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Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Nuclear Throne » Update #94 – Weeklies! – Weekend of October 16th

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There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Nuclear Throne » Update #94 – Weeklies! – Weekend of October 16th

As you might’ve noticed, we’ve been pulling off some huge updates lately. We’ve been working extremely hard for basically months now, and you can see the results: Nuclear Throne is getting very close to being a finished product. Update 94 is probably the last enormous update, as after this we’ll be slowing down, carefully wrapping up the ride and smoothly sailing into release. This means we’re close to entering a relatively quiet phase where we spend all the time we need making sure NT doesn’t break when you look at it.

We’ll jump right in with what most excites us: Weeklies.

Weeklies run every weekend from the first minute of Saturday until the last minute of Sunday UTC, and are basically seeded runs with a set loadout. Your character, crown, and starting weapon are all fixed, and you won’t find a single Crown Vault in your runs. The thing is, you can play a weekly as much as you want until the time runs out. You can try optimizing your route, mutation picks, and strategies, but also master some of the quirks specific levels throw at you. Every weekend will bring a new Weekly, and a new weekly leaderboard to conquer.

Besides that, there’s just too much to list here. The first weekly should’ve started right about 40 minutes ago. Go have some fun!


  • Weeklies!
  • New settings! Most significantly, we’ve added a few more cursors and the option to pick side-art instead of black bars on the side.
  • An update to the Throne itself!
  • Big upgrade to gamepad functionality in the menus, including access to the loadout screen!
  • Many Ultra Mutation changes and updates, including Rebel, Robot, Steroids, Crystal (faster Juggernaut), and Horror.
  • Big update to the stats screen, including win, speedrun, hard mode, daily, and weekly stats!
  • New sounds for various cool, huge, dangerous things!
  • Chicken B-skin can now be unlocked.
  • New sounds for all characters!
  • Sounds for all Ultra mutations!
  • Colored shadows! Barely noticable, but this’ll make Frozen City feel colder, Jungle junglier, etc.


  • Reduced rads dropped by some bosses and most enemies after caves a tiny bit.
  • Hyper Launcher, Ultra Crossbow, Bouncer Shotgun, and Heavy Assault Rifle rate of fire has been increased.
  • Ultra Revolver and Bouncer Shotgun are now automatic.
  • Ultra Grenades now drop rads when exploding.
  • Crown of Blood now spawns more elites.
  • Swapped some pre- and post-loop crowns.
  • Tiny Recycle Gland, Gamma Guts, Stress & Lucky Shot buff.
  • Crown of Luck gives more enemies 1HP.
  • Golden and normal Scorpions now have the same range.
  • Sharp Teeth damage has been increased.
  • Elite Frogs have less HP.
  • More Golden Snowtank HP.
  • Changed some of the character/b-skin unlock requirements a tiny bit.
  • Some Devastator love.
  • Earlier Flamethrower and Bouncer SMG spawns.
  • More damage from green explosions.
  • A bit more time before Vans spawn.
  • No more cursed spiders on normal loop areas.
  • Rebel’s Throne Butt has been slowed down a tiny bit.
  • Tiny bit less health for Generator.
  • Reproducing enemies such as Big Dog’s missiles and the Hyper Crystal spawns no longer count as kills.
  • Ultra Shotgun uses a bit more ammo and rads.
  • Update to the Caves loop boss!
  • Lightning Crystals are now a bit more faster and have more range.
  • Secret areas now don’t spawn random enemies on loop.
  • Energy Hammer cost, reload time, and damage have all been increased.
  • Golden and normal Shotgun now have the same rate of fire.


