There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
The Castle Burns! » Patch 1.0.0
– Reworked the way Boss hitboxes work (every enemy with a large central health bar, 12 in total). They now have separate hitboxes for hitting and getting hit. This makes it feel a lot more fair.
– Lowered the overall damage for every enemy in the Malika questline by 10%.
– Lowered melee damage for Flint, Blaze and Malika.
– Treasure chests spawn less often (from rolling every 3 seconds to every 2 seconds) to compensate for the lower difficulty, and reducing the amount of choices made in the shop.
– Fixed a bug where items you couldn’t afford would only get the red border to indicate so, when you were hovering over them, or rerolling the shop.
– Lowered the sound effect when you’re trying to spend more money than you have.
– Changed the Pickup Range tooltips to a percentage.