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Path of Survivors » v0.9.2 – New abilities & Performance Improvements!

v0.9.2 – New abilities & Performance Improvements!

Full game release targeted for January 8th, 2024!

– Added a 1000 max cap on the numbers of abilities that can be active on the screen at any given time in the game. This will stop the game from freezing and crashing with certain builds.
– New Abilities
– Poison Ball – Spawns an ability offscreen and travels from left to right, dealing damage as it passes through enemies and poisoning all of them
– Ice Ball – Spawns an ability offscreen and travels from left to right, dealing damage as it passes through enemies and freezing all of them
– Cataclysm – Spawns a large ability at a random location, dealing damage in its area once vertically
– Blaze – Spawns a large ability at a random location, dealing damage in its area once horizontally

– Beamfire – stays in place instead of moving with caster
– Bolt has been reworked. It now spawns at the bottom of the screen and moves straight up. Damaging all units in its path and shocking all of them
– Meteor has been reworked. It now spawns at the top of the screen and moves straight down. Damaging all units in its path and igniting all of them
– Saw & Flamethrower – properly spaces out when there are multiple instances alive
– Improved random targeting: all random targeting will now choose different enemies each time
– Critical chance is now limited to 90% instead of 100%
– Refactored various performance critical areas of the code base to improve performance in the end game.

– Fixed a bug with Trigger Abilities On Critical Hit that resulted in an infinite loop and crashing the game.
– Fixed poo performance related bugs