  • Fixed the Rogue Canister crash.
  • Ending a daily or weekly after it has ended (but starting while it’s still active) should now submit your score correctly.
  • Chests no longer disappear when touching props.
  • You can no longer view locked stats.
  • Co-op and hard mode no longer reset your streaks.
  • Portal in 0-1 is back.
  • Robot’s B-skin can no longer unlock multiple times.
  • Updated laser collisions.
  • Updated Spider and Snowbot collisions.
  • Generators now drop weapons when you run with Crown of Guns.
  • Laser Cannon now aims correctly with gamepad.
  • Allies now behave correctly when playing with gamepad.
  • Corpses are no longer light sources.
  • Loading info is no longer shown when loading cutscenes.
  • Tutorial bandits now have corpses.
  • Fixed a “double Portal Strike” bug caused by pausing the game.
  • Bloodlust and Lucky Shot now work properly in co-op.
  • Fixed minor visual glitches related to the HUD/portals.
  • No more chests inside walls, hopefully.
  • Fixed various depth issues, including the infamous desert bones drawing in the wrong order!
  • All bosses now stop the boss music when defeated.
  • Big Dog missiles now sound like metal.
  • No more Horror in the Pizza Sewers getting instantly blown up.
  • Fixed the quick restart music bug!?
  • Unlock screen can no longer be behind the game over screen.
  • Boss Intro’s pause the timer.
  • Fixed Lil Hunter’s sprite when flying after death.
  • Guitar swing now looks heavy.
  • Rad Chests/a certain Scrapyard prop should now be guaranteed.
  • You can no longer unlock Melting by winning.
  • *CLASSIFIED* can no longer get stuck in endless teleports when she kills you.
  • Music for Crown Guardians is back.
  • Flying maggots now don’t count as kills when turning into normal maggots.
  • Hyper Slug now glows.
  • Melting post-death explosions fixed.
  • Crown of Luck and Crown of Risk no longer have their icons swapped.
  • Buff Alligators are back on pre-loop runs.
  • Fixed enemy lightning visuals.
  • Pausing during the Ultra screen in co-op no longer removes the mutation icons.
  • Fixed a Heavy Grenade collision problem.
  • Golden Snowtank corpse is now Golden.


  • Your Crown now flies with you through portals!
  • Mutations are now shown on the game over screen.
  • Various optimizations.
  • Death sequence for the 0-1 boss!
  • Killing the boss in 7-3 makes the Generators inactive again.
  • Various tiny effects and details added.
  • Pickup sound for the Guitar.
  • Elite Grunts now have jetpack flames.
  • Some changes to the cocoons.
  • Enemy missiles are now easier to see.
  • A million new tips!
  • All floor “materials” are now up to date, resulting in more appropriate walking sounds in some of the newer areas.
  • Various new light sources in dark levels.
  • Some tiny audio balancing things.
  • More props at the campfire scene.
  • Your window state (fullscreen or not) is now saved.
  • New splat for the tiny unlock popups.
  • Plasma now slows the game down less.
  • Fixed the sound for underwater mines.
  • The window now has a minimum size of 320×240.
  • The tutorial no longer counts for the stat screen.
  • Timer is now shown on the game over screen when enabled.
  • Crown names are now drawn without brackets.
  • Horror now breaks all rad chests on the level.
  • Some changes to Cuz.
  • Throne carpet looks better.
  • Some tweaks to the character select.
  • Main Menu daily/weekly timer are now shown on hover.
  • Big Dog explosion tweaks.
  • More things explode into flames now.
  • Alligators now also spawn a !!! before firing.
  • Removed the floor tiles spawned by a Crown Portal.
  • Crowns no enter portals.
  • Crown of Haste looks better.
  • Update to the wave gun sound.
  • Frog heal effect.
  • Minor updates to some of the music.
  • Update to Chicken’s ULTRA HUD icons.
  • Sniper and basic enemy bullet art updated.
  • Green Explosion art updated.
  • Update to Proto Portal visuals
  • Update to slash readability.
  • Gamma Guts kill sound.
  • HP pickup sounds! Can’t believe we never had those.
  • Palace prop update.


  • Portal rendering update makes portals look weird, and IDPD ones ugly. Fixing that.