There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Auto Cast » Auto Cast Update 1.05: Just Tips (and balancing changes)
- Added tips to the main menu
- Fixed being able to interact with menus while game is paused
- Lowered the base xp gained from Rest from 20% to 10%
- Lowered Rest xp gained from enhancing from 10% to 5%
- Riled Up debuff now scales with difficulty. Normal = 25%, Hard = 50%, and Extreme = 75% bonus damage taken. Was previously 50% across all difficulties
- Seeing Red debuff now scales with difficulty. Normal = 10%, Hard = 20%, and Extreme = 30% chance to pierce. Was previously 50% chance across all difficulties
- Decreased enemy spawn rates and interval in Normal mode. Hard and Extreme are unaffected