There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Choo Choo Survivor » Bug Fix – Mysterious zombie shadows remaining in the game blocking the train
Hello Choo Choo Engineers!
A few Choo Choo Engineers encountered a truly mysterious bug where shadows of zombies would remain and they would be blocking the path of the train. This affected only a small number of players and the majority of us were unaffected. A word of thanks to BizzWare who provided enough information for me to try and have some guesses at figuring out what the problem could be. It seems like what was happening is that an animation event was not being fired on some computers. At the end of the death animation I had an event that would fire off to deactivate the zombie and add it back to the pool, but it looks like on some computers this event never fires and the reason for that will remain a mystery to me, but I’m guessing it is a CPU timing thing and perhaps a Unity Engine thing (wild guess). So I deleted the event and instead I’ve hard coded an Invoke call that deactivates the zombie, etc, when they reach 0 health, after exactly 0.36 seconds which is just after the animation ends.
Also, some of the Russian and Japanese translation was updated as well.