There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Eldritch Exterminators » Hotfix #4.1
- Bounce now will bounce off of the sides of the screen as well
- Soul of the Adiras: Critical Chance 5% -> 0%
- Soul of the Madman: Fire Rate 30% -> 32%
- Soul of the Berserker: Damage 20% -> 35%
- Soul of the Berserker: No longer banishes special artifacts
- Speed Decrease per Tribulation -1 -> -2
- Enemy Health Increase per Tribulation: 15% -> 20%
- Knockback Effect Delay 0.4 -> 0.2
- Fixed Soul of the Phantom giving Soul of the Harreth
- Fixed Soul of Adiras being a 3-round burst rather than a 2-round burst
- Fixed Soul of Adiras increasing Projectile Spread rather than decreasing it
- Fixed Banishing an artifact makes the new one unselectable
- Fixed Soul of the Cursed not giving a starting curse
- Fixed Tribulation 4 affecting enemy speed rather than player speed
- Fixed being able to unpause the game while the pause menu is up by pressing in the empty space
- Fixed the Cyclops Eye not having it’s story text