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Dungeon Souls » Dungeon Souls Development Update

Hey everyone! Some of you are probably wondering why hasn’t there been any recent update to the game (having into account the update frequency). We, the Dungeon Souls team and Lamina Studios team, have something to tell you. We’re currently undergoing some internal changes in the company.

What Is This About?

Due to internal changes that are being made in the company, the development progress of Dungeon Souls has become quite slow (and is expected to keep like this for at least a month or two). As such, no updates will probably occur between the writing of this news and the 1-2 months time frame. We do know that some of you will be upset when reading this (since we have been reading the Steam discussions and emails sent about bugs, suggestions and feedback in general), but we can only apologize for the upcoming small hiatus in updates and ask you for your understanding and patience. We would also like to take this time to appreciate all ongoing support that you’ve shown for the game, as we feel that, no matter how many times we do express it, it is never enough! In all honesty, the player base is what is supporting the development of the game and the addition of new features (if it weren’t for you guys and gals, we doubt we’ve had added any features or updates since 2017), so thank you for the support!

That’s Great And All But What About The Issues And Features Of The Game That Still Need To Be Tackled?

As stated previously, we’ve been paying attention to the feedback you’ve been given, from issues to suggestions. Some of the most worrying aspects are as follows:

  • Items for those players who signed the sign board and helped with the game during its pre-release
  • Modding support fixes and functionalities
  • Controller support (bugs, adaptation to certain OS, removal of “clunky” feeling to the controls)
  • Local co-op (bugs related with local co-op functionality of the game)

In regard to the list above, these issues will be worked on and have not been forgotten. However, their development is currently slower than what would be desirable.

In Sum

We, as a team, decided it would be best to inform you of the small hiatus in updates. We do not have the intetion to say that the game won’t be developed at all with this message. Our goal is simply to inform you, as a player, that the next update will take a long time before it arrives and to hang on and bear with us!

Thank you for your patience and understanding in advance,
From the Dungeon Souls and Lamina Studios team.