There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Kill The Crows » Patch Notes for v1.1.0 – Controller & Language Support!
Howdy, gunslingers!
v.1.1.0 is now available on Steam.
Here’s patch note.
- Controller Support: Now available for a smoother gaming experience. (finally!)
- Expanded Language Support: We’ve added additional language options to enhance global accessibility:
- 日本語
- Deutsch
- Português
- Türkçe
- Polski
- 简体中文
- 繁體中文
- Español
- Русски
- Fixed an audio issue related to the Leather bandolier.
- Fixed an issue that keybinds would occasionally reset.
- Fixed a discrepancy where the bullet trajectory did not align with the mouse cursor.
- CI sound is now controlled by master volume.
- Royal Gunsmith’s Custom: Alt-fire cooldown decreased (10s -> 7.5s)
- Pocket Cannon: Bullet penetration increased; can now pierce up to 3 enemies (2 -> 3)
- Cursed Gaze: Maximum target number reduced (6 -> 5)
- Some sound still occasionally cuts out.
- Royal Gunsmith’s Custom sometimes has a problem where normal bullets go out when the alt-fire button is pressed.
We’re also really happy to finally provide controller support and additional language support to all of you. Since the launch, there have been numerous requests of community for controller support, but due to technical difficulties, the implementation was slightly delayed.
Also, Kill The Crows is now playable on Steam Deck. While it hasn’t received official verified mark, the majority of its features are accessible due to the newly added controller support.
We hope you enjoy it, and please leave feedback about this patch or the game in general.
Oh, and we’d like to give you a sneak peek at the next major update we are currently testing.
Look forward to the next update
While we’re working on improving Kill the Crows, enjoy the game, and stay healthy.
Thank you.
++) Oops! Totally slipped my mind to show the controller layout in-game. So sorry about that! I’ll jot it down here for now, but you’ll be able to see it in-game in a future update. Also, I’d really appreciate any feedback on this layout. Thanks!
Move: Left Stick
Aim: Right Stick
Dodge: A
Fire: Right Trigger
Alt-Fire: Right Button
Showdown: Left Trigger