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There will be more data and proper atribution here (original author, steam link, original post date, etc) real soon, I promise. This is just like a technical test to see if they're coming in ok at all.

Beat Invaders » Patch 2.2.3

Hey everyone!

I just uploaded a new patch!

2.2.3 is mostly a bug fixing and balancing patch, but it also has some new things for you!
Thanks again to Hugo from the community for a lot of feedback for this patch and the rest of the community for reporting bugs and problems.

Patch Notes
Balancing was reworked
  • All ship classes have adjusted damage output values and should now be competetive! I’m still looking for feedback to adjust balancing in the future, shall there be the need for it.
  • Adjusted Hyperbeam damage to wave be useful in higher waves.
  • Adjusted Hunterswarm missiles to be useful in all wave counts and have high enough damage to cause chain reactions again.
  • Meteoroid health was adjusted to match the new damage output.

  • Coins now come at different colors representing different values. (Gold = 1, Green = 3, Purple = 10)
  • Pods: Double Up now changes the appearance of your pods.
  • Added a “boost” effect before starting a new wave.
  • Added different sound effects for each ship class on the ship select screen.
  • Added a new button for “Details” in the Upgrade Screen, now it will be finally usable on a gamepad.
  • Changed how a lot of stats are displayed in the detail view (e.g. Ship Speed is now also an absolute value, not just a percentage change)
  • Reworked how the Magnet powerup works, it now has a much stronger pull on tokens, but it also can “lose” grip on tokens if they leave the magnet area.
  • Railgun Ship class has received an impact effect on Meteroids, making it finally possible to move Meteroids with the Railgun Ship.
  • Pulse Blaster: Charge Boost is now Epic rarity
  • Spreadshot Ship Class: Main weapon now acts much more like a shotgun and has a increased bullet count by default.
  • Certain Graphic Options that had no effect on the Steam Deck are now not displayed anymore when playing on the Steam Deck.

Fixed Bugs
  • Destroyed Freighters are now not displayed anymore after continuing a run.
  • Run savegames do now properly get deleted on the Steam Deck.
  • Some of the new achievements weren’t properly awarded, now they work!
  • And a LOT more bugs…

I hope you have fun with the new Patch!