There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Time Wasters » Early Access Build #958
- Earn a Solo Victory with Ram to unlock the Pinball Challenge
- Location: Pinball Machine
- Punch Enemies Into Bumpers To Build A Combo
- Bumpers Cause More Damage At Higher Combos
- Enemy Mass Multiplier 0.5
- Enemy Hull Multiplier 4
- Gold Per Pickup -0.85
- New 3D background
- New music track
- 2 New Enemy Types
- Added Pinball Bumpers Total Damage Dealt & Highest Bumper Combo stats to End of Run Summary
- New Loyalty icon will replace Solo after earning a Pinball Victory
- To play, select Ram as the Captain then select Pinball from the Select A Challenge screen
- Added Unlock Missions & Steam Achievement
- More Loyalty Challenges may be added in future updates
Loyal Crew Ram
- Get a Pinball Challenge Victory with Ram to unlock
- Loyal Crew Ram can immediately join the crew at the start of a run
- Ram must not be Banished to join your crew
Boxing Gloves
- Added Knockback Force +250 to Boxing Gloves Overclock
In-Game Upgrades
- New Weapons display the associated Crew icon
- Regular Icon with White Square = Selected As Crew
- Regular Icon with Grey Square = Available As Crew
- Red Icon = Banished Crew
- Grey Icon with a Lock = Crew Locked, complete mission to unlock
- Crew cards display the associated Weapon icon
- White Square = Weapon Equipped
- Grey Square = Weapon Available
- Red Icon = Weapon Banished
Pause Screen
- Locked Crew displayed in Pause Menu Details Tab
Select Captain Screen
- Lock on Captain Icons moved to the bottom right corner to match rank icons
- Elites no longer affected by Challenge Hull modifiers
Unlocks Screen
- Unlocks Screen has been split into 2 Tabs: Page 1 & Page 2
Loyalty Challenges
- Fade into arena for Ram, Corrosia and Azurene Loyalty Challenges
Early Access Build #959
- Added maximum distance Elites can travel outside of arena bounds before being teleported back into arena for Azurene & Ram Loyalty Challenges. Prevents occasions where physics collisions send Elites flying out of arena.
Early Access Build #960
- Changed Seeking Bomb enemies so that they don’t disappear when offscreen (Enemies appear in Azurene’s The Caves & on Waves 10, 30, 50 etc in Ram’s Pinball Challenge)