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Skybreakers » Patch-notes version V1.1.2

Version V1.0.7-V1.1.2

New Features:
1. Endless Mode

– Unlocked for each character upon clearing Swamp difficulty (calculated independently for each character).
– Default 3 chances for half-health revival.
– Choose one unlocked weapon at the start at the beginning.
– In-match weapon enhancement interface allows weapon switching.
– Free access to 8 heart technique slots.
– Introduction of new ‘Champion’s Relic’:
– After each boss-level battle, players can choose an ‘Champion’s Relic’.
– ‘Champion’s Relic’ are unified into one category, and their corresponding bonds affect 1/2/4 of the shop.
– Every 3 waves after the 6th wave, a boss battle occurs, leading to an infinite boss challenge at wave 30.
– Bosses gain 2 additional phases during boss battles:
– Purple progress bar reaching maximum triggers Phase 1, ignoring control, reducing skill cooldowns, and increasing damage.
– Red progress bar reaching maximum triggers Phase 2, enhancing movement and attack speed, causing continuous damage around the boss.
– Records the best demon clear count at the end of the battle.

2. Five New Achievements

– Completion of Swamp difficulty with each character (4 achievements in total).
– Completion of Swamp difficulty with all characters.

Optimizations and Adjustments:

1. Character level cap extended to level 50.
2. All non-inherent talent divine abilities now include damage enhancement effects (e.g., Blade damage +200%).
3. “Bonds” unified to “Divine Abilities.”
4. Shop interface includes prompts for activating divine abilities (“X cards needed to activate the next bonds effect”).
5. Character selection interface includes a video playback button next to divine abilities, allowing players to view explanation videos.
6. Revive count prompt added to the right side of the health bar; each heart represents the remaining revival count.
7. Optimization of displayed attributes in the pause menu.

Balance Adjustments:

1. Militarism “Vigor” and “Vitality” attack speed increase effect raised from 20% to 30%.
2. Mohism “Fate” adjusted to: Every 100 combos, critical hit rate +30%, lasts 5 seconds (cooldown 8 seconds).
3. Nangong Wen’s ultimate skill “Unbound Aqua” damage increased by 25%.
Bug Fixes:
1. In the shop interface, if all bounds are full and the prompt to forget a heart technique appears, using a controller to choose cancel instead of using the back button directly can cause a small bug where the controller can not select any content, requiring the mouse to reactivate the cursor.
2. Added a button to view the awakened core abilities in the character selection interface.
3. Fixed an issue where some players experienced crashes when playing tutorial videos.
4. Fixed an issue where, when forgetting heart techniques, if more than 5 were purchased, they wouldn’t display.
5. Fixed some text inconsistencies between simplified and traditional Chinese.
6. Fixed a bug in the School of Medicine Bond “Resilience,” where the ultimate skill’s damage reduction calculation was abnormal.
7. Fixd boss display abnormality issue