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Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Yet Another Zombie Survivors » Public Beta Test – Version 0.4.0

Patch notes are imported from steam. There may be errors. This mostly exists so I can stay on top of them to update the features in our tags and scoring categories (which I do manually), but since many of you liked the idea of staying up to date with all the games in one place I'm working on making this data automated (right now I manually hit it every couple days) with better info and linking in with the game views.

There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Yet Another Zombie Survivors » Public Beta Test – Version 0.4.0

Welcome, Survivor!

We’re releasing the 0.4.0 beta test version to our Public Beta branch here on Steam, and we’d like to invite you to take a look at the changes we’ve made to the game. Feel free to give us your feedback on the state of YAZS and help us iron out any remaining issues before we release it to a standard branch for everyone to enjoy!

IMPORTANT: To reduce any possible confusion and accelerate the implementation of changes, please keep all the discussion related to the test versions to the spaces listed below:

You can also send us your feedback at
adding “0.4.0 BETA” somewhere in the title of your message. Thanks!

How to join the Public Beta Test?

Want to help us out & get an early look at the new version of the game? Awesome!

DISCLAIMER: Before jumping straight in, please understand, that this version of the game might be unstable, create issues when switching between old & new builds of the game, and may generally be less stable, more buggy, and in an overall imperfect state. We will do our best to help you with any issues, but please understand the risks associated with beta testing.

If you understand the potential problems and are willing to take the risk, here’s how you can get in:

How to join:
  1. Open your Steam client, find Yet Another Zombie Survivors on your games list, right-click its name and select the “Properties…” option.
  2. Enter the “Betas” tab, click the “None” drop-down menu on the right, and select the “public-beta” option. You can always return to the default version of the game by selecting “None” again.
  3. If you want to share your feedback about the beta version (thanks in advance!), click the image below to join our Discord server (you’ll need an account for that, but it’ll be worth it, believe me!):
  4. When joined, you will be able to comment the current beta version in the new #yazs-beta forums, which you can join by selecting it from the drop-down list:
  5. And that’s all! If the beta/test version of the game is different from the current one, the Steam will update the game with its changes. You will know that the Beta Branch is active from the “[public-beta]” text to the right of the game’s title in your game’s library.

What should I test in this version?

There are multiple things we’d like you to take a look at and share you’re feedback on them.

Here are some of the things added/changed in this version:

  • New Game Mode – Boss Rush (accessible after completing Hardcore on set map).
  • New Game Mode – One Hit (accessible after completing Boss Rush on set map).
  • Base XP gem value increased from 9 to 10 (blue and red gems scale 5x and 15x of this value).
  • “Skip” function rebuilt into “Lockdown” – you can lock an upgrade to appear 100% next time.
  • Enemy damage tweaked: Scarabs, Boomers, Spitters & Flies damage scale slower over time.
  • 4 level-up choices when playing as a full team of Survivors (instead of always 3).
  • Endless Mode: “Fatigue” debuff added. Reduces the maximum damage taken buffer after 20 minutes (dmgcap = 1000 + 2% per minute, up to 5000 at 100%). Doesn’t affect player combat power or stats.
  • Ghost’s AoE attacks now target more enemies, especially noticeable on large groups of zombies (base damage reduced for balance).
  • 10 new achievements (empty reward slots are by design – we can always fill them in later versions) & improved achievement panel sorting.
  • Alt-tabbing/switching window focus now mutes game audio.
  • Fixes to most reported issues.
  • Minor gameplay balance changes & tweaks.

An extended patchnote with detailed changes will be prepared for the full release of 0.4.0 update, as all the current changes are subject to revision upon your feedback. Please feel free to share all your thoughts with us, thank you!

This beta test is expected to last about 10 days, after which we will release an updated version of the game.

See you very soon!

ㅤStay awesome,
ㅤㅤAwesome Games Studio