There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Mage Lords of Brams » Mage Lords of Brams Beta Patch 0.07
Improved controller menu navigation.
Should be superior to what it was before on almost every screen.
d-pad – move controller cursor
as before, right trigger = left click, left trigger = right click.
holding left trigger while over an item or icon will pull up a tooltip (if one exists)
right shoulder – in-game trinket inventory
options button – in-game settings menu
One exception may be the level selection screen, where pressing left or right from one of the main levels will select the Hyper button instead. I’ll see what I can do about that in an upcoming quick fix.