There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Epic Survivors » Patch 0.1.1
1.Add 3 function tool (Reroll ,Ban and Skip)
Reroll : you can reroll ability select
Ban: ban any perk or ability you don’t need
Skip: Skip current ability select and get back half level experence
All these function can get cost by monster drop
player can more likely play in their own way. make own build .
2.Npc position optimization fixed.
3.balance start level set all normal zombie fixed 100 hp.
Make sure most survivors can one shot them.
4.balance decrease zombie Y /Floating zombie base damage.
5.Fixed some ui navgation issue.
6.Fixed some SFX issue.
7.Damage Text simplify Now Big damage number show like 1K 1M and so on
8.Fixed an issue when npc optimization work some monster can not be hit.
9.Fixed achievement unlock issue. Now you can unlock all achievement.