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Keeper's Toll » Patch v0.6.27 is Live!

Hi Everyone, the latest patch build addresses some balancing issues and bug fixes.

PATCH (0.6.27):
– Sporelord Rotwood: Increased utility healing shroom respawn timer from 20 seconds to 25 seconds

– Sporelord Rotwood: Utility shrooms are now spawned closer to the sporelord

– Sporelord Rotwood: Increased the utility slow shroom respawn timer by 30%

– Sporelord Rotwood: Healing Shrooms require less distance to teleport to the sporelord

– Sporelord Rotwood: Increased attack cooldown from 5 to 6 seconds

– Sporelord Rotwood: Reduced total HP by 10%

– Sporelord Rotwood: Healing shrooms now flash to improve visibility

– Sporelord Rotwood: Dash punch move is now less aggressive, covers less distance and is more optimized

– Sporelord Rotwood: decreased the max amount Rotwood can heal during the charge state by 5%

– Chancellor Autlaic: Will no longer slide while attacking

– Refactored all logic related to Sporelord Rotwood

– Ranger: Reduced the distance firebombs will fly out while in kiting mode

– UI: Press Start text now properly loads the correct Font, when accounting for Localization

– Improved controller detection via Native Input

– Bug Fix: Merchant Item: Glass Heart now properly applies HP based on total current HP, not the default class stat

– Merchant Item: Glass Heart – reduced HP gain from 25% to 20%

– Fixed a rare bug related to event tracking in the AI health logic which could prevent enemy outlines from toggling on/off

We’ll have some more news sometime soon after the New Year! Stay posted for some big announcements. We wish you all Happy Holidays and an amazing end of 2023!

If you have any feedback, requests, or bugs to report, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you.

Stingbot Games