There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Solaroids » Monthly High Scores – May 2023 / June Challenge
Welcome new and veteran players! Thank you for playing and competing in the :solaroidsS::solaroidsO:ːsolaroidsLːːsolaroidsAː:solaroidsR::solaroidsO::solaroidsI:ːsolaroidsDː:solaroidsS: monthly high score challenge.
Congratulations to all!
Flu Orid, the all-time champion, returns from a long hiatus to secure 1st place this month with a score of 150,163,030 while also blowing away all the competition! Flu Orid’s top all-time score of 596,174,085 has continued to hold strong through the years. Your skill in Solaroids is still unmatched after all this time, with only the all-time top three possibly contending for the top slot. Welcome back to the monthly boards!
Taking the second spot this month is new contender Decayeth with a score of 1,985,150. It is great to see new players making their mark on the leaderboard, and Decayeth has certainly made an impressive entrance. Congratulations, and keep up the great piloting!
Rounding out the top three this month is none other than Drakkett Aranthe with a score of 1,242,440. Drakkett plays Solaroids off and on on their Twitch stream, which is how we met, and also helps moderate my uber-quiet Discord server when necessary. Thank you Drakkett, and congratulations on taking 3rd place for May!
Note: Only the First Credit leaderboards are used for the monthly challenge.
Chad (kiates)
Do you have a feature request or find a lingering bug/issue? If so, then post it to the Steam Solaroids Community. Many of the tweaks, features, other additions, or future plans for Solaroids have originated with the community.
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Come join the (Solaroids Discord Server), exercise some much needed bragging rights, say hi to other players, share some tips, and give me your thoughts about what would make the Best Asteroids Style Space Shooter on the planet.