There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Tiny Rogues » Tiny Rogues: Between Heaven and Hell Announcement
Hello fellow Tiny Rogues!
Once more, it’s been a while. I don’t have many words this time but instead a teaser trailer and an announcement.
The update grew in scope since the last announcement and thus is taking a little longer than estimated. Trust me, it’s going to be worth it.
The update is done growing and the finish line is already in sight, but as I said before I plan to rigorously test and polish this expansion before release.
The final FIXED release date for Tiny Rogues: Between Heaven and Hell is December 22nd 2023.
There will also be an ultimate content reveal and expansion trailer on December 1st that will tell you all about what exactly is new and has been changed in the update’s final state. Expect a PTR (Public Test Realm) to go live at that point.
Keen-eyed readers of the last post might have noticed the last post said “my estimated date is September 23rd“. Well, the time for estimations is over, this is a fixed date and you can count on it. Sorry for not being more clear, I will try to phrase announcement dates and estimations more carefully in the future.
PS: And yes, Tiny Rogues is made in Unity. And no I wasn’t really affected but still, thank god they rolled back those changes.
PPS: Don’t miss the upcoming Steam SHMUP fest, where Tiny Rogues will be discounted by 20%!