There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Brave Heroes » New Update Alive !
Hello Heroes!
Update is alive now!
Update notes:
New Hero
- Mr. Bear welcomes you. It can gain exp when damage is taken, also you can manually get exp with the cost of hp.
New Powers
- Meteoroite power is ready to use. Meteors explode on ground and damages for some time
- Magic missile power is ready to use. The area bombarded by missiles is turning around you.
World Objectives
There are 2 types of crystals in the world, white and blue.
- White crystal gives you a buff when you are in the area during the explosion. The more you wait in the area, the increased rarity of buff you get.
- Blue crystal damages enemies just like rocks but with enhanced scale.
Balance Adjustments
- Divine swords damage nerfed and cooldown increased
- Shizuma’s slide now decrease 1% of the health in that time. Previously it was 2%
- Time requirement of gaining permanent pickup range from a tree is decreased to 0.75 seconds from 1.5 seconds
- Early game difficulty is reduced by 10% but end game (12-20 minutes) difficulty is increased by 300% for more challenging runs. Previously players do not have to even move on the map
- Cooldown of the hammer power increased by 20%
Other Adjustments
- New tips are added to the loading screen
- “Size” text on the flamethrower description is changed by “scale” text
- Cannon of HLM 3000 has different colors
- Buffs taken are displayed on the screen with text for some time
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where some players can not open the pause screen and continue the game after 20 minutes in some circumstances
- Fixed a bug where the background is now live in the temporary buff screen
- Fixed a bug where players can have powers more than 5
- Fixed a bug where the facing direction of enemies is different that the move direction while player is moving
- Fixed a bug where icons at the bottom of the play menu are not displayed correctly
- Fixed a bug where the area generated by a crocodile has lower pull force on enemies
- Fixed a bug where skeletons of necros can move through themselves
Have fun playing Brave Heroes