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Lawbringer » Patch 1.0.3 Is Live

Hi awesome people! The patch 1.0.3 brings some much-needed changes to the game’s difficulty, especially for new players:


– Timer/Favor no longer kills the player when it reaches zero by default. Favor is still the primary scoring stat of the game and slowly diminishes over time – and is gained by killing enemies. Losing it can now only hurt your pride.
Deadly Timer kicks in automatically once the player have reached Round 10, but it can be turned off completely in the Settings menu.
– Starting Favor increased to 30.

Dev Note: We got a lot of feedback regarding the punishing timer mechanic. While the instant death was meant to promote a more aggressive play, it impacted new players in the negative way – punishing them for taking time to learn the game and enemy behavior patterns. We decided to keep it as an optional rule for more challenging and hectic runs.

– Enemies get progressively more challenging after Round 13.
– Increased Wraith damage.
– Reduced Stamina cost for Heavy Attack.


– Fixed an issue where dying from traps would show incorrect stats on the death screen. We want traps to ruin your runs, not your stats.
– Fixed an issue where players would accidentally start their first run from the welcome tutorial screen and bypass the initial training.


– Added new tutorial screens in line with the new mechanic changes.