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Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Elewar: Fused Survivors » Super sized patch incoming! Release date annoucement

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Elewar: Fused Survivors » Super sized patch incoming! Release date annoucement

Hello everyone, im happy to announce that on 16th December – Elewar: Fused Survivors will be updated with a ridiculous amount of new content!

Here is a small sneakpeak at whats coming:

  • the first 5 spell fusions are done, legendary is no longer the limit! Epic rarity spells enter the game
  • heaven realm is opening up! (careful, its VERY hard)
  • class evolution levels for every win in the new realm!
  • new relics and epic relics?!
  • mythril currency and advanced crafting
  • more than 100 new unlocks
  • 25 new upgrades
  • the devastating and insane 4th realm for all of you who got perfect items crafted to challenge your own limits and sanity
  • TONS of quality of life features
  • as well as lots of new balancing changes

The full patchnotes will be uploaded with the patch on release date!

(And the armor slot will have to wait for further patches 😀 )