There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Mutagenic » Patch 0.5.7
Good day,
Today patch 0.5.7 is released with the following changes:
- Add new Crafting Material: Corruption Shards, droppable in zones level 100+.
- Enabled crafting method: Store, Restore, Recombinate for advanced crafters.
- Enabled Lucky Scramble: Costs 10 blue orbs, but will roll mod tiers 10 times, picking the highest outcome.
- Added Starter Build picker for new accounts.
- Disable upgrading of drop-only mods.
- Rewrote some core components for some massive performance improvements.
- Increased monster damage scaling to cap at zone 115.
- Updated visual effects for various explosions and AoE damage indicators.
- Changed Shading of GUI Health Globe (thanks Kleito!)
- Reduced spawn distance of far away mobs
- Reduced chase distance of mobs
- Shock Orb projectiles now change direction based on distance traveled.
- Changed visuals of Infection
- Fixed bug where ailments could double dip with specific penetration stats.
- Updated GUI to show your orb inventory
- Updated text in various help menus.
- Fixed bug with Keybind options menu.
- Change Collateral Damage Support to the following: Projectile Hits have a 10% chance to also an extra 300% of Damage the target and to Nearby Enemies.
- Fixed bug where Tether skills could still be used with Tinkerer’s Toys equipped.
- Fixed bug where Potent Suppression Support would not apply to ailments inflicted by the supported skill.
- Remove cap on Jolt effect.
- Implemented new ramping mechanic for ailments.
- Buffed base movement speed from 60->90. Monster movement speed has been similary adjusted.
Skill Balance
- Damage: up ~300%
- Projectile Count: 3 -> 1
- Radius: up ~20%
- Cooldown: 1.0 -> 1.5s
- Added Damage Effectiveness: 30% -> 60%
Lots of work behind the scenes as well, but not worth adding here.