Patch Notes Archive

Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Clockwork Survivors » Patch 1.0.2

Patch notes are imported from steam. There may be errors. This mostly exists so I can stay on top of them to update the features in our tags and scoring categories (which I do manually), but since many of you liked the idea of staying up to date with all the games in one place I'm working on making this data automated (right now I manually hit it every couple days) with better info and linking in with the game views.

There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Clockwork Survivors » Patch 1.0.2

Quick Notes

  • Added Spike Balls – New type of environment obstacle
  • Nerfed Dot Gun – Cooldown from 1 -> 2
  • Adjusted drop rates on Viisari, Level Spikes and others

Bugs & QOL
  • Buttons no longer get unselected when you click in the background
  • Shows gear accumulation in menu
  • Gear specific animations & sounds
  • Meta progression screen doesn’t show up if you have reached max level (more to come)
  • Finetuned timing on some sound clips
  • Fixed some unfortunate chest crash errors


We are currently working on a new weapon, few environmental effects and finally the Luck stat. Hopefully most of these should be out at the end of next week, but large patch improvements take priority. Which means big fun stuff quicker even if not all small incremental newcomers will show up next week.

Enjoy your weekend