Patch Notes Archive

Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Striving for Light: Survival » Hotfix

Patch notes are imported from steam. There may be errors. This mostly exists so I can stay on top of them to update the features in our tags and scoring categories (which I do manually), but since many of you liked the idea of staying up to date with all the games in one place I'm working on making this data automated (right now I manually hit it every couple days) with better info and linking in with the game views.

There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Striving for Light: Survival » Hotfix

  • Improved boss spawn order on maps
  • Performance improvements for all companions (v.

  • Fixes a bug that caused a crash when enemies spawned other spawner objects
  • Fixed a bug that caused Burning Projectiles with Ember weapon not unlocking (v.
  • Fixed a bug that might lead to a crash and reduced performance when using grim reaper with a lot of companions (v.
  • Fixed wrong companion damage calculation on companion skill nodes. Companion damage is not stacked by multiple of the same companion skill nodes you will simply gain an additional companion. Companion damage is solely scaled by the empowered companion skill node (v.
  • Fixed no hit /no movement stats not being reset on run reset (v.