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AK-xolotl » AK-xolotl “Chaos Unleashed” Content Update

Hello Pond Residents,

The moment is here – our inaugural new content update patch is OFFICIALLY LIVE!

In the world of roguelites, keeping things fresh is paramount, and that’s exactly what we’ve focused on for AK-xolotl’s first new content update. Featuring a new boss, alternate enemies, and an array of weapons and items, our goal is to add that extra spice to your runs!

For the seasoned players seeking a challenge, we will soon introduce a new way to customize your gameplay and crank up the difficulty, in exchange for some enticing extra rewards. Increase enemy damage output, max HP, wave size, bid farewell to healing effects, and much more – dive into true Chaos!

With this update, we aim to reinforce your trust in our dedication to enhancing the game and provide a glimpse of the exciting future of AK-xolotl. The journey is far from over, and we already have more thrilling updates in the pipeline, including one before the close of 2023 and more planned for 2024!

To our loyal players from the start, thank you for your unwavering support. And to those just embarking on this adventure with us, welcome aboard – we’re delighted to have you!

Here’s a summary of all the new content awaiting your exploration:

New content already available:

  • A brand-new Boss: tired of crab cakes for dinner? Give Pond Pincer a break and brace yourself for the possibility of encountering a brand new alternate boss in Biome 1 – the Mine-Gast! This one’s guaranteed to take you on a wild ride.

  • New Enemies: tales of your havoc have spread throughout the Pond, and 6 new creature types have joined the battle against…well, you.
  • New Weapons: over 20 new weapons, ranging from classics like the Nail Gun, Boomerang, and Peacekeeper to more unusual firearms like the Tentacle, Elephant Gun, and Toadally Tosser. Things are about to get crazy!

  • New Items: while new weapons are fantastic, let’s take the fun to the next level with 20 new items to fully customize your builds. Get ready for some truly insane combinations!

  • In-run Shop Redesign: say goodbye to unclear marketing tactics – the Hyena shop now provides a comprehensive description of all the available goodies. Become the informed buyer you deserve to be!

  • New Room Layouts: as always, we’ve sprinkled in some new room layouts to enhance the visual diversity of your runs.
  • Kickstarter axolittles: the two axolittles unlocked during our Kickstarter campaign are now available to catch during your runs.

New content unlocking on November 28th:

  • Run Modifiers: dive into the ultimate AK-xolotl challenge with Chaos Trials, available after conquering the final boss. Activate various Run Modifiers at different ranks, increasing your Chaos level. Triumph over bosses at designated Chaos levels to harvest extra rewards.

Holiday Spice:

  • Prepare to spread some holiday cheer! Four new holiday-themed axolittles are now available to catch, and from December 1st, The Pond will undergo a festive makeover with new decorations to get you into the holiday spirit. Picture gingerbread men, Christmas presents, and a magical snowy landscape covering almost everything! Be sure to check out the in-game winter wonderland!

Trading Cards are live:

  • We are thrilled to announce that AK-xolotl Steam community items are now available! Hope you enjoy these treats!
    – New profile badges
    – Ten new trading cards
    – Three profile backgrounds
    – Five emoticons

Aside from all the new content, we also introduced some new balance changes and bug fixes to further enhance your gameplay experience.

Here’s the rundown of changes and improvements included in this update:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug where clicking out of focus during the confirmation screen in the pause menu will cause the game to “soft lock”.
  • Droppin’ Doggo and Small Paws Dealer shops refresh button will no longer work after all items/weapons have been bought
  • Fixed the issue where navigation was being lost in the Journal menu



  • Tactic Gun: Fire rate decreased from 0.1 to 0.12
  • Wingers: Fire mode changed to Auto
  • Big AK: Damage increase from 85 to 95


  • Lotzilla size increased from 100% to 200%

Melee weapons redesign

  • Melee weapons now only destroy normal enemy attacks. Elite enemies and bosses attacks (pink projectiles), will no longer be destroyed by melee weapon swings.

Quality of life

  • Implemented proper mouse navigation support for all game menus


  • Implemented status effects on enemies