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Home » Updates » Patch Notes Feed » Keeper's Toll » Enter Castle Usvit on January 25

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Keeper's Toll » Enter Castle Usvit on January 25

We hope everyone had a great Holiday break and New Years!

Soon, we will be launching our biggest game update since Early Access began. On January 25, players will get to experience the largest content update, filled with dozens of new features and challenges. We are still testing/polishing and preparing for the launch of version 0.7. Lots has changed/been improved and we will share a list of the major changes when the update goes live. Most notably, we have spent an enormous amount of time on a new lighting system and visual upgrades, with great improvements to the game’s ambiance, feel and style. Updated textures, effects such as lights on explosions, screenshakes on slams, and all sorts of finesse has been added. And we’re just getting started!

We created a teaser video showing a little of the next environment and updated visuals of the game.

It’s unlikely we will be pushing any new builds live in version 0.6 of KT, simply because 0.7 is now very different and impossible to maintain consistency. Besides just a new lighting system, there has been over 300+ changes to existing content, from bug fixes, to various stat improvements, to effects changes, and more.

We can’t wait to see you all play the new content when it launches on January 25, and if you are returning to the game, you will notice loads of things have changed, so we hope you take some time to revisit old content as well as enjoy the new content. It’s been quite the adventure getting to this point, and we thank everyone for joining us along for the ride.

Stingbot Games