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Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Cult of Babel » Minor Bug fixes, Balance changes & Optimizing Thunder, Steam Mortar, Blunderbuss

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Cult of Babel » Minor Bug fixes, Balance changes & Optimizing Thunder, Steam Mortar, Blunderbuss

Balance changes :
– [Buff] SSDs can detect enemies for further away
– [Buff] Range now affects Agatha explosions
– [Buff] Agatha Base Firerate up
– [Buff] Agatha magical molotovs cannot have the ice effect anymore
– [Buff] Agatha Blood molotov now throws out saws
– [Buff] Agatha firerate scaling increased
– [Nerf] H Bomb kill count needed to spawn a bomb increased
– [Buff] H Bomb Prime bombs frequency increased
– [Nerf] Upgraded Bio-Engineering do not give HP anymore
– [Nerf] Deadlock upgraded needs 8 gems to spawn a SSD instead of 5
– [Nerf] Reduced a bit Leonard’s turret life
– [Nerf] Increased Corrupted Cultists Speed in the church
– [Buff] Headless Cultists do not spawn flying larvaes anymore
– [Nerf] More kills needed to heal with surviving vampire
– [Nerf] Lilith Reload time increased a lil bit
– [Nerf] Leonard Dash range reduced a lil bit

Bug fixes:
– Fixed a bug causing HBomb Prime to not have the right aspect in the meta card shop
– Fixed a bug causing Evolve’s description to not display correctly in the meta card shop
– Fixed a bug that caused steam mortar’s shrapnel to be Leonard melee attack, instead of the turrets projectiles
– Fixed a bug that caused Leonard’s turret bullets to not be affected by butchering knife & hemo-rage prime
– Fixed a bug that caused the player to have the effects of Adrenaline Potion by default
– Fixed a bug that caused the prime machine to not give you back the right amount of prime dust after resetting
– Fixed a bug that caused the wall eyes not to have pupils in the church
– Fixed a bug that caused Leonard turrets to not spawn with the right amount of hp when evolved

Optimization :
– Reduced the amount of hitsparks
– Steam Mortar Bullets do not generate small hitsparks
– Some optimization under the hood regarding thunder strikes, blunderbuss and steam mortar