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Magecraft » Update 0.4.3

Hello all!
Thank you so much for all of the feedback and bug reports! We hope you enjoy this round of changes and additions!

New Content

Today we introduce one new spell, and a new character that starts with it.

New Spell: Arcane Slash

Quickly fires high damage slashes in front of you at a short range. A risk/reward spell with insanely high damage output, but requires you to walk towards your enemies to utilize it effectively.

New Character: Spellblade

Very durable and hits hard, but is slow at both moving and casting. Uses Arcane Slash spell type.

Spell Changes

Every spell in the game has been changed, some more than others. The goal of these changes is to increase player engagement by forcing you to play around your cooldowns more, instead of being able to easily spam the screen with projectiles. Every spell that has had it’s cooldown increased has been made stronger to compensate. A side effect of these changes should be some moderate performance improvements as well, since there are fewer projectiles on screen generally.

  • Angle increment degrees per shot from 10 -> 8.
  • Cooldown from 0.2 -> 0.3.
  • Duration from 1.5 -> 2.
  • Cooldown from 1.15 -> 6.5.
  • Damage penalty from 50% -> 30%.
  • Rarity from Rare -> Uncommon.
Chain Lightning
  • Damage from 5 -> 10.
  • Knockback from 0.05 -> 0.
Chaos Blaster
  • Cooldown from 0.1 -> 0.2.
  • Damage from 25 -> 35.
  • Cooldown from 2.5 -> 7.25.
  • Damage from 40 -> 90.
  • Size from 1.75 -> 2.

Reworked. Now fires a burst of low damage and piercing/homing bullets that last for a long time on a high cooldown. Burst is independent of multicast and split shot.

  • Cooldown from 0.08 -> 6.
  • Damage from 8 -> 13.
  • Speed from 6.5 -> 5.
  • Duration from 4 -> 9.

Unlike other spells, Landmine actually gets a cooldown decrease here due to it severely underperforming compared to other spells.

  • Cooldown from 3.5 -> 1.25.
  • Changed visuals to look less like gold.
Laser Cross
  • Cooldown from 1.45 -> 4.2.
  • Pierce from 0 -> 2.
Magic Missile
  • Cooldown from 0.8 -> 2.1.
  • Damage from 50 -> 70.
  • Duration from 2.5 -> 3.
  • Pierce from 1 -> 3.
  • Cooldown from 8 -> 12.2.
  • Damage from 200 -> 275.
  • Duration from 6 -> 9. (nice)
  • Pierces from 13 -> 25.
  • Cooldown from 2.2 -> 21.
  • Damage penalty from 45% -> 40%.
  • Duration from 4 -> 13.5.
  • Speed from 2.5 -> 2.
  • Cooldown from 2 -> 5.75.
  • Pierce from 8 -> infinite.
  • Size from 1.5 -> 2.
Splitting Shard
  • Cooldown from 0.5 -> 0.9.
  • Pierce from 0 -> 1.
X Shot
  • Cooldown from 1.45 -> 3.75.
  • Damage from 80 -> 65.
  • Pierce from 0 -> 3.

Other Changes
  • Rebalanced the health and speed values on a number of enemies
  • Lowered the health on all bosses
  • Bosses now get a damage reduction bonus when damage is dealt to them that consistently goes down over time. This is to help keep bosses alive longer even in godlike runs, forcing the player to actually fight the bosses instead of just insta killing them (no more steamrolling Gravedigger).
  • Multicast damage penalty from 40% -> 20%.
  • Split Shot damage penalty from 60%, 40%, 20% -> 40%, 20%, 0%.
  • Spells that cast a sub-spell while alive now start with that sub-spell on a half duration cooldown.
  • Adjusted descriptions on debuff mods to make them more understandable.
  • Added border change on hover for button.
  • Added photosensitivity warning scene before start menu.
  • UI Tweaks.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed menu sounds not utilizing new audio system.
  • Fixed status effects on spells being overwritten. This was causing a number of issues, including Kindling Spirit and Gravedigger not applying their status effects.
  • Fixed null reference to owner in spell.
  • Fixed Audio Master not playing sound when timescale is 0.
  • Fixed some steam achievements not unlocking with in-game achievements. They will now automatically be unlocked upon starting a run.
  • Fixed doubling audio on Kindling Spirit attacks.
  • Fixed AoE attacks having their hitboxes removed after cycling through the projectile pool. This was causing Explosion to basically not work at all.
  • Fixed margin issue with start menu.
  • Cleaned up Start Menu layout for new character and fixed several minor styling issues.