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Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate » Patch v1.38 & v1.39: engine update and game fixes

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Shotgun King: The Final Checkmate » Patch v1.38 & v1.39: engine update and game fixes

Hi everyone!

Some quick patch notes for you! Last week we did a sneaky engine update on the game. The engine update fixed a game-launching crash that some people had, but unfortunately it also broke a few things inside the game. So then we quickly made a patch for the first few issues that were reported, and just now we uploaded a second patch that fixes some other issues that remained.

Sorry about all this, the good news is that now the game should be even more stable than it was on v1.37! Here’s the complete changelog for the two patches!

v1.38 changelog:

  • [ENGINE] Engine update
  • [FIX] Fixed wrong arrow sprites shown around the Black King.
  • [FIX] Fixed a random softlock with unjust decree + sawed-off justice.
  • [SAVE] Added basic backup system for saves, so that the game can recover on its own if your save is corrupt for whatever reason.

v1.39 changelog:

  • [FIX] Fixed a crash that happened when getting pushed back onto a pentagram or an undercover mission tile with Sawed-off Justice.
  • [FIX] It’s no longer possible to get back onto the last of three pentagrams before they’re done resetting.
  • [FIX] Fixed pawn souls not increasing damage with Cannon Fodder.
  • [FIX] Folly shields will now properly activate in case of an unsafe point-blank kill or blade kill. (still won’t save you from discovered checks though)
  • [FIX] Cannonballs can no longer spawn on the same tile.

That’s it for now! We hear you about bringing controller support and the console version’s tutorial to PC, we’re working on it!

Have a great weekend, long live the shotgun king!
-PUNKCAKE Délicieux 🥞