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Helldivers » Helldivers celebrating Liberty Day 2016!

Citizens of Super Earth,

Thanks to your bravery in the Galactic Wars we are once again able to wish you a magnificent Liberty Day!
In celebration of this historical anniversary we are giving away free equipment to all Helldivers. There are also some competitions and other events happening on the Arrowhead Website where you can win both in game and real life prizes.
Visit the page here

New Liberty Day equipment

To celebrate Liberty Day all players will receive the new rifle M2016 ‘Constitution’ and the Liberty cape.

The M2016 ‘CONSTITUTION’ is a reproduction of the old M1903 service rifle used in ancient times. It is fairly ineffective in combat but is used within the Super Earth Armed Forces as a ceremonial rifle. Every citizen is issued one once they turn 16 to encourage service.
While not recommended to bring into the field, it is certainly possible to use for the very skilled or the very brave.

The LIBERTY CAPE is given to every Helldiver so they will be able to celebrate the big day in style, while also showing their dedication to protecting the precious Liberty we enjoy today.

In addition to the new Liberty Day gear there are two more capes which have been added to the game – the Community Cape and the Developer Cape.

The COMMUNITY CAPE is given as a reward to outstanding individuals who have participated in – or helped out – the Helldivers community in various ways. Whether that be assistance in solving bugs, guiding new recruits, winning competitions or actively participating and engaging in forum discussions, these individuals can be distinguished from other recruits.

The DEVELOPER CAPE allows you to recognize members of the developer or publisher teams amidst the chaos of battle. (Shooting or badgering developers will not earn you any rewards, rather the opposite. We just wish to enjoy spreading democracy side by side!)

Livestream and Reddit AMA

Tonight between 18:00 and 20:00 CEST we will be playing Helldivers with the community so come and join in! The event will be livestreamed on Arrowhead’s Twitch channel and all information about how to participate is available there.

Helldivers Game Designer and Producer, Patrik Lasota, will also be taking part in a Reddit AMA over in the Helldivers subreddit. Make sure to stop by and say hi. The AMA thread will be stickied at the top of the page.