There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.
Osmos » Latest Osmos Update, 1.5.8
Dear Motes,
You may notice we’ve made a small update to Osmos. You can see the notes if you right click on Osmos in your games list.
Here are some additional details:
1. You can now play Osmos mouse-only. (Particularly nice if you play with a wireless mouse on your couch, with your PC hooked up to your TV. To bring up the menu from in-game, click on the player mote. To skip past text (where you would normally hit space), double right-click. That’s it!
2. When clicking on a zone button, you will be taken to the last level that you have not yet completed. (Better default behaviour, especially for those who don’t notice the level buttons)
3. Osmos now chooses the OpenAL software device by default. It supports everything the game uses, and avoids problems with some hardware.