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There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Hyperhell » 100+ gun update

I got gunz that make breakfast!

showcase vid here

-New weapon tag system: each weapon now has a chance to spawn as a ‘variant’ version. Current tags include:

  • Overclocked – fires much faster, lower accuracy
  • Heavy – fires way more bullets, but lower fire rate
  • Cold – slower bullet speed, but more bullets/fire rate
  • Legendary – slight increase to all stats

-New encounter: blacksmith
He will apply a variant tag to your current weapon or reroll it if you already have one.

-Mimic encounter rebalance
Mimic chance changed from 10 -> 6 -> 4 -> 2 to 6 -> 3 -> 2
real chests now drop a guaranteed variant gun

-New weapon: charging laser

-Vertical enemy rebalance: the enemies that shoot horizontal/vertical lines were kind of redundant so I combined the two into one enemy which change the direction of the lines based on your position

-8 brand new enemies (they don’t show up until the office/mansion so you might not see them in your first run)

-Particle effects overhaul: gunfights are much messier now.

-Slight folie uzi nerf, slight dj re:code deagle buff

-Cloud saves! I haven’t tested these at all so if they don’t work hit me up on twitter and I’ll patch it lol

-Bugfixes + QOL stuff I forgot to write down anywhere