There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Across the Void » Patch 1.1 – The Dungeons
- New Map – The Dungeons
This Map requires the player to get keys to open doors so they can reach the end. You’ll have to clear the dungeon every other Map until all bosses are taken down and you reach Endless.
- New Boss – The Keeper
Boss waits at the end of The Dungeons. Will reward players with new skills and sometimes even gear upon defeat.
- 20 New Skills
The new skills can only be obtained by defeating The Keeper. Dive in and experiment with all them.
- Two New Enemies
The Ghoul – Can only spawn from Area Spawners in The Dungeons and from Corpse Raiser’ projectiles.
Area Spawner – This is unique in that it doesn’t do anything but summon enemies whenever the player is near. It can summon any normal enemy including The Ghoul and Slime bombs.
- Keys and Doors!
The player can now collect keys and use them to unlock doors inside of The Dungeons. Keys will be kept until death, so it may be beneficial to collect them early on.
- Dialogue!
It’s not much but The Smith will now talk to you when you first start a new game, after each major boss kill(Slime Lord, Orcus and Corpse Raiser), before you fight him and after you defeat him.
- Reduced movement speed from 450 to 400.
- Reduced movement speed bonus from Swiftfoot from 50 per level to 25 per level.
- Changed Orcus’ three hit combo to send out a wave at the end.
- Slime Lord will now gain the ability to mass toss under 50% HP instead of just doing one mass toss at 50% HP.
- Corpse Raiser will now spawn either ghouls or chargers from his projectiles. Decided randomly each attack.
- Added ability to changed Auto Loot and Auto Dismantle settings from inside the inventory. This should help when shopping and you don’t want to dismantle what you buy. You don’t have to leave the shop to change it now, just simply open the inventory and uncheck it.
- Changed stamina and mana display values to no longer display decimals.
- Reduced damage numbers size by roughly 50%~. These changes are reflected in the trailer and I will change them back depending on feedback.
- Players can now open big chests by attacking them.
- Time until tier increases changed from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.
- Enemies will now gain additional stats depending on overall time as well as tier increases.
- Enemies can now be knocked off maps wherever there is a hole. You can’t know them off the outer edges.
- Zooming in or out of the minimap will no longer changes the cameras zoom as well.
- Crates now have a minimap icon to help the player find them. Crates will also destroy themselves once the player has completed the side objective.
- Changed autocasting to better handle auto attacks. (Fireballing, Basic Swinging and Acid Lobbing)
There may be more I changed and added but I honestly forgot.