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Path of Survivors » v0.8.3 – Runs Win Condition

v0.8.3 – Runs Win Condition

Full game release targeted for January 8th, 2024!

– Each world now has a run win condition
– Stay alive for X number of minutes to win the run
– Surviving 8 minutes in World 1 = Run Win
– Upon reaching the winning threshold, Phenomemon bosses spawn every 3 seconds and they get larger each spawn
– No more Sanity Time can be earned after reaching the winning threshold
– Once the Sanity Timer runs out after reaching the winning threshold, you get additional rewards:
– Extra Attributes Points based on the World
– Extra Gold & Experience based on how much was earned in the run X World Multiplier

– Starting Sanity Time is now based on half of the win time condition per World (4 minutes on World 1, 6.5 minutes on World 6)
– Sanity Time earned via wave clears scale with each World (+10 seconds on World 1, +15 seconds on World 6)

– Fixed a bug where enemy skills were not visible