shown in the pause menu
- Button layout improved in the gameover menu
The patch came out 48 hours ago, better late than never on the notes